I Am In Marvel

Chapter 400

Wind-fresh hunting, the extremely cold white chill, pervading every corner of the closed hall, even all around the wall frozen into ice.

Kyle in the center of the hall is completely transformed into a human ice sculpture, which is stuck in the light blue ice. It doesn’t move, as if it has already cut off the life of the suspended animation.

“I will use your head and blood to sacrifice to the dead Cree to soothe their undead.”

Luo Nan’s deep blue face, gloomy revealing killing intent and tyrannical color, lifted the cold star hammer in his hand, raised it high and realigned it with Kyle ice sculpture’s head.

But before he could swing, the ice sculpture trembled slightly.

“You… haven’t entered the suspended animation yet?” Ronan’s horrified eyes widened, but Kyle was frozen in the ice. The broken golden cymbals suddenly turned and looked straight at him, his mouth rising strangely. Start a radians.

“Not good!” Luo Nan’s heart was anxious, and he couldn’t take care of the others. His hands slammed the star hammer down, and the high-tech warhammer screamed at the same time, glowing a circle of shock waves, increasing the bucking on the surface of the hammer. .

This hammering, even a steel building has to be on the spot!

Seeing that the star hammer is about to smash in Kyle’s head, the ice is cracked from the inside to the outside. From the numerous cracks in the ice, there is a golden glow of hot flames.

‘bang! ‘

The hall of the hall was completely filled with water vapor. The previous moment was still in the frozen field below the hundred degrees below zero. The next moment has been turned into a high temperature melting zone of thousands of degrees Celsius.

Ice Heaven Secondly Layer.

The frost melts into water at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, and then the water vapor becomes a vain gas, and the dissipated steam gradually reveals the silhouette of the two.

I saw that the star hammer was once again blocked by the flame-wrapped Kyle. The shock wave passed through its body and slammed back on the door of the second beyond ten meters. The temple door trembled with several huge cracks.

“Good weapon.” The front bears the shock wave. Kyle only feels the blood rushing. He calmly looks at Ronan. A circle of golden flame rises from his feet and wraps around the body surface with silver hair. The silk is burning at this time.

Kyle was completely incarnation into a fireman.

“This power…is the Asgard race! You are not an ordinary Earth human!” Ronan burst into roar, clutching his authority, trying his best to push the hammer down, but instead stepped forward. Kyle, plowing out two deep traces.

Thousands of degrees Celsius of flame burned and forged the star hammer, the star hammer made of special materials will not fuse naturally, but the heat wave crushes the previous cold, and the high temperature follows the scepter to the handle.

‘zi zi ——’

Ronan’s hand holding the star hammer scepter was smoking black smoke. He resisted the heat and refused to release his weapon. Kyle is carrying a star hammer, so that Ronan will introduce a few meters to the translation.

“I am really human, but it is a human being who is detached from the Protoss.” Kyle smiled, his wrist turned, and the left hand of the star hammer suddenly broke out of the flame column, and Ronan even flicked out with a hammer.

‘啪塔! ‘

Luo Nan’s body squatted on the throne of Cree, and there was a certain sense of the supreme stone chair, which was shattered by the smashing of the sound. Ronan’s burned hand still clasped the Star Hammer Scepter, and struggling to lift his body in a pile of gravel.

Wow, he spit out a big blood.

“Is it so far?” Kyle ignited the golden flame, calmly watching a generation of alien emperors, extremely embarrassed squatting on the ground vomiting blood.

Don’t look at Ronan’s seemingly weak. In fact, its physical strength and strength are already second only to the Asgard Protoss. The coldness is faintly reaching the level of the ice giant Divine Artifact. The shock wave of the star hammer bursting into the hand can smash the interstellar. Fighter aircraft.

It is a pity that Kyle, who holds the power of the Protoss and fully awakens the Fire System. It is also considered that after Luo Nan used to abuse the weak, he suddenly suffered a heavy blow from the real strong.

“Congratulations, push me to this point…”

Luo Nan climbed from the ground, and there was still blood in his mouth. The cold grin smiled. “You know, where is this place?”

“Not your palace, the deliberation hall, the place where the enemy’s head is sacrificed?” Kyle shrugged indifferently. “Oh. Yes, from tomorrow, it will be your exclusive grave.”

Luo Nan straightened his body and knocked the star hammer scepter on the floor. He said coldly: “This place was once the Kerry Empire, where the highest wisdom exists, but I killed her personally more than a decade ago. Take the Kerry Empire in your hands.”

Highest wisdom?

Kyle’s heart is moving, and Ronan’s master is not a high-dimensional creature at the top of the universe.

In the Marvel Dimension, there are some high-dimensional lives that have reached the peak of evolution and are powerful and difficult. As far as he knows, Grandmaster is one, Dommam is one, God King Odin is one, Star Jue is his father, Thanos is also one, and there is consciousness life like supreme wisdom.

There are also observers who do not live in this life.

Although Kyle possesses extraordinary power, but still can’t handle it, even killing Gao Wei’s life. Now listening to Luo Nan said that he has killed the highest wisdom, his heart is inevitably a bit ridiculous.

“You must be very curious to know that I am killing the method of supreme wisdom.”

Luo Nan seems to see Kyle’s intention, coldly smiled, and then holding the star hammer in both hands, placing it horizontally on the chest, inexplicably confident: “I have this Kerry warhammer in my hand, is the individual soldier of the Kerry Empire. Divine Artifact, called the universal weapon. Created by the highest technology of the Kerry Empire, it can manipulate the energy of the universe, realize the decomposition, reorganization, deformation of the material according to my wishes, and can launch shock waves, absorb energy, create force fields, and so on.”

“So, did you use this warhammer to kill the supreme wisdom?” Kyle suddenly came to the attention and stared at the hammer in Ronan’s hand. Every civilized race had one or two destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth. Individual soldier Divine Artifact.

For example, Thanos’ Infinite Gloves, God of Thunder’s Storm Warhammer, Fire Giant’s Fire of Eternal…

“I didn’t kill her, but exiled it.”

When Luo Nan’s words were finished, he suddenly pushed Kerry’s warhammer forward. Said coldy: “Human Kyle, you have a felony! I judge you forever eternal exile in the name of the leader of the Kerry Empire!”

Klink Warhammer Blink white Aperture, a mysterious and powerful force, the goal is straight to the Kyle on the field.

Kyle’s heart slammed, and the body was cold and straight. There was a strong sense of crisis in which the major event was not good. He instinctively wanted to run the fusion energy and escape the great hall.

After all, it is still a slow shot.

When the mysterious force enveloped Kyle’s moment, he was pulled into the narrow space of the space, and the whole person disappeared from the hall, leaving only a round of similar marks.

“Super Space – Idea Transfer!”

Luo Nan looked at the brand of the squad and muttered to himself: “Kyle. You are in the space slit, letting you die forever and alone.”

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