I Am In Marvel

Chapter 366

“Stark Industries held a press conference outside, and a mysterious senior executive will attend in person!”

This major news was announced by the official propaganda of Stark Industries. It was spread in the past ten years. In just less than an hour, local government agencies, corporate organizations, and media organizations in New York were almost fully aware.

The press conference of Stark Industries, according to past practice, is a headline news with a lot of gold, especially at this special moment –

Mr. Kyle, the majority shareholder, and Mr. Tony, the chairman of the board, are absent. The general manager, Miss Potts, and the deputy manager, Mr. Ji Lian, are missing.

Outside, Stark Industries was co-sponsored by a group of large companies in the same industry; in addition, Stark industrial employees have been subjected to personal attacks by terrorists in the near future.

It can be said that Stark Industries has come to the most difficult trough period. At this time, the top executives suddenly stood up and wanted to hold a press conference for World. This is undoubtedly throwing a high-explosive grenades into In the water pool, a wave of screaming waves was triggered.

Both the insiders and the ordinary citizens outside the industry have produced unprecedented interest in discussion.

The location of the press conference was selected at the World Expo in New York. It was established by Mr. Howard during the Second World War. Mr. Tony has repeatedly adapted to the trend of the times to upgrade and transform.

The product exhibition museum, which was invented here by Stark Industries, is also the site where the members of the Stark family release new industrial products, product concepts, and major decisions for the future of the industry. Stark Industries’ first epic business card for World.

It is really meaningful to hold a press conference at the World Expo Hall. From the beginning to the present, only Howard and Tony have been used. The two fathers and sons have the qualifications and authority to use the venue. Now the branch manager Kelian has tried to use the venue many times. The proposal was directly rejected by Potts.

“Don’t you say that Mr. Stark is back?”

Many media people have come up with this speculation in their minds, and they are excited to rush to World Expo.

The press conference was held at 12 o’clock in the morning, and restricted personnel were allowed to enter and exit. It was only around 11:30, and the World Expo Pavilion’s podium was under pressure. The media and industry insiders were full of enthusiasm. The hot talks, the camera and the words Mai Wan are like the long spear short cannons.

The security of the Expo and the New York Police are doing security work in one place and one outside to ensure the normal convening of the press conference.

Time passes by, and in the past, there will be performances such as beauty dances and other performances to warm up the atmosphere.

But this time, unlike in the past, even a host did not come to power. There was only a faint light on the stage, and there was no half-silhouette of solitary.

Hundreds of media personnel in the audience can only blink and look at the incomparable podium until 12 o’clock. When they mistakenly think that this is just a scorpion, a few bunches of lights are shining and shining. To the side corner of the stage, there was a small silhouette that was finally exposed.

Everyone held their eyes wide open, and saw that it was a little boy about a year old. The short blond hair was bright, the big eyes of a pair of amber with shredded gold were beautiful, and the facial features of the white and tender face were refined. The impeccable, half-meter-long body is wearing a tailor-made ultra-small suit, which is matched with a sense of excessive maturity.

The little boy had a lollipop in his mouth, his cute face was cold, and his short short legs were slowly moving. From the corner of the modern glass table, he walked unhurriedly to the stage.

The whole venue was silent. Some people were still looking back. I thought that there would be other people on the stage. I could watch it for a long time, and there were people besides the little boy to keep up.

In the eyes of the public, the little boy walked close to the podium, but for the sake of his own sake, he was completely blocked by the podium as soon as he approached the body.


“What about the show?”

Seeing this funny scene, everyone in the audience finally couldn’t help but start a burst of laughter.

But the next moment, the little boy ignored the gravity, suspended and flew up, and stood on the podium smoothly, which made the eyes of the people under the audience horrified, and the laughter also stopped.

“Everyone, good morning.” The little boy faintly smiled, and did not fall into the air. He calmly said to the voice of Mai Milk: “Is it very disappointing? I am the senior leader of Stark who held this press conference. ”

The people in the audience were even more shocked. The one-year-old World War II veterans had seen them, but the one-year-old corporate executives had never heard of it.

The boy shrugged and said straightforwardly: “First introduce yourself, my name is Caesar Karl.”

Caesar Carl.

The name made the audience quiet for a while, and then caused a nuclear explosion like a blast, like a blasted up, almost everyone got up emotionally, the camera’s flashing lights flashed one after another.

Caesar Carr, the name was raised many times in the past six months ago, although it has been quiet for half a year, and it is hard to be forgotten by people until now.

The descendants of the symbol of peace! The successor to the follow-up shares of Stark Industries! God’s Son, which is located at Earth’s top position since birth!

This is the first time that the Son of God has appeared in the eyes of the public. How can he be excited without expectation? I hope he can create various Legendary like Mr. Kyle.

“It seems that you all know my identity, and that’s easy.”

Caesar smiled and looked down on the crowd below. The little face was cold and said: “This time I held a press conference, I want to express a few wishes through my personal platform.”

Some media personnel are very conscious, simply adjust the channel and broadcast the live broadcast of the press conference.

Caesar confidently said: “From now on, I will officially take over the burden of Mr. Tony and continue to develop new technology products. I will release a new concept of cross-generation new products, and it is estimated that mass production will be available to World soon. Sales.”

To take over the work of the talented engineer Tony, I am afraid that no one in the whole world can dare to pack the ticket, but it can be said by the son of Caesar at this time, but it makes people feel unspeakable persuasion, which is probably also from The super influence of the symbol of peace.

“In addition, I am here to publicly declare war against terrorists who have recently targeted Stark Industries and my friends!”

Caesar is tender and domineering, and the faint threat says: “I have only two people here, you are free. I will not borrow the power of alliance, family, and military during the week. If you kill me in a week, then I will You are rooted out from this blue planet!”

Fight back and formally unfold!

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