I Am In Marvel

Chapter 408

The Galaxy Alliance, the New Star Empire.

A stream of light seems to be Beyond the Heaven Meteorite. The speed of light exceeds the atmosphere. Even the satellite defense system and the new star Legion are not reacting. The streamer turns a corner at a height of 1,000 meters, and the speed is diminishing. It is the star of the political center of the new empire. Palace rushed.

“hū! ”

The streamer arrived at Star Palace and stopped abruptly. As the rays of light of the fusion energy dissipated, Kyle, wearing an aerospace uniform, was revealed.

“Alerts, alerts! Intrusions detected!”

Intelligent defense system This is the delay, dozens of small aircraft swarming, surrounded by Kyle suspended in the air.

“Hmm?” Kyle raised an eyebrow.

An aircraft came to Kyle’s front and emitted a scanning laser. After the test, it immediately released the alarm state and switched to a soft and gentle intelligent voice. “Mr. Kyle, welcome your return. I have notified the new star, please let me As your guide.”

The other security aircraft spread out, leaving only one of them. After Kyle nodded, the aircraft entered the wizard mode and took him to the inner hall of the Star Palace building.

Star Palace, as the political center of the new star, is a wilder than the ancient palace of the Kerry Empire. The building is made of metal and glass, and the advanced technology and civilization are everywhere.

Kyle just stepped into the lobby on the first floor and saw the head of the new star, and several officers of the new star Legion, greeted them in person.

The head of the new star came to Kyle, and even the wrinkles on his face were stretched out. “Mr. Kyle, the new star welcomes you!”

“It seems that you have received the news.” Kyle saw their enthusiasm, thoughtfully.

“Yes.” The head of the new star nodded, suddenly bent down, and sincerely said: “Mr. Kyle, you kill Ronan and get rid of a great evil for our new star. I offer a high respect and gratitude to you for the whole new star!”

The senior officers of the new star Legion also thanked them.

“This is no longer necessary.” Kyle calmed his face and waved his hand: “This is just a deal.”

“For us, it is not as simple as a transaction.” The head of the new star sighed: “Ronan is doing bad things in the Galaxy Alliance, and is still destroying the peace agreement of the Galaxy, in an attempt to launch the interstellar war. You killed him, the Milky Way. The league will regard this as a hero’s merit.”

“Hero, I am tired at Earth, don’t pull me on the side of the Galaxy.” Kyle shrugged indifferently, looking around all around and said, “What about my people?”

The new star heads said with a slight smile : “They are all arranged in the welcome room on the second floor.”

“Take me over.” Thinking about what to do next, Kyle couldn’t wait.

Star Palace, welcome room on the second floor.

As you can see from the different sofa areas, it is clearly divided into two groups.

One group is headed by Kyle, namely Iron Man Tony, Magnetic Lorna, Pet White Wave, and Slave Green Peak. The school is headed by Star Jubilee, the Destroyer Dexter, the Tree Groot, the Brown Bear Rocket, and the Thanos Goto.

The rocket sat on the sofa, both hands crossed near chest, looked at Star Jue, Dex, and Ge Moola, mixed with the mouth of the mouth: “Say, I and Groot, just for the bounty of the universe. Now that the spirit ball is gone, why do you still have to be with you?”

Dex coldly snorted, said solemnly: “I am trying to avenge Ronan, who is against Enramine, who I am with!”

“Then you should sit on the other side.” The rocket’s eyes flickered and gestured to Tony and the others.

“Yes.” Dex nodded, actually got up, left the sofa and the others’ sofa, and sat down next to Tony.

“Okay, one less person.” The rocket saw it, funny shrugged.

Gemo La coldly said: “Look at the man named Kyle, can you kill Ronan? If he has that strength, maybe it is a big backing against Thanos.”

“So, are we tied up with them?” The rocket showed a slightly sullen expression and was restrained freely, but it was not what it pursued.

“I don’t care. Mr. Kyle is Earth human, and me too.” Quill seems to be very natural. He was originally in the Galaxy Union and there is no difference.

Ge Moola looked at the rocket and gave a proposal. “If you want to leave, you can go, but you have to pay attention. It is already related to the infinite gems, and knows the secrets of Thanos. Thanos’s men are likely to Come and find you to destroy.”

“Thanos’s men? How powerful is it? I haven’t been afraid of the Rockets!” The Rocket patted the tree’s chest of the treeman Groot when he spoke.

“Groot!” The tree is loud.

Ge Mo Lai snorted and said: “I admit that the tree is very powerful, but compared with Thanos, it is not an order of magnitude. The man has five tigers, each of whom is above Ronan!”

“Birnan is still amazing?” The rocket blinked, unable to breathe in the air. It thought about it, and decided to sit back on the sofa. “That is still with you. If those people are coming, you may want to Block them for me.”

“Reassure, there is Mr. Kyle.” Quill is obviously a Kay, and on Earth, the influence of the symbol of peace is really outrageous, and it has gradually become deified.

The crowd was still talking, the door suddenly opened, and Kyle walked into the welcome room at the front.

“Boss!” Lorna still had a white wave in her hand. After seeing Kyle, she immediately jumped up and threw white waves back on the sofa, rushing forward in three steps.

“Godfather.” Tony’s tight face eased a little, putting the steel mask in his hand down, but he was ready to go to the nemesis for reinforcements.

Kyle smiled and hugged Lorna. The rest of the room stood up and looked at him with anticipation.

The head of the new star, Dingzhuang, stepped forward and said: “Everyone, Luonan has been killed by Mr. Kyle. According to the terms of the transaction, some of your criminals’ wanted orders will be eliminated, and they will be the first class VIPs of our new star. New star Legion shelter and various special privileges are available on the new star.”

“That’s great!” For many people on the field, losing Ronan’s oppression and getting the friendship of the New Star Empire is a surprisingly large reversal.

In particular, the Destroyer Dex, immediately squatting on the ground, moved towards Kyle and screamed a few times, promising: “Mr. Kyle, you reported my bloody vengeance for me, no matter what, as long as you say a word, I will go do!”

“Get up.” Kyle waved his hand and pulled his body to lift Dexter’s body.

“Godfather, then we are…” Tony looked at him, his words screaming and excited.

“It’s been a long time,” Kyle said with a smile and turned to look at Quail. He said, “Quel, let’s go now, lead you to Howard’s planet!”

One of the long-cherished wishes, one day has been reached!

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