I Am In Marvel

Chapter 425

At that time, Kyle entire group, still do not know how many light years beyond the space universe.

At this time, Earth, New York, SHIELD headquarters building.

In the near-top Aegis conference room, the floor-to-ceiling windows are put into the afternoon sun. In the bright and wide conference hall, there is a large round table seat with scattered people of different ages and genders.

Sitting at the top of the round table is a black windbreaker and a one-eyed Nick Fury. His hands are against his chin, his dark face is cold and slightly ugly. As the female agent of his left right hand, Hill, standing right by his seat.

Most of the other seats have empty seats in twos and threes.

Captain America, a consistent blue-striped tight-fitting combat suit, sits on the left side of the round table. The seat on the left hand is the Falcon Sam Wilson carrying mechanical instruments, and the right hand is next to the bright red short hair. Black Widow Natasha Romanov.

As for the right column of the conference round table…

Kyle is a superhuman avatar of humanity, God’s Son Caesar Carl, who looks like a four or five-year-old child. He used the seat as a lie of the small bed, and only slightly explored the tabletop, sucking the lollipop to absorb the sugar energy, and muttering softly, “Is there soda?”

“Young Master, seriously, no, now it’s a major meeting about Earth peace.” Eddie Bullock, the bodyguard on the left seat, coughed, screaming at him, wearing a black suit that was not fit. The uniform, the seriousness of sitting in danger, is a bit funny.

On the right side of Caesar, there was a messy Dr. Benner, who was stunned by the crowd, and said weakly: “In this case, I feel that I still continue to recuperate. Ok, lest I with the body of the Hulk out of the mess.”

The three men in the row on the left side of the round table, at first glance, are the special agents. Like the director, Fury, they are all tight-fitting at the moment, and they are nervous expressions like a big enemy.

On the right side, the three Caesars are more like the role of the conference.

Few people know that the right side of the round table is the real high-end combat power left in Earth.

“Come on the bottle of Coke.” Fury whispered behind him, and Hillo was helplessly nodded, and then withdrew from the conference hall.

“Fury. I still can’t believe that Agent Barton has suddenly rebelled.”

Natasha raised the beautiful eyes, and the brown-colored scorpion stared at Fury.

“I can’t believe it, but this is the truth.” Fury shrugged, said solemnly: “Only half an hour ago, the man with a double-horned golden eagle, calling himself Loki, said he came from the Divine domain and then snatched away. The Aesthes underground base has been kept in the universe of the Tesseract.”

“At the time, the director was at the scene. When our agents were ready to fight back, Agent Hawkeye suddenly pulled the arrow, fired at the Aegis security personnel, and assisted the gods with the staff, and escaped the underground base with the cosmos the Tesseract.” Agent went back to the hall, then Fury’s words were finished, and a bottle of iced cola was placed at the Caesar table.

“Thank you.” Caesar was not afraid of freezing, and the small hand held the iced cola, holding the lid open, and when he heard the name Loki, the jewel-like blue enamel flashed a glimpse.

It turned out that it was the younger brother of a god.

Fury beheaded, majestic said: “Yes. No matter whether it is forced to be private or controlled by others, it is not known, but it is still necessary to carry him through the city.”

“Okay.” Natasha frowned, slightly unconcerned and worried. She and Barton were close friends, and naturally did not believe that the other would be rebellious, not to mention the object of allegiance to the alien gods.

“That is, our New York City, is there a so-called god?”

Steve’s tone was rather weird. He didn’t expect it to freeze 70 years. The outside world changed, and there were also characters like gods in mythology.

“It is God, it is only a long time to live, and there are some aliens who have different innate talents. A few years ago, there was also a god who came to Earth and then went back with a hammer.”

Fury said here, paused a bit, seems to think of something, inexplicable: “I have known many years ago, we humans are not alone, there are many alien races and civilizations in the universe. And Kyle when returning to Earth I have also said that one day, we will face the aliens and even fight against them to seize resources.”

“Maybe, that day is now!”

Fury glanced at the people on the round table and drankly: “This is what the Avengers created.”

The real first battle of the Avengers will inevitably make the heroes on the field tide.


‘Tonne tons tons…’

The strange and strange sound made the people in the hall stiff and looked at Caesar. I saw him holding the bottle in his hands, leaning his head, pouring a cola into his mouth.

Caesar’s little belly is like a bottomless pit. No matter how much the sea drinks, the lower abdomen has no signs of a slight bulging.

“Young Master, pay attention to the occasion.” Eddie took a picture of his own brain, silent for a while.

Until Caesar finished drinking, he threw the cola bottle away, touched his stomach, and suddenly the body floated from the chair. He said: “Is this thing right? OK, I am going to Loki now, beat him to stop, by the way. The Tesseract of the universe is coming back.”

“Eddie, let’s go.” Caesar did not forget to hook his fingers at Eddie, Eddie lightly sighed then said, got up from his seat and extended his left hand toward Caesar.

Caesar grabbed two of his fingers and pulled Eddie, who was three or four times bigger than himself, and flew directly from the floor-to-ceiling windows from the top floor hall of the high hundred meters. Under accelerated flight, the two quickly left the public’s field of vision.

In the conference hall of the original Aegis, due to the strong winds in the sky, the remaining few people were silent in the wind.

“It’s really like Kyle’s style.” Steve smiled.

“Captain, you still laughed at it.” Sam stared at him with a squint, bitterly saying: “Let the violent gods mess up, things may be more serious.”

“Reassured, Young Master is still measured, not to mention Eddie is next to him.” Natasha comforted.

“If … Eddie and his within the body of the symbiosis also followed.”

Sam uttered a question that made it impossible for people on the field to answer.

Dr. Banner raised his hand and asked weakly: “Would you like to persuade?”

Fury: “…”

“When it’s over, New York is going to suffer, this is a real monster fight.” Sam’s neck is miniature, feeling the faint cold behind.

Steve stood up and held his hands on the table and said, “Okay, we can’t stand by. Now set off, the goal is to arrest the agents of the gods Loki and Hawkeye!”

“There is also the universe of the Tesseract, don’t forget.” Fury added a sentence, and then directed to the hill behind him to give instructions: “In case, just start that.”

“Yes.” Hill immediately understood what Fury had pointed out, dignified and nodded.

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