I Am In Marvel

Chapter 416

When Kyle’s hand was on the ice, the smart watch that Vess deformed also launched a blue X laser to perform a preliminary scan analysis of the iceberg of the size of the 5-Layer building.

Wiss quickly responded to the relevant message, “Master. The texture of this iceberg is not ordinary ice, but it is like ice that has been frozen for thousands of years, but how can such an iceberg be in a high-temperature volcanic crater? As the years melted, the iceberg directly immunized the high temperature corrosion of the melt – which is too strange.”

“Can you detect Lucy’s signs of life?” Kyle spoke, and that’s where he cares.

“This…” Wesley said: “The ice layer is too thick, and the layers are isolated from the laser scan, and the organisms inside the mountain cannot be detected.”

At this moment, with the stunned maid exclaimed, a black mist rushed past, moved towards Kyle, respecting: “Master, maybe I can try.”

Kyle nodded, arrogant immediately vacated, the diameter of the iceberg to the outer layer hit, the spirit is directly penetrated the ice body material, sneaked to the side of the iceberg in the side of Lucy, a few laps up and down, left and right, Arrogant again returned to Kyle.

The arrogant statement: “Master. The human woman inside is absolutely alive, just entering the dormant period. Under the instinct of the defense mechanism, the in the body also faintly radiates the energy of the extremely cold nature. This whole iceberg It should be caused by her body’s emergency response.”

“Ice energy in ice?”

Kyle muttered to himself and then smiled. It seems that not only him, even after Lucy left Earth, he also got some opportunities to enter the path of evolution.

The rich rely on technology and the poor rely on variation.

This sentence also contains another meaning, that is, anyone can become a strong superman, Marvel Universe is such a world full of miracles and magic.

“Master, I need my incarnation to transform the Vajra mode, cut open the iceberg, and rescue Miss Lucy?” Wiss saw the arrogance and grabbed the limelight, and could not help but propose.

“Don’t, just change your Vajra mode, don’t accidentally hurt Lucy.”

Kyle decisively shook his head, arrogantly stepped forward, and took the opportunity to comment: “That is, this way is too barbaric.”

“…” Wiss was speechless for a while, it was a smart mechanical life, the logic of thinking was a rational program system, or the first time someone said it was barbaric.

“Well, you all step back, let me come.”

Kyle waved and said that Wiss immediately deformed back to the small robot, and with the arrogance back, stood with the vagrant star maid, a safe distance of ten meters from the iceberg.

Kyle took a deep breath and ran the Fire System energy from the Protoss gene. The body was suddenly swayed by the faint golden flame, and it was on the left hand palm of the iceberg surface, and it became a hot red iron!

The snail maid, Weiss, arrogance, fear of retreating ten meters, but the original cold and biting air, also began to reverse the trend of hot summer.

‘zi zi zi ! ‘

The millennium ice, which cannot be shaken by the melt, is constantly melted at the speed visible to the naked eye in the hands of Kyle, the incarnation of Vulcan, as if it opened a passage leading to the hillside of the iceberg.

The left hand was extremely hot in front of it, and Kyle melted the ice and began to move forward, stepping deep into the iceberg.

After ten seconds.

Kyle is close to Lucy’s one meter or so. Looking around, Lucy wearing white clothed is like a sleeping beauty sleeping in the hail, slender eyelashes, golden hair, white skin… Everything has been frozen for five years.

“It’s time to wake up, Lucy.” Kyle whispered, the left hand’s control of the Fire System energy, and the last one meter of the ice diaphragm to melt away.

At the moment when the ice melted, Lucy’s vacant body threw itself forward. Kyle converges on the fire, and the open hands happen to hold her into her arms. He buried his face in the golden hair, and the familiar fragrance floated into the nose.

Long time gone…

Kyle smiled and smiled so quietly, holding Lucy, smelling the smell of her body, as if she was willing to stay in this moment forever.

“Uh huh?”

Lucy’s eyelashes trembled, slowly opening the blue beautiful skin, and realized that she was held by a tall man. The instinctive wanted to break free, and the rebellious action stopped at the next moment.

“Kyle, are you…” Lucy’s voice was shaking, and although she did not see the other’s face, the strength and gesture of the hug was the same as that of the long-time memory.

“Not me, who else.” Kyle replied with a chuckle.

Confirmed, Lucy forced him to hold him back, beautiful eyes with faint tears, excitedly choked: “Kyle, the universe is too broad and too dangerous, I am afraid that I will not be able to return to Earth in this life, I am afraid I will never see again. is you.”

“It’s okay, I’m here, everything is fine.” The pacing pat on Lucy’s back, Kyle rarely showed a warm side, facing the slaughter and fighting too much, only in front of the vital lover, He can re-recognize the precious things called emotions.

The two kept in a hug position and met after a short time.

What Lucy suddenly remembered, rushed out of Kyle’s arms, cry out in surprise: “Right, Kyle, how long have I slept in the ice?”

Kyle blinked and said: “As far as I know, it should be five years.”

“Five years?” Lucy was shocked, grabbed the surprised little mouth, and said in a hurry: “Well! Rogan, he was taken away by the god Igo, now it’s been so long, I don’t know him. Is it still safe to live?”

Kyle did not find Rogan in the ice, said solemnly: “Slowly, five years ago, after Howard escaped from the planet, what happened to you and Rogan? And why did you freeze on ice? In, it sank into the karst of the volcanic crater.”

Lucy took a few deep breaths and waited for the emotions to calm down, which was to answer Kyle’s doubts one after another.

original. When Lucy left Earth, she vaguely felt that there was energy in the body, and in order to avoid Howard and Rogan worry, she did not tell them about it.

This potential ice energy, Lucy did not use it a few times, until five years ago fled the planet of the gods, forced to fight with the interception of Igo, this ice energy is fully used. Otherwise, just because of the power of Rogan, even Howard did not have the opportunity to escape from the planet Igo.

But despite the ice energy blessing, Lucy and Rogan are still not rivals of the god Igo. Rogan’s first coma in the past, Ruth in order to avoid falling into the hands of Igo, so the maximum ice energy will be iced.

Lucy wrinkled her delicate nose, shrugged said: “The thing is like this. As for why I frozen my iceberg, Igo was put into the volcanic smelt created by Igo, and I don’t know.”

“I may be clear.” Kyle smiled and looked at Susie, a blue-capacity card that resembled a peace.

Maybe even Igo didn’t think of it.

Under the sun, there is actually a card ability that can passively immunize natural natural disasters – the shelter of the elves.

Once considered a waste card, it was given by Kyle during World War II, and it turned out to be Lucy’s life-saving means.

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