I Am In Marvel

Chapter 381

Lorna supported the faltering Kyle, looked at Captain Leo, who had an ugly face, and all the alien guards surrounded by laser guns. He refused to dislike: “I thought the Galaxy Union was high.” The Science and Technology Civilization District, I did not expect it to be darker and more dirty than our Earth World.”

“This young man, what do you know?” Leo smiled and looked down at the sheet metal in his hand. His eyes were filled with obsession and fanaticism. Said with a smile: “No matter what alien race, technological civilization develops to the end, the ultimate pursuit It is a resource! Resources are the needs of life! Some races, even for resources, even prefer to give up their hometown and step into the outer space universe full of danger of death. More life races can be launched for a resource-rich planet. Light year range of interstellar war!”

“The Galaxy Alliance is indeed the biggest and most prosperous literary star system, but it is precisely because of this that our demand for resources has reached an exaggerated height!”

Leo puts up the gold, without any sense of guilt, as it should be by rights: “And we are still interstellar hunters, plundering resources in outer space, is a normal thing.”

Behind the scenes of the majestic civilization, it is the bottomless darkness of bloody high!

This is the status quo of the Galaxy Alliance, and the closer it is to the civilized terminal, the more the law will be biased towards the ancient primitive era.

Lorna was silent, and the shackles of the Galaxy Alliance, which was originally expected, and the peaceful coexistence of advanced scientific civilization and alien races were completely shattered.

“The end of the evolution is no longer a good and a peaceful, but a serious lack of resources, which is really funny.” Kyle shook his head.

In his heart, suddenly a name flashed.


“Well, enough words to say to you, guard, take them to me!” Leo waved his hand, and several alien guards immediately stepped forward and took out an instrument similar to the evolutionary version of the cockroach. Kyle, who was poisoned by paralysis, and Lorna, who was weak, were tied.

‘Hey, bang bang bang!’

At this time, outside the reception room, through the thick steel protective portal, faintly intensive and powerful explosion sound! The floor with the interstellar spaceship is beginning to show signs of vibration!

“Is this the same thing?” The Leo complexion slightly changed, and apparently someone was on the door.

Kyle laughed, started talking: “Captain, you don’t think, my iron man bodyguard, so easily solved by your men?”

Lorna also laughed, and the aliens who professed out of the ordinary knew nothing about Earth’s recognized talented engineer, Tony, who created the Iron Man’s suit.

“You guys, damn! No need to take prisoners, shoot me directly and shoot them!”

Leo quickly stepped back and ordered it.

Twenty dozen alien guards lifted the laser gun, and after quickly aiming the trigger, a path of the burning white laser beam formed a horrible light rain, from all directions to the dense coverage of the Kyle.

“It’s just right.”

Kyle suddenly pulled down Lona’s arm and let her pour into her arms. He didn’t have the look of a previous numb poisoning. The two fists clung to the outer sides.


It seems to have the engine switch somewhere in the body. In a flash, a red white intersecting smashing energy is poured out, and Kyle’s arm and fist end are used as a breakthrough port, and the speed of light flows into an energy hood. The semi-circular shape encloses itself and the body of Lorna.

The white laser rain curtain falls on the energy cover, and there is no tendency to break it. On the contrary, it is an incredible meltdown!

“How can this be!”

Leo’s horrified eyes wide open, it’s hard to understand, how human beings did it before.

The offensive of the alien guards kept on, and the laser beam waved one after another, continually bombarding the appearance of the energy cover.

Kyle held his breath and shivered with his fists. When he realized that the fusion energy was still unstable and could not control the defensive energy cover for too long, he simply released the fist that condensed energy and actively detonated the fusion energy that overflowed.


The energy hood suddenly collapsed, turning into a wave of turbulent light waves, raging and violently tapping towards all around.

Leo turned and fled, but after just a few steps, he felt that his back was hit by a light shuttle, carrying a tumble, and flew out without any suspense like other alien guards around him.

A group of aliens slammed into the inner wall of the spaceship, and the firearms were scattered all over the place. The scene was quite spectacular and inexplicable.

Kyle puts down his hands, and the violent fusion energy is still flowing brightly on the body, making him look like a lot of players who have accumulated a lot of BUFF in the game.

“Boss, you are too fierce.” Lorna is still on Kyle’s chest, heartbeat is intensely speeding, beautiful eyes are full of fascinating colors, and lips are slightly open to say terrible words that are misleading.

The actual combat effect of the fusion energy is also beyond Kyle’s expectation. He scans the alien guards who mourn on the ground, and the fusion energy obviously hurts them through protective clothing.

Kyle finally understood a bit at the moment, and why Tony didn’t want to practice with him anymore.

“Let’s lie down and do something, let me continue fighting!” Leo struggled from the corner of the wall, wiped the green blood from the corner of his mouth, pulled out a black handle from the waist, and immediately appeared a button after pressing the button. Sword-shaped beam of light.

A lot of alien guards are hearing this, supporting each other, or picking up a laser gun, or taking out a lightsaber, waiting for Kyle and Lorna.

“Life is pretty and tenacious.” Kyle blinked a little, and he was stunned by humans. I am afraid I have to lie in bed for a month or two.

Kyle thought for a moment, suddenly pulled out a bio card and patted it on Lorna’s back. “Poison, give me protection for Lorna.”


The venom escapes from the card form and returns to the original body of the black line liquid. The bones cling to the back of Lorna and quickly cover the limbs and head, creating a dark and tenacious cornea.

“I am not so weak.”

Lorna curl one’s lip, also know Kyle this is for her sake, after all, her mutant ability is strong, the human body is also a weak point, a laser beam is afraid to die on the spot.

But for a while, Lorna incarnation is a tall, slim, dark human monster, in stark contrast to Kyle, which has its own aura of fusion energy, both of which exude a dangerous and exaggerated horror.


Kyle and Lorna set off and turned into two streams of light and black. The violent and violent rushing rushed to the group of alien guards with horrified expressions, as if the wolf had entered the flock.

Leo walked against the wall and looked at the one-sided battle. He opened the holographic communicator on his wrist in a panic, “Green Front, fast guard to the reception room to support!”

The communication was quickly connected, and the green face of the green front was shown on the display. He was being chased by the golden-red flying iron man, while he was hiding from the laser shelling, while moving toward the Leo screaming: “Captain, I also need support here!”

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