I Am In Marvel

Chapter 360

Caesar looked at the scene of the burning of the blockade, patted the top of Eddie’s head, and then jumped down, but the bottom of the foot did not touch the black ground, and stopped at a low altitude under the control of some mysterious power.

“Young Master, are you here?”

Eddie鈥檚 eyes wide open, but after Caesar鈥檚 swing, he could only stand still and watch.

Caesar hovered in the air 10 cm from the ground, like stepping on the empty air floor, walking one step at a small step to the center of the site.

When the evening fades away, the sky above the head is blue, and the night is silently shrouded in the city. The two bypass lights of the street turn on after the sound of zi zi, and the slightly dim beam falls on the alley with the burning marks on the scene. On the wall.

Eddie, as a narration, whispered: “This is the first place in the case. Just three days ago, two Stark industrial R&D employees returned home, and when they passed by, they were unidentified. The attack, when only one public camera in the area was broken, only 10 minutes later, someone was alerted, but when the police arrived at the scene, the area inside the ten meters was burned by the fire, and it was temporarily judged to be Explosives with high-explosive effects such as explosions are so detonated that no evidence or clues can be found.”

“You said that two employees were attacked, but why there are only three silhouettes here.”

Caesar’s little finger pointed to the blackened wall, where there were three hidden figures, and the proof of being in front of him was imprinted on the wall table.

“There are rumors that the third shadow belongs to the evil spirits.” Eddie shrugged, casually said.

“I have seen evil spirits and souls, but it is not like this.”

Caesar’s face was a little cold, revealing maturity and stability beyond his age, and he looked down and the scene under his body reflected in the translucent pupil.

Subtle and subjective observations of everything, in fact, not only can predict the short-term future –

Residues on the scene, burning marks, particles in the air…

After counting all the information I saw as data, Caesar鈥檚 brain at this time, with the continuous supply of energy, like a supercomputer, used various equations and thinking to deduct the past. Things.

Soon, those scenes that existed in the past, like one after another, appeared in front of Caesar.

“it is as expected.”

After a while, Caesar was thoughtfully nodded, and the small corners outlined a strange smile.

“Young Master, what do you see?” Eddie scratched his head inexplicably. He couldn’t see anything at all. With the body toxins, there was nothing to do.

Caesar lightly snorted, said tenderly and confidently: “Almost, but to determine the direction of the escape of the raids, the potential information given by this location can not be done.”


“Because the raids blew themselves up, they were forcibly erased from this world with two employees.”

Caesar’s words made Eddie stunned and brought out new doubts: “The traces of the use of explosives were not detected on the spot.”

“You are really stupid, or a horn, who says that explosives can blew themselves – if the body of the raider is the source of the explosion?”

Caesar did not say good luck, no longer intend to continue to stay here, he went directly to the direction of the motorcycle locomotive.

Eddie quickly followed, and his body and brain couldn’t keep up with the rhythm. He continued to ask: “Young Master, where are we going?”

Caesar鈥檚 face was calm and unquestionable: 鈥淚s there not another place to be attacked? One after another.鈥?/p>

At the next time, Eddie took Caesar and drove the motorbikes on various streets. He had to investigate the first to third raids. The scenes were clean and ruined. There is no clue to go up.

Caesar鈥檚 eyes were getting brighter and brighter until she reached the fourth place, which happened yesterday, the location of the most recent employee attack.

“caught you.”

Caesar muttered to himself, holding a small piece of iron that was not far from the scorched earth area.

If you are targeting a terrorist organization in Stark Industries, every time you send a cannon ash to perform an attack mission, it is too difficult to find clues.

Obviously, after the success of the previous perfect and without blemish, their courage finally got bigger. The fourth attack was not a dead man. This time, the ‘self-explosive’ killed the mission target and fled the scene. .

Caesar carefully looked at the small iron in his hand and didn’t need the testing tools. His eyes were far more than a hundred times more than any scientific laser scanning. At this moment, it was like seeing an invisible long line following the inextricable trace.

“Eddie, keep up!”

This time, Caesar did not sit back on Eddie’s shoulder. The small body that was floating in it trembled slightly, and the back back was like a rocket carrier. It suddenly rushed out and rose more than ten meters high. It quickly speeded up to the speed of sound and flew into the distance. Night sky.

Eddie was dumbfounded, looking at the motorcycle parked next to him, and looking at Caesar, who was about to go away. He rushed to the air and shouted to the air, not forgetting to scream, “Toxins, help!”

“Got it.”

With the cold-snorted toxin, Eddie’s forefoot is just a step forward, and the hind foot is wrapped in a layer of black stratum corneum to create a muscle and shell with a strong visual impact.

He squats down, and then his feet slammed, containing a full-bodied bounce. The concrete floor is dull and cracked several cracks, and a circle of white dust waves spread outward.

Eddie’s two-meter-high black armor, like a missile, slanted out, during which time the flexible building was used as a pedal, and the stalking chasing Caesar flying at high speed.

After ten minutes.

Queens, charming bar.

The huge dance sound of the inner ballroom stuns the eardrum. Under the multi-colored neon flashing lights, a group of well-dressed beautiful girls and shirtless masculine men dance indulgence, wearing sexy waitresses holding drinks back and forth from time to time. .

Black hair The young man pushed in, letting the sound waves hit himself, and the boy who sat on his shoulder sighed and said: “Young Master, can you slow down next time, don’t bring this way?”

This is not exactly Eddie and Caesar. They both crossed a dozen kilometers in a short period of time and arrived in another jurisdiction in New York.

“Don’t talk nonsense, he is here.” Caesar looked coldly at the crowd in the bar dance hall.

“The fourth attack on the staff of Stark employees.”

Eddie whispered seriously, raised his spirits, and opened his hands with both hands, and began to go deep into the crowded interior of the ballroom.

Around the customer saw the combination of Eddie and Caesar, from time to time to cast a different look, men with a girl to come to this occasion is normal, pets are sometimes brought, can bring children to the first time!

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