I Am In Marvel

Chapter 423

Igo planet, the underground fault space under a thousand miles.

Under the anger of Igo, the whole planet began to gather energy to the core, so that this area is like the center of the storm, and dozens of energy flows raging in it. “You, one can’t escape!”

In the interior of the storm eye.

The combination of Weiss and the interstellar fighter is transformed into a super-large deformation Vajra mode, which is bombarded with a hard-resisting energy flow. Quill left the cabin and used the power of the awakened god to pull off the energy of the planet. He also uses his own mental ability to grasp a transmission pipeline, suggesting that a structural incarnation falls into a deep sleep. Lucy and Brave rely on their own ice and control arrows to give energy to one after another to cut off the obstacle.

Despite this, Lucy and the others were still retreating, and soon they almost collapsed back to back, and the surrounding visuals were all turned into the oceans that were overwhelmed by the energy tide.

“This is the end!”

Endless energy flow, merged into the face of Igor, Zhang developed a big mouth, it is necessary to blast out the energy artillery group, but at this moment, the face of the face suddenly changed dramatically, and the energy flow into the entity began to go out. Broken.

“How is this possible… no, don’t!”

Igo whispered to himself, and then screamed in horror, staring at the empty eyes, staring at Quill in front of him.

Quill also bowed his head, looked towards his own hands, the power of the gods wrapped around the palms, and the rays of light began to fade. His strength inheritance from Igo, when Igo will die, he will also lose the power of the gods.

Quill took a deep breath and lifted it, said coldy: “The end is you, Igo.”

“You made me, I die, you will be mortal forever!”

If Igo’s resentment has not been finished, the structure will be completely broken into fog, and at the same time, the vibration of the ground will become more intense, and the rock formations on the top of the head will begin to be cracked and crumbling.

The center is destroyed and the planet will go extinct.

“How good a mortal is. Also, I have found my family.” Quill whispered, glanced at the bravery of the expression on the side.

“It seems that the boss has succeeded in succeeding.” Weiss stood beside the crowd, with a huge steel body, blocking the rock blocks that fell down.

In accordance with its words, a human-type glare flew out of the metal mountain, and the hovering of the hurricane was in front of everyone. With the strong rays of light concealed, the Kyle silhouette wearing the interstellar aerospace uniform appeared.

“Kyle!” Lucy screamed in surprise, kneeling on Kyle’s shoulder, and trembled with a cold lovable body, excitedly said: “Rogan, he is still alive and alive, now in the cabin.”

“Yes. I know, he is a lone wolf that is almost immortal, and it will be so easy to die on this planet.”

Kyle is pleased with the nodded, sighing, and glanced at the other people on the field. “We will quickly leave this plane. This planet will be completely destroyed and disappeared.”

Quill and Yongdu looked at each other and said: “Good!”

Ves was converted from the modified Vajra back to the original fighter plane, kneeling on the ground, and the door was automatically opened, allowing Lucy and the others to enter the cabin directly.

“You will rest in peace, master.”

Waiting for other people to go on the fighters one after another, sorrowful face, sadness, and finally look at the dead metal mountain, so that it is a farewell, they will follow the Lucy who waved at her.

When everyone enters the cabin, the interstellar fighter is ignited, moved toward the crack in the formation, dozens of scarlet lasers are in front, rotary cutting the underground passage, and the ground surface is detached at full speed.

After five minutes.

An imposing orange-blue interstellar fighter, leaving from the skull-like red-red planet, interstellar jumping to other galaxies, just after leaving, the planet Igo was turned into a void in the universe in a series of explosions.

Inside the aircraft cabin.

Kyle lifted the double star form, the breathing has changed from rush to uniform, but the body is still slightly febrile. Lucy held his shoulders in his hands, and the two came to the seat where the stunned Rogan was lying halfway. This long-lost gathering still made them feel awkward.

“Wase, how is his body.”

Kyle looked at Rogan carefully, the face of the vicissitudes of life, the hair of the roots all white, the thin body like the dead wood, and the shocking wounds in the chest.

You know, there is a Vajra wolf with Edman metal in front of you. It can be seen that in the past five years, Rogan has suffered a lot of disasters.

“To understanding.”

The inner wall of the self-defense machine was separated from the inner wall of the warrior. The small robot jumped off the armrest of the Rogan seat and scanned it with a medical laser endoscope. It was concluded that “the body within the body is seriously under-resourced. Most of the factors are in a state of slumber, but there is no danger to life. Just after injecting nutrients, take a good rest and rest for a while.”

“That’s good, this time, you are guarded to take care of him.” Kyle dagger, directly ordered.

“Yes.” Wiss took the lead and jumped onto Rogan’s arm, automatically deforming into an electronic watch, monitoring Rogan’s physical condition at any time.

“He’ll be fine, Kyle.” Lucy whispered in Kyle’s ear.

“Of course he will be fine. Later, he is still my left right hand, fighting for me.”

Kyle smiled lightly and looked at a few people in the cockpit, mainly to Quill Road: “Quel, I have found the person I am looking for. The matter of your visit has completely ended. You are free, but before that, You have to send us back to Beacon.”

Quill was driving the fighter, and he responded with a hearty response: “No problem, on the planet, I promised the brown bear and the Ge magic, and I will send them a ride. Now, we are also heading for the star.”

“That’s good.”

Kyle’s mind is set, so that the soul gems are taken again. This trip to the starry sky is also considered a perfection. The time to return to Earth is close at hand.

Bico star.

At that time, the sun was falling, and the night shrouded the wilderness of the ruins of civilization.

A little starlight illuminates in the dark night sky, and then zooms into a bright disc until it reaches a certain height, only to see that it is a restellar fighter with a light source.

“Strange, it should be this position, the building in the daytime? Is it the wrong place?”

Quill on the main driver’s seat was deeply surprised. He was maneuvering the warplanes to the surface, and the lights shimmered down. Only one piece of civilized garbage and ruins came into view.

“problem occurs.”

Kyle’s face turned cold in an instant, and before the plane landed, it quickly opened the door and took Lucy down and landed, reaching the sunken ground with some black bricks.

Never remember, this is the original day, the original site of Howard’s building.

“Oh my God!”

Manipulating the fighter, Quill casts the light to the distance, and several people who remain in the cabin are not allowed to suck in a breath of cold air.

It was a hundred meters of earthly smoke, apparently after a very cruel battle, everywhere on the ground, smashing the body of a monster wearing steel armor, the dark brown blood stained the ruin land.

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