I Am In Marvel

Chapter 398

The chief commander of the Kerry Ship Group, outside the Chien Prison, completely conveyed the current situation message to Ronan, who is in Kerry Star.

Ronanson’s cold and domineering reply: “Provide the spaceship ship forward, forcing the new star Legion to surrender the cosmic spirit ball, otherwise they will usher in the anger of the Cree and a war that will sweep the Milky Way!”


The commander of the ship commanded, and the video contact with Luonan had just been hung up here. The propulsion command had not been issued. The striker suddenly responded with an intelligence message: “Sir, our radar has detected an unidentified flying object and is going to us. Flying at the edge.”

Commander said coldy: “Dare to get close to our spaceship ship in Kerry, do you still use the order? Push forward, shoot, and blast the flying object into space dust!”


Hundreds of dark and icy interstellar ships, the engine hong long long’s ignition, this size enough to level the civilization of a planet, the advancement of the black pressure forward, located at the forefront of the forward battleship, countless muzzle lined up, will be one The interstellar missile, which is as big as a fighter, is launched.

The other side of the target, at the end of it, has an extremely dazzling star point, flying near the interstellar ship at a speed of near-light speed.

It was Kyle himself, this is his first time flying in the outer space of light, only to feel the mind, the stars and the stars on both sides of the body are moving backwards in the blur.

Looking forward to the glare of Kyle, looking forward, the enhanced eyesight can be extended to thousands of kilometers, clearly see the interstellar missiles coming to this side, and the rear interstellar ship fleet.

“Just take the hand to try your hand.”

Kyle held his breath and moved the fusion energy to the most prosperous, with a bright splendour on his palm, and he did not evade the interstellar missile.

‘hong long long ——’

In the darkness of the silent outer space, a series of unprecedented explosions broke out in the abrupt, covering hundreds of kilometers of land, and the fire ignited a small corner of the galaxy universe.

“This is the end of the Kerry people.” The commander stood in the interstellar spaceship command room of the Big Mac, and sneered at the extremely spectacular explosion cloud through the transparent floor-to-ceiling windows.

Suddenly, from the blasting group, a bit of staring starlight, rushing out from it, continued to move forward to the interstellar ship.

“What is that?” The commander stunned.

In the command communication channel, the feedback from the forward investigator rang: “Sir, sir! Unidentified flying objects are still approaching, passing the test, there are signs of life, it is a humanoid organism!”

“What are you talking about!” The commander’s horrified eyes, creatures, flying in outer space? Still invincible bombing of the interstellar missile?

The commander couldn’t think too much. The star point like the cursor was approaching the front of the ship group. There was no stopping trend. Instead, the tail flame was dragged, and the accelerated one directly hit the forward battleship.

‘hong long! ‘

The fusion energy touched the battleship slightly, and the steel deck was instantly melted through the hole. The streamer plunged from the cockpit of the battleship’s head, smashed through the layers of steel, and finally rushed out of the engine behind the battleship.

Inside the battleship, the horror of the Kerry guards was heard. The true face of the enemy was not seen. The battleship was violently trembled. The self-explosion turned into a raging Fireball, and numerous parts and alien bodies flew out.

The colorful streamer was raised upwards, and Kyle stopped over the battleship group, looking down and cold, looking as if he had crossed countless battleships and landed on the commander on the extra large spaceship.

When the commander saw the situation, he could not help but scream: “Damn, give me a counterattack! Break him into a slag!”

Hundreds of interstellar ships immediately targeted Kyle, and brushed up the muzzle, which is like a scene of high-pressure guns and mosquitoes. It is shocking and spectacular.

“It’s just right!”

Kyle coldly smiled, leaned down and flew down, and lifted it up, blasting a fusion energy cannon, only to see the burning beam passing through space, an interstellar missile just exploded out of the muzzle, the surrounding number The battleship was heavily insulted.

Kyle seemed to be dissatisfied with this efficiency, simply speeding up the flight, holding his hands against his interstellar missile, holding it off, pushing the interstellar missile to the dense interstellar fleet, and countless ship drivers were horrified to manipulate the spaceship away.

For a time, it was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, Kyle was the only wolf, and the interstellar ship was a one-sided sheep.

for the rest of the time.

Kyle fully demonstrates the superhuman power of fusion energy, the speed of light speed, ignoring the energy protection layer of the interstellar missile bombing, leaving him without fear of the large interstellar ship fleet, and the formidable power of the formidable power allows him to give the interstellar ship And the fatship of the spaceship disaster level.

this day.

In the Chien prison, as well as the aliens on the new star, you can see that the sky is like a salute, and the splendid fireworks are going on endlessly.

Few people know that the light of every fireworks represents the explosion of an interstellar ship.

“Devil, he is a star demon!”

The Kerry Star’s ship channel, from the beginning of Kyle’s offensive, has always been a cry for help and screams.

The commander on the rear spaceship looked at the starry sky of the shipwreck and the body of the ship. The body began to tremble and finally could not help but give the retreat command.

The Kerry Star’s interstellar ship wants to retreat, but it does not mean that Kyle will be willing to give up.

Just after disassembling a ship with fusion energy, Kyle looked up and saw that most of the surviving ships began to speed up and evacuate. They couldn’t help but narrow their eyes and locked the extra-sized interstellar spaceship mixed in them.

“Want to run?” Kyle smiled, abruptly accelerated, turned into a streamer, ignoring the ordinary ships, and approaching the interstellar spaceship suspected of commanding the center.

“di di di , alarm alert, hostile target is approaching…”

The commander heard an alert from the interstellar spaceship protection system, complexion greatly changed, turned to look out the window and saw a stream of light hitting the outerstellar spaceship’s outer casing.


Interstellar spaceship A slight tremor, Kyle did not penetrate the spaceship deck shell this time, but was blocked by a thick energy hood, and the fusion energy and spaceship energy offset each other.

“I have to look at it, how much can you block?”

Kyle clenched his fists, blended energy with the fists, and then punched them into a path of light cannons bombarded on the energy hood, shaking the interstellar spaceship ten million times larger than others.

The energy mask of the interstellar spaceship is faint at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, and it will be completely disintegrated.

“Commander, what should we do?” On the interstellar spaceship, a group of Kerry guards anxiously waiting for the commander to reply.

“What can I do, you can escape and escape.”

The commander smiled and stood alone in the command room. For the last time, he slammed the contact to the loyal Lonan.

When the contact is connected, Luo Nan on the screen asks directly: “How, have you obtained the universe ball?”

“No, we have failed.”

The commander shook his head and looked straight at Ronan. “Flee away, it will be too late to be late!”

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