I Am In Marvel

Chapter 392

Chien is highly alert to the prison and the prison area where the prisoners are held.

Kyle disguised as an killing alien prisoner, along the searched memory, almost unimpeded all the way down, and soon arrived where the screams of the prisoner screamed.

As the most important place of detention in prisons, security has been enhanced several times. Cameras and sirens are installed in all corners. A large number of intelligent aircraft are patrolling back and forth in the aisles, and there are many more armed prison guards. Unprotected and deserted like an outer corridor.

At the entrance to the jail area, Kyle saw the other alien guards who were guarding the door. Without any slight retreat and tension, they took it for granted, until the eyes of the two alien prison guards came over, and he was kind to the two. Say hello: “Hey, Ruda, Budo. Today are two of you on duty!”

“You are?” One of the alien prison guards turned his eyes and looked at Kyle straight.

“I am Leo.” Kyle took off her protective helmet and revealed her dark blue and ugly alien face after her disguise. She was bald and picked up a row of white teeth in a friendly gesture to the prisoners of the same race.

The space area of ​​the Chien Prison is large, and there are hundreds of prison guards inside. It can be used as a prison guard for more than a decade. This is more or less a bit of an intersection. Most of them are familiar with each other, which also causes It is difficult for outsiders to lurk into it.

But this is a good thing for Kyle with perfect camouflage.

“It turned out to be you, you are not basically guarding outside, how come suddenly to the internal jail.” Ludo stunned, vigilant mentality immediately collapsed.

“There is no way, the upper level said that the group of people headed by Stars, have a relationship with the murderous madman Ronan, need to continue to interrogate. This is not, specifically sent me to help.” Kyle helpless sighed, with the shape of the prison guard And memory, disguised is really with no difficulty, even the excuse can meet the intelligence and facts to be impeccable.

“It’s really hard for you. The new ones are not good birds. It’s very dangerous. You have to be careful, go in.”

Budo, who is a guard at the gatekeeper, feels deeply sympathetic. He also kindly reminded him that he will operate the switch to open the steel portal.

“I will.” Kyle waved at them, and naturally walked in. The laser automatically recognized the identity of the identity, and the technology could not understand the disguise of the genetic level.

Inside the area where the prisoners are held, the building space is also much wider. There is a built-in spaceship in the middle, which serves as the central control center for the prison area. The small space capsules around the row serve as the restroom for the prisoners.

Usually, prisoners will be free to move in the prison area.

Kyle entered the jail area and saw the alien criminals wearing yellow prison uniforms. They could not find the place where the stars were silhouetted. The lights inside the area were dull and the sound of the alarm on the walls sounded.

‘wu wu wu ——’

Kyle thought that his identity was exposed. I didn’t expect countless intelligent aircraft to ignore him. The cicada flew overhead, and the orderly maintenance rushed to the prisoners, opened the equipped armed firearms, and issued a cold voice warning: Don’t move all the time! Otherwise, urgent measures will be taken!”

At the same time, there are many prison guards in the corridor, or holding high-voltage electric batons, or holding rechargeable guns, and the faces are rushing into the jail area.

Kyle was a little embarrassed for a moment, and grabbed the prison guard Ludo who wanted to run past him. He asked: “What happened inside?”

“The battery in the cage area was pulled down by the criminals. There are still a few criminals who took the opportunity to go into chaos. They should want to escape from prison. They must stop it quickly! Come with me!”

Ludo finished, pulling Kyle, together with other prison guards, repressed into the prison area.

prison Break? So clever?

Kyle ran and vomited in his heart. This jail and jailbreak can also come across a piece, which is really a bit too good.

In the jail area, the inside of the prisoner is being held, and a fierce battle is being played at this moment.

The most striking thing is that a tree-like person with a big tree stands like a human-like limb. It is three-meter tall and tall. It is located at the central site, and it is easy to open the palms of the dense branches. Blocked all around the guards’ bullets.

“Aha!” There is a small creature of the kind of bear, riding on the back of the tree, holding the live ammunition that was taken from the prison guard, and indiscriminately sweeping in the crazy moving towards all around.

Tree Groot, and genetically modified bio rockets, these are the veterans of the Galaxy Guard.

Kyle’s eyes lit up and finally saw the original ‘acquaintances’ that he knew. The star must be not far from here.

“Hurry up and kill them!”

A cold female voice rang from the head, wearing a yellow prison uniform, and the woman with green skin leaped down. The movement technique was agile and cold, and in midair, she cut Ludo and the side with the blade in her hand. Two or three guards who just arrived at the scene.

The green-skinned woman landed at the moment, and she fell a small piece of prison guard next to her. She held the blood-stained blade and bounced on the floor, like a leopard moving towards Kyle, who was disguised as a prison guard.

Thanos adopting a daughter? Ge magic pull?

Kyle’s mind flashed through this message, and at the next moment, the tip of the knife was close to the throat, and it was noticeable that the edge touched the discomfort of the skin. Although I know that this ordinary cold weapon and the strength of the other party can not break the super protection of the protoss and venom outer layer, the body can still instinctively make an emergency response.

‘clang! ! ! ‘

Ge Moola’s wide-eyed eyes were horrified, and I thought that it would be easy to cut the throat of the prison guard as before, but the knife blade was tightly clamped by the two fingers protruding from the other side.

With a force pumping, the blade is completely motionless.

Ge Moola’s heart is even more dazed, this is looked towards the face of the prison guard, and there is no difference with other prison guards. The ordinary blue star road face, but the face of the prison guard is calm and calm, the fingers are casually sandwiched with blades, and the dark eyes are slightly picked up. Look at her as if thinking about something.

Kyle is really thinking about things, a very important thing.

For him, Ge Moola is just an insignificant little person who can look at the original pattern of the future. Gemo La is regarded as the most important person by Thanos, and also a key role for Thanos to acquire soul gems – to gather enough gloves Sacrifice!

“In this case, why not give away this key person?”

Kyle just flashed this idea a little, his eyes suddenly appeared in the killing intent, and the whole person changed completely.

Ge Moola’s face was pale and inconspicuous. Without a trace of sympathy, she suddenly loosened her hilt, turned decisively and turned back, and ran away in the direction of the treeman Groot.

The prisoner is serene, unpredictable, and sees the creature as the ant ant dust. It is too similar to her adoptive father, Thanos, to make her soul shudder, the back of the spine is cold, and the goose bumps It all started!

escape! If you can’t escape, you will be dead!

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