I Am In Marvel

Chapter 443

Rising and maintaining at an altitude of five kilometers, the helicopter carrier finally returned to normal navigation.

After the baptism of the previous fierce battle, the helicopter carrier left a messy trace of the outer surface of the casing or the cabin with the body.

The outer casing and deck of the aircraft carrier were ruptured in many places, and there were extremely serious gaps. In order to ensure that there were no more accidents, the staff could only use the iron plates for emergency and repair the holes. It’s like patching up a few prominent rag patches on a brand new gorgeous outfit.

The third engine vortex also smothered the black smoke and made a “beep” noise.

Helicopter inside the aircraft.

The staff has begun to clear the passages and cabins, take the bodies and the wounded away, and put the instruments and tables and chairs back together. It’s just that many people still have embarrassed eyes and expressionless expressions. It’s obviously not reflected in the recent raids.

The scene can only be described in two words – fierce!

It is too fierce.

Inside the main driving hall.

Under the organization of Director Fury and Hilter, some of the staff members were reorganized into driving teams to perform undifferentiated monitoring of the damaged helicopter carriers and to count the casualties and losses caused by the attacks.

Captain America, Black Widow Natasha, Hawkeye Barton, three people sitting on a step in the hall, looking at the site after the war.

“This game, we lost.” Steve’s hands lowered his chin, his handsome young face was dignified, and sighed: “The loss is very thorough. Sure enough, you can’t look down on the Star God domain from outside. Loki is a very difficult guy.”

Natasha said with emotion: “Captain, is it better for the previous war? There is no intriguing spy lurking, no aliens with innate talent, and no magic hammer flying around.”

“It’s hard to say.” Steve shook his head and said: “This time I am too big. I used to rely on the person behind me and follow his silhouette. Now I can only step on my own steps. “”

Natasha lowered her head and whispered: “Me too!”

Always behind the person, the body and mind will inevitably relax, and will never be a hero.

Secretary Fury came from afar and blinked at Steve, who was still immersed in failure. Indifferently said: “In the previous raid, SHIELD died of 26 agents, and there were countless injuries. Among them. Agent Lucerne did not have time to give first aid and sacrificed.”

“He is dead.” The voice of Director Fury became very heavy.

Agent Lucerne.

Assisting Fury to create one of the Avengers’ veteran agents, as long as they are members of the Avengers, it is estimated that no one knows him.

“Damn!” Bart blamed himself, slamming his fist on the floor.

Steve is silent and doesn’t know what to say.

“That Caesar Young Master, is he okay?” Natasha asked.

Fury nodded, said: “Caesar is fine. Just in a coma, in the previous battle, he has exceeded his physical limit and can no longer participate in the next battle.”

“People are fine.” Natasha bowed his head. In the past, they were not doing anything to help.

Director Fury looked at the silent Steve three, suddenly took a deep breath and shouted loudly: “You three, but the top agents and super soldiers on Earth, will not give up when you encounter this setback? Forgot, who are you!”

Steve three are all trembled.

“Of course not forgetting, we are… the Avengers!”

Steve clenched his fists and slowly stood up from the steps. At the same time, Natasha and Barton followed up and stood beside Captain.

“This is the right thing.” Director Fury showed a gratifying color, with a dark and serious face: “Don’t think about retreating, even if you are a brace oneself, give me a top! How else can you afford the sacrifice of those agents?!”

“Indeed, no one can sacrifice any more.” Natasha agreed with the dagger.

Bart coldly said: “I will shoot my arrow on the head of the bastard.”

“That now…”

What the Secretary Fury just wanted to say, the door of the driving hall suddenly opened.

Saul, wearing a red cloak and wearing a silver armor, kept licking his messy blond hair, walked into the main driving hall, and glanced at the crowd and shouted: “Hey, is anyone seeing my hammer?”

“Saul, you can wake up.” Natasha sighed and blinked. “Can you not use summon?”

“That’s just so strange, I can’t call my hammer.” The hand waved down, and Sol rushed in the hall, his eyes sweeping, and he didn’t remember the fact that he was almost killed. In my heart, the God of Thunder hammer is more important than my life.

“I know where your hammer is.” Steve stepped forward and calmly patted Saul’s shoulder. “My shield should be there too.”

“Yes, that’s great. Right, my younger brother Loki?”

Sol first thanked, and then looked around all around, then know the way.

This nerve stripe reflection arc…

The crowd in the hall was silent for a while, and this funny scene just eliminated the accumulated oppression and sorrowful atmosphere.

Steve said solemnly: “Loki has run away. Now it is definitely in the new building of Stark Industrial in downtown New York. He wants to use the nuclear reaction energy there to activate the magic of the universe and open a portal for his alien alien. “”

“It is not too late, we must start right away.”

Natasha slightly finished the leather and took off the dust on her body. Suddenly she asked: “Wait, Eddie? Where have you gone?”

Sam happened to walk into the driving hall to meet with everyone, and replied: “Eddie. He said that the toxins must be retrieved, so I have already taken a step on the fighter plane.”

“Then we also drove the war and immediately rushed to New York City!”

Steve took the lead as Captain America, God of Thunder, Black Widow Natasha, Hawkeye Barton, and Falcon Sam, who followed closely and left the main driving hall.

After five minutes.

A black fighter took off from the helicopter, the wings cut through the clouds, the engine accelerated and roared, and traveled to downtown New York, dozens of kilometers away.

Director Fury stood by the floor-to-ceiling windows in the main driving hall, watching the black fighter disappear at the end of the line, not knowing what to think.

Hilter suddenly came from behind him and said a word close to his ear.

“okay, I get it.”

The head of Fury was majestic and beheaded. He turned and left the driver’s hall alone, through several lengthy passages, and finally into a hidden cabin.

He reached down and pressed the detector next to the door, confirming it with his fingerprint and pupil, and the portal was “squeaky” open.

The director Fury stepped forward and saw the large room with a table in the middle of the room with ten hot dishes.

Caesar was sitting in a chair, hungry, his head almost buried on the table, at the speed of Superman to eliminate the high-nutrient food in the plate.

Director Fury closed the door with his backhand and sat in the chair opposite him. He said, “They have already set off. Everything, as you expected, Caesar.”

“Good, that’s right.”

Caesar bitten a whole piece of beef, chewed it, swallowed it into the belly, and smiled innocently: “War, this is just beginning.”

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