I Am In Marvel

Chapter 363


Steve suddenly remembered something, his eyes staring at Eddie, his eyebrows wrinkled and said: “You just said who to accompany the prisoner?”

“The Young Master of the Carl family.” Eddie responded without thinking.

Natasha nodded, whispered: “So, during the day in the office building of Stark Industries, I did see you take the Young Master to inspect the company, I heard that I still stay in the general manager’s office. It took half an hour.”

“But, have you left the Young Master in the bar dance hall?”

Speaking of this, Natasha could not help but look at the beautiful eyes.

“It seems to be…” Eddie later realized that he suddenly turned around and he reacted. He arrested the criminals only twice. The main task was to protect Caesar’s personal safety.

At this time, the criminals are not the two of them, that is, they are still hidden in the bar!

“Caesar Young Master is dangerous?”

The group of the Avengers was discolored, and with Eddie, they had to re-enter the broken back door, but in the next moment, there was a dense and cumbersome scream inside the ballroom.

Then, just listening to a male scream like a pig, the bar building collapsed on the back wall of the bar, accompanied by gravel dust from the inside out, a silhouette of a middle-aged man. Among them, miserable tumbling to the feet of Eddie and the others.

The middle-aged man lies face to face, one arm is broken and exaggerated, only the remaining arms are singularly flashing red light, the white high temperature smoke is going straight out, and the palm is like a broken high temperature object. Directly see the inner burning red red blood vessel muscles.

Under the high alert of Steve and the others, his painful eyes turned, the unconscious coma passed, and the redness and high temperature of his arms gradually subsided.

“this is?”

The Avengers’s entire group had not yet reacted, and a dull, heavy-sounding sound came from the back door and the damaged wall, and the second bald man quickly flew out in the air.

Without the cushioning of the walls, the bald man crossed the parallel line of ten meters in the air, and finally plunged into the alley wall on the street opposite the bar, and the head of the scene was violently killed.

His hands also showed signs of burning hot, muscles and skin have been self-disintegrating and burning, and the sticky blood dripping down the fingers is like a molten liquid, zi zi rusting the cement floor.

The entire process takes place within three seconds.

By the time Steve and the others were aware, the two latent criminals had fallen to the ground with one death and one injury.

“This is… what’s the matter?” Steve looked at the prisoners on the ground and looked at the bars where the customers fled. He was also a bit strange and circling.

Others are better than him, and they look at the bar with a blank look.

“Anlaan.” Eddie calmly waved his hand, lightly sighed then said, “If I didn’t guess wrong, it was all done by my family Young Master.”

“Meow meow?”

The people of the Avengers are messy in the wind.

Eddie didn’t make a mistake this time. This is the reason for Caesar’s shot. To understand the cause and effect, I have to adjust the time back to five minutes ago.

Five minutes ago.

Eddie and Steve fought in misunderstanding. After leaving the bar from the back door, the remaining Caesar in the bar dance hall could only be with the three women Anne, Jane, and Lucy.

Or other males, maybe it is an extremely gorgeous scale of bliss, but unfortunately, Caesar’s current age development is that there is that heart, and there is no physical capital to do what adults love to do.

Caesar’s cent was held in her arms by Anne, her eyes widened and looked around the ballroom.

“It’s so cute.” Jane screamed at Caesar and smiled. He reached up and tried to touch his short blond hair. The result was only halfway blocked by Caesar’s little hand.

Not to mention the God of Thunder girlfriend, the God of Thunder mother is not qualified to touch his head.

Caesar thought coldly, the cold and mature face of the little boy is not like a baby boy, and the control of the hand gently pats off the simple palm.

“Don’t mind.” Annie hurried to the round.

Jane stunned, slightly retracting the palm, and Lucy on the side patted her shoulder comfortably.

Lucy looked at Caesar with beautiful eyes, somehow, always felt an inexplicable familiar feeling from his small body.

She was in a whim and said, “Annie, don’t you say that his identity will scare us? Why don’t you introduce it?”

“This is it.”

Anne looked down at Caesar, as if to ask him what he meant, which made Jane and Lucy more unbelievable.

Caesar moved toward Anne light nodded, identity this thing is nothing to hide, he also wants to let some people know that, especially thousands of miles to come to the head.

Anne was allowed to do so, and the happy one said: “His name is Caesar Karl, the son of Mr. Kyle, the symbol of peace. The best candidate for the heroes in the rumored half a year ago, ‘God’s Son ‘!”

“Mr. Kyle’s child?”

Jane and Lucy were really shocked and almost exclaimed. Jane is purely surprised. In addition to being surprised, Lucy also contains a variety of emotions such as joy, sadness, and relief.

Still can’t easily forget the man.

Lucy was secretly sighed, looking at Caesar’s eyes, with a bit of burning love and tenderness.

Caesar is coming over, naturally knowing what she is thinking, deliberately not to look over, looked towards people who are welcoming the song.

At this moment, the two men talked and laughed, intentionally or unintentionally coming to this side, their eyes were freed from the graceful body of Anne’s three women, and the eyes of the blind eyes were full of wild beast-like desires.

Anne and Jane are still chatting, apparently not paying attention to the danger of the side.

Caesar slightly frowned, closed his eyes and quickly opened, the white light flashed inside the scorpion, and the view of the field of view seen in the eye again changed the sky and the earth turning upside down.

He looked toward the opposite Jane and Lucy, and the line of sight directly penetrated their skirts and underwear, and saw the inner ketone body, which was only the beginning, and soon the line of sight went deeper, and the medical instrument laser-like clear perspective To the human skeleton, the five internal organs and the densely packed blood vessels.

Caesar was shocked. In his eyes, Jane and Lucy had turned into two shackles. The heart of the left chest was still beating in the skeleton, which seemed to make the scalp numb.

This is the eyes of the comet, except for the telescope and the micro, the Third Type super power performance – X-ray!

Caesar looked sideways, and the two men who were not intent were also turned into two bodies. What is different from ordinary people is that their inner lungs are like a flame, and the creatures are suppressing the burning!

These two talents are criminals who attack Stark employees!

“Who is the Eddie guy chasing?”

Caesar whispered, watching the two criminals come close, he immediately patted Annie’s arm, Anne unconsciously released his hands, 0.1 seconds, the Caesar in his arms disappeared.

A few meters, for Caesar, it is not a distance at all.

It is like moving in an instant.

Caesar appeared in the blink of an eye above the heads of the two criminals. The two criminals were also shocked. The reaction was relatively quick compared to ordinary humans. They raised their arms for attack or defensive purposes, and the palms turned on some kind of switch like a glow of red and hot. high temperature!

The temperature rose sharply and the ballroom in the bar suddenly became hot!

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