I Am In Marvel

Chapter 435

Kyle Patriarch ?

The expectation on Natasha’s face immediately disappeared, staring at a serious Eddie, not angry: “Are you kidding? Where can I get the man back now?”

“Of course I know, just talk about it.”

Eddie’s helpless shrugged, also felt that he said a very useless words. Everyone knows that if the peace symbol Kyle is here, it will be able to cope with or even completely reverse the current situation.

The problem is that the symbol of peace has left Earth since three years ago and went to the distant unknown Milky Way starry sky. It is impossible to come back safely.

The evil god Loki must have heard this, and he will choose to go alone, with the spiritual staff and the alien army.

When the two are talking.

The lower area is accompanied by a crisp squeaking sound, and the toxin giant’s nose puchi is sprayed with heat, and the steel outer wall that hinders the front will be torn into pieces, and the monster head with a sharp and fangs will be revealed. The narrow long squats are lifted up, and the vertical pupils reflect the silhouette of Eddie and Natasha.

Eddie and Natasha suddenly formed the same sculpture, standing still in motion.

Eddie’s face was pale, and Natasha, who was next to her eyes, hinted at the low voice: “I count ’32’ and go to the ‘one’ and turn and run.”

“it is good.”

Natasha’s forehead was cold and sweaty, and the dark red hair stuck to the beautiful face, and the body was extremely tense and tense. There, Eddie directly called “one”, and the two seemed to have practiced countless times. They turned and slid in one go, and fled to the passage area behind them.

The toxin giant slammed for a moment, then angered and snorted, pulling the side-weight cylinders up. The dozens of tons of items were like toys. They lifted high and slammed against the upper passage area. Hey, past.

Although there is no turning back, Natasha in the running is still complexion changed, and the emergency response is extremely fast, and Eddie is pressed to the ground.

The next moment, the steel pipe humming from the top of the head and passing at high speed, squatting at the entrance of the front, the steel pipe with a radius of three meters just sealed off the retreat.

At the same time, the two black-line tentacles were like bullets, and they hit the backs of the two.

Natasha’s eyes were fast, her hands slammed Eddie, and she rolled back and forth, causing the tentacles to fall into the floor.

Eddie and Natasha took advantage of this opportunity, hurriedly climbed up from the ground, the back against the blocked passage, holding their breath and watching the toxin giant who pulled the tentacle back.

The toxin giant’s eyes are filled with cold light, and the cavities flow down the mucus, completely looking at the expression of the weak prey.

“This is finished.” Eddie smiled again and again.

Natasha was silent, suddenly stepped forward, and her hands were stopped, with a persuasive meaning: “Banna, remembering his own nature. Don’t be overwhelmed by anger and slaughter, that’s you. The body – your body, you must be your own!”

The toxin giant stared at Natasha. After a few seconds, he grinned and snorted, and he said, “It’s a pity. Now this body is under my control.”

“This familiar tone…” Eddie asked, screaming, and asked with a deep surprise. “Toxin, is that you?”

“I am not familiar with you.” The toxin giant squinted at Eddie.

The smile on Eddie’s face froze, and the right hand grabbed his chest. He was hurt: “This is a bit too much, but you have lived for a few years.”

“You are too weak as a host, and there is no gain for my strength. Now, I feel that I am full of strength.”

The toxin giant slammed the dark fist and said to himself: “With such power, you can beat the man…”

The words have not been finished yet. A silver hammer flies at high speed and slams into the back of the toxin giant. Eddie and Natasha evade in time, and the toxin giant directly smashes through the blocked passage, continuously rolling and slamming into the helicopter. Another underground area.

The hammer quickly returned according to the original trajectory. In the rear passage, I saw a blond man wearing a silver cloaked red cloak. The domineering stepped out and the God of Thunder hammer was re-held in the right hand. The audience.

“The man you said, is it me?”

“God of Thunder Sol…”

Seeing the arrivals, Natasha and Eddie both showed surprise colors. In this helicopter, to say who has the power to block the toxin giant, the God of Thunder from the domain is definitely the first deserved.

“Loki, the guy ran away. Then, this is handed over to…”

Sol looked toward towards Eddie, very hard.

It’s just that he hasn’t finished it yet. With a violent tremor of the aircraft carrier and a horrible scene like a serial explosion, a huge black shadow flies past the severe ten meters distance with the afterimage, and it’s approaching Sol in the blink of an eye. In front of you.

fast! It is too fast!

Saul’s horrified eyes widened and reflected in the scorpion’s dark, strong chest of toxin giants, and a palm that was enough to wrap the body.

Almost in the starry sky for many years of reflective God-level reaction, Sol could wave forward the right hand, but the God of Thunder hammer with a little electric light was quickly held by the dark giant hand with the hammer in his hand.

Sol’s face changed dramatically and could not be pulled out. The other side not only broke the speed, but the strength far exceeded his expectations!

“Electricity!” Saul’s electric eye shot, holding the God of Thunder hammer tightly, the body like incarnation is the core of the Thunder, the whole body is splattered and slammed with lightning.

Thunderbolt passed through Sol’s right hand and God of Thunder hammer, and the cockroach poured into the toxin giant. The toxin giant grinned, the muscles were only slightly slow due to thunder and paralysis, and the palm did not loosen Sol’s right hand. Instead, a little bit of his entire person was lifted off the ground.

“Is the ant in the district, nicknamed the god?”

The toxin giant snorted and used Sol as a hammer, turning it in the air, driving the wind and screaming, then slammed down on the floor.

‘咔擦! ‘

As if the sound of the bone cracked, the aircraft carrier was slightly vibrating, and the flat floor of the steel texture immediately sagged down a human silhouette!

The toxin giant returned this week, picking up the Sol chicken, slamming it back and forth on the floor, and the protoss’ red blood splashed around until the electric light that was entangled on it was completely dimmed.

“It’s too cruel.” Natasha couldn’t bear to look straight. “This way, he will die.”

Eddie gnashing one’s teeth said: “But we have no way, it’s a finger, we can’t get it.”

‘bang! ‘

In the end, Sol was thrown on the uneven ground, and the toxin giant looked down at him indifferently. At this time, Sol was no longer a few seconds ago, the God of Thunder was invincible.

I saw that Sol’s eyes were gray and bleak. I suspected that the life was soft and the ground, the blonde was messy and covered with thick blood. The silver armor was covered with cracks, and the scars were shocking.

Decide the outcome, only in a blink of an eye.

Can’t say that God of Thunder is too weak, can only say that he is slightly careless, plus the toxin giant is too strong in the melee field!

Strong enough to represent the ceiling of this Galaxy universe!

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