I Am In Marvel

Chapter 375

On the outskirts of New York, the basement of an ancient villa.

“What is that?! Little man?”

“Concentrate all fire attacks!”

“We need to retreat immediately, or emergency reinforcements!”

“His speed is too fast, the guide is difficult to lock…”

The armed helicopters from the dispatching team were connected, and the voices that came back from dozens of kilometers were cluttered together. The pilot’s vague words were full of horror, and there was an unstoppable fear and shouting. They seemed to have suffered the devastating mysterious enemy. Strike.

“Give me a clear point, what did you see? Who is fighting with?”

Kelian’s forehead was covered with soy-like sweat, and the white shirt was dripping down. He shouted at the microphone, hoping that even if he got a feedback from the enemy, the opposite sources could start to fail.

“Boss, help…”

After the last screaming whispered, the contact channel left only a strange busy tone, and the basement fell into a very depressed silence.

Kelian’s face was pale, and the soft softness was on the chair, looking straight at the contact desk.

He didn’t have to think about it, and the underground forces cultivated in the past 20 years had died out at the moment.

I thought that after Iron Man left Earth, no one could stop his own plan, but he did not expect to kill a child in the sky, so that the fruits that have been shaped over the years were turned into a colorful bubble.

After a while, Kelian suddenly shivered and stood up, his hands clenched into fists, his nails were completely in his palm, and the pain he sent forced him to calm down.

“I haven’t lost yet, and I have hostages that are very important to them!”

Kelian took a deep breath and hurriedly disengaged the suit jacket and squatted directly on the floor, and rushed upstairs from the stairs.

“All the members gathered, let me bring Pots on the second floor down! We are ready to evacuate here!”

When he was in a hurry, he ran and shouted. Until he reached the stairway on the first floor, he realized that there was a strong mismatch, and all the movements of the body suddenly stopped.

In the grand first floor lobby, there is a quiet, not to mention the bodyguard’s response, even the shadow of half a blonde can not be seen.

“What about people? Where did I go to this place!”

Kelian whispered, he did not transfer the bodyguards in the villa, and the troops that were sent to attack Stark Industries were armed forces stationed elsewhere…

Just then, a tender voice sounded in the hall: “Oh, are you coming up? I am waiting for you for a while.”


Baseline startled, the body is highly alert and taut, walking forward in a strange sound source, when he was close to the sofa, he was surprised to find that not only from a time, a blond boy lay on the sofa.

“It’s a bit familiar, I seem to have seen you there…”

When Kelian stared at the blond boy, the boy also stared at him with his eyes wide open, and his white face showed a strange and innocent smile.

“Why, I only declared war to you a few days ago, so I forgot it so soon?” Caesar’s slightly twitched his lips, took out a lollipop from his pocket, and immediately opened the plastic paper into his mouth. .

Upon seeing it, Kelian finally felt like being struck by lightning, staring at Caesar, and blurted out and said: “You are Caesar Karl? It is impossible, how can you appear in this place!”

“How can I not come here.” Caesar asked.

Kelian’s face was gloomy and looked at the corridor and yard outside the villa. He calmly asked, “What about my bodyguard?”

“Obviously, it was all done by my people.”

When Caesar was talking, the stairs sounded at a crisp pace, and Kelian looked up and saw a classic model of iron man painted in gold and red. He walked down the stairs from the upstairs stairs, and his mechanical hands were still in a coma. Miss Potts.

“Iron Man? Are you still back!”

If the company is close to the enemy, it can’t help but step back, but then the main entrance behind it suddenly opens. Two identical Mark No. 3 iron man, some parts of the body still have traces of burning after the fierce battle with the biogenetic people. The action is slightly mechanical and hard to walk into the hall.

“Three…Iron Man?” Kelian was really scared.

Caesar’s milky milk explained: “Don’t panic. They are not Tony, just the steel war armor that’s all manipulated by the artificial intelligence god.”


Basel stared at one of the iron man, and the iron man’s mask suddenly opened, revealing the unmanned empty body, as well as the intricately crafted fine parts and the Blink’s sheet metal energy core.

Caesar, with candy, continued: “These days. I not only let the Lord God create the Skynet and Holographic VR helmet, but also restart the secret studio that Tony left, using the Mark III made by him as a prototype, mass production. A group of Iron Man Legion to deal with your biogenetic gang.”

The next result, without Caesardo, is already known.

Just now, Tony created the top-notch technology warfare, and the extremely transformative creature he created, and the two sides launched a contest between life and death.

Obviously, in the end, his transformational forces were completely annihilated –

In fact, this is not a fair battle. After all, the battle suit has no life. As long as there is sufficient materials and energy, the energy source is continuously mass-produced.

“The top technology is fighting the battle of the top creatures. In the end, is Tony Stark slightly better?”

Jilian lost his words, his beliefs collapsed, and his efforts for many years were hit by reality. The whole person lost his strength and leaned on the back of the sofa.

Caesar looked at Kelian, and hehehe said: “Not good. Tony’s battle suit invention can indeed be regarded as a big field of top technology, and what you call the ultimate biological research, from the top of the biological field. It’s a long way off.”

“what did you say!”

Kelian was irritated, and his face was slightly distorted and looked at Caesar. Everything he could be trampled on or denied, but the only study of the ultimate biology that he struggled for half a lifetime is the reverse scale that he can’t touch!

“I said it very clearly.” Caesar jumped off the sofa, step by step to the front of Jilian, carrying a small head and boringly said: “Your research on the ultimate biology can only be regarded as a failed 5% product, completely called Not at the top.”

The bio-reformers in the area can only produce high temperature of 1,500 degrees Celsius, and then they will blew themselves up. If this can be called the top field of biology, then the Hulk, the witch, the two sisters, and even the surprise Captain What is it?

“You damn it!”

Kelian whispered, suddenly violently attacked, moved toward Caesar fiercely rushed over, the body quickly soared in the air, the whole body reddish the inner visceral bones.

Didn’t see how Caesar ducked, only saw his little feet moving, and then smashed around the base of the melt, and then quickly flew back and forth, smashing through the wall and falling into the fountain in the yard outside. The zi zi that was swallowed by the water covered the sound.

Caesar looked at the rising water vapor and shrugged: “There is still a sentence to forget to tell you that the helicopters that were just solved are not the Ironman Legion, but myself.”

Superman’s body, he is the perfect creation of the top biological field!

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