I Am In Marvel

Chapter 420

All the way down!

Under the blessing of fusion energy, Kyle seems to be turned into a streamer. The soil, roots, stones, and even hard metal minerals under the surface of Igo Planet are all separated from the surrounding, and they are not hindered. The flight is deep.

One kilometer, ten kilometers, twenty kilometers…

It is clearly a life planet that is magnificent and stalwart. At this time, in front of Kyle, it is fragile like a piece of paper.

This is also as it should be by rights. After all, after the fire of God’s power, the energy priority is already in the first place of the universe, not the general energy or material can resist the block.

In the face of this ‘no brain stealing’ type of offensive, as the god of the planet, Igo, my heart finally panicked, had to withdraw the idea from the garden palace, focus on dealing with the powerful enemies that have come to the near.


Kyle clenched his fists in front, and the superman-style flight, after running through a thick layer of ground, was mostly hollow under the depth of 30 kilometers!

Many fluorescing plants are reflected in the field of vision. These roots and vines form a thin tube, which is like the capillaries in which the human is in the body. It is full of vitality and power.

Kyle hovered over this area, as a smart watch for Wiss, a pico Blink green light, softly whispered: “This is the in the body of Deity Race, it’s really… a bit disgusting! There are some radiation and biological signals intertwined here. ”

Kyle hasn’t talked yet, and there is a faint black mist on his body. The fog forms a mouth and nose, and the mouth spits out: “Master, I will go down and investigate.”

“Go.” Kyle was lightly nodded, and the arrogant evil spirits immediately left, blowing in the wind like a wind, disappearing into the shadow of the underground plants.

Pride is more practical than the other six sins. Its temper is cold and arrogant, but it is diligent and bright. Although it is impossible to increase Kyle, as a body without body, it is also good as a detective.

“Master, there is something over there.”

Wisdom is also not to be outdone, giving full play to his radio wave detection level, and pointing to the place not far from the front.

Kyle flew along the way, seeing the corners of the underground fault, covered with moss and green plants, and a pile of white bones from different creatures.

Wiss illuminated the blue light curtain and scanned the bones. He said: “The boss, from these bones, detected a gene similar to this planet, probably the original indigenous people, or … the incarnation of the gods Igo Outspring.”

“I am afraid the latter, with the brutal nature of Igo’s inhumanity, it is estimated that he is not willing to evolve and evolve indigenous creatures. I just did not expect that he is really incarnation into different races, to carry out hybridization, there will be no The descendants who inherit the power of the gods are all killed.”

Kyle shook his head indifferently. This kind of behavior is almost natural, without any emotions that are possessed by creatures.

Igo, who has self-awareness and is also trying to engulf the starry sky, is one hundred times more inhuman than Thanos.

‘di di di ! ‘

Visus suddenly warned, “Boss, there is a huge consciousness and energy complex is approaching here!”

“I have noticed, this is really, Say Cao Cao and Cao Cao will arrive.” Kyle looked sideways and saw the end of the underground fault space, a group of bright and powerful giant energy bombs flying fast here. Come.

The energy bombs swept over the green plants, and the energy that overflowed the ground was still growing. In the blink of an eye, the field of vision was completely covered.

“Competition energy?”

Kyle raised his eyebrows coldly, and did not dodge. The left hand palm opened in front of him. Just after doing this, the energy bomb was completely slammed onto the palm.

The stunned giant energy bombs are stopped, and on the opposite side of it, it is the starlight of Kyle’s bright dazzling starlight, the cosmic energy from the original rock!

‘zi zi zi ……’

Two extreme and horrible energies, one large and one small, are intertwined and intertwined, and only a little spill of power aftershocks, so that the surrounding soil is crushed into powder, and Blink fluorescent green plants become fly ash!

“How can this be!?”

Under the deeper depths of the planet, a giant face constructed with ideas and energy is even more incredulous, and it looks at the human youth who hardly pick up the energy bomb.

To know.

That is not a common combination of energy, but a pure power of the gods, comparable to the infinite power of nature, even the planets must tremble with a single blow. Countless years, there is no creature in the planet Igo, facing this deathing the Heavens and exterminating the Earth-like gods offensive.

How does Igo know that Kyle’s fusion energy is partly derived from one of the six gems that contain the universe’s Profound Truth, and even the new star’s top-of-the-line fighter protection nets can be broken, and Kerry’s supreme wisdom is trying to control but not succeed. !

“Get out of the way!” Kyle snorted, no longer limited to the left palm, even his arms, body, and even hair, all entwined with energy glare.

Double star form!

Only in an instant, the balance of the two energies is broken. Kyle’s left hand is deeply trapped in the energy bomb. As the arms and wrists are twisted, the circular energy cluster is twisted into a twist, and then the balloon that expands to the limit generally bursts. open.

‘weng! ! ! ‘

The white waves of the afterglow of the gods, the moving towards all around, the everything within a radius of a kilometer, are crushed from the inside to the outside.

The singular Kyle of the double-star form, with his arms in front of him, tumbling in the waves of energy waves.

‘call out–‘

Kyle vaguely saw that another group of energy bombs flew toward him, and he didn’t have time to think too much. He swiftly kicked a kick.

The energy bomb can not be kicked, and the energy body is automatically recessed in the middle to form a giant human mouth, which happens to bite Kyle’s left foot.

“Invaders, I want to turn you into this planet fertilizer!” At the same time, a powerful idea that goes straight to Kyle’s voice is roaring.

“God Igo, it’s damn you, you almost took away my important things!”

Kyle’s tone was cold, and he smashed his fists with glare. The punch was accompanied by the light of the scarlet, and he directly smashed the energy body that bit his foot.

“I don’t know you!” Igo was low and angry.

“It doesn’t matter. What’s important is that you are about to die in my hands!”

What strategies, strategies, and means, Kyle can’t take care of it, and too lazy to think too much. It only conforms to the anger and the boiling intent of the blood, and runs the enthusiasm of the fusion energy. It fits the muscles of every inch like steel, and let go of the powerful energy body of the Igo body structure!

At one time, undercurrents under the surface of the earth, centered on the battlefields of Kyle and Igo, as the center of the storm, the shock wave can be transmitted upwards and even dozens of kilometers away.

Under the ground of the garden palace.

Rogan supported the trembled wall, and the cave had begun to collapse and collapse. He was to bury him alive, and a hand suddenly fell on his shoulder.

“Rogan uncle, fast, leave this ghost place with me!”

It was Quel, who returned from the fold. He struggled to make the power of the gods, while supporting the weak Rogan, and opened the way to escape.

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