I Am In Marvel

Chapter 336

Tens of thousands of blue-quality item cards will be exhausted by one of them. It is undoubtedly a big gamble to replace it with a sacrifice card.

The brand new one thousand cards are all starting with blue quality, and they are not capped. All the explosions are in front of them, and they are not willing to blink.

Kyle held his breath nervously, calmly watching countless cards emerged out of nowhere, gradually filling up the empty space.

This is a real one thousand thousand (blue quality)!

When a thousand cards were drawn by the system and all floated in front of Kyle, the subtle shock of the card space was stopped.

Kyle took a deep breath and didn’t look at the blue-quality new card, or the familiar card, which was wasted half a second. Instead, he swept the majority of the Blink Blu-ray card stack and landed directly on top.

There, there is only one card, solitary hanging in the top, with a dazzling glittering golden light.

Golden quality.

Above purple, second only to the colorless quality, look at the terrifying of the entire nine worlds.

After all, Kyle has only known that the quality of infinite gems can reach colorless, and the alien races of Divine Artifact, such as [Fire of Eternal], [God of Thunder Hammer], etc. are all in the golden quality level.

“and many more……”

When Kyle saw that there was a golden light, he knew that this thousand-dollar pumping was absolutely profitable. You can take a closer look and discover that the newly-extracted gold card is even bigger than the golden one held by [Fire of Eternal]. The halo is also a few times brighter.

Can it be said that it is rare? Golden Rare quality? !

Kyle’s eyes were red, and when he waved his hand, he grabbed the newly-extracted gold card in his hand, slammed his excitement, and looked down on any message.

After a while.

Kyle’s thoughts incarnation pouted, his face was gloomy, holding the gold card tightly, and his heart had already set off a stormy wave.

The ability class is of course the best, but this time it’s a rare bio card…

More precisely, he drew a ‘person’, a rare golden-quality alien larva.

[氪星婴儿]: A certain family of orphans unknown to Star God. Golden rare bio card.

The appearance of the comet is highly similar to the Protoss and Earth people, and there is no biological isolation.

There is an energy reactor in the body of the comet, which can directly absorb the pure energy produced by nuclear fusion (the star), and there is a near perfect fusion between the body and the energy.

The eyes of the comet can zoom freely from a few microns to a few thousand kilometers, making everything clear. And you can use the eyes to distinguish electromagnetic waves, see through the walls, receive or release X-rays and heat.

Comet people can feel the flow of energy in space. Their bodies are like a super-wide range of radars, plus super-long-range hearing, which can clearly perceive what is happening in every corner of Earth.

As long as there is enough pure energy, the comet has a strong body with almost no upper limit, fast flight, no power, reinforced iron, and extraordinary self-healing.

The only weakness: meteorites. It can make the comet people weak and weak (there is no such thing in the Marvel universe).

The creature is a male larva of the comet. It is currently three months old and has a healthy body. As early as the age of 18, it will continue to present the above-mentioned extraordinary innate talents.

Is it summon?

This rare golden bio card has a long explanation, but the more I look at it, the more shocking Kyle is. Until I finish reading, he is silent and can’t speak, and there is only one thought in his mind.

This alien race innate talent is too foul, how can there be such a perverted race?

The Hulk and the Nordic Protoss are synonymous with the power of the ceiling. They are comparable to the brainless ability of the comet, and they are simply the difference between the original monk and the modern human.

Kyle thought that the Protoss was a perfect evolution of human deification. In addition to tens of thousands of years of lifespan, as well as independent power and manipulation of Divine Artifact, the comet was too bullied in terms of combat power.

The gods will cry!

Of course, the comet is almost incomprehensible, purely due to the special geography of Earth.

If you change to Saqin or the rest of the planet, there is no sufficient supply of sunlight, and the comet is no better than ordinary humans.

However, here is Earth, a world with sunshine and no meteorites!

In the card space, Kyle holds a rare gold card and looks at the baby’s face on the card. The mind is weighing the pros and cons.

Just half a century ago, Kyle, who was only a new soldier’s egg, did not reveal this jealous expression when he extracted the extremely difficult venom.

It can be known that the adult comet, in the current Earth, can be said that there is no natural enemy that can compete with it.

Even today’s Kyle, the same can not say that it can cope with the adult body of the Stars, despite the card system’s main servant treaty restrictions, there may be a special precedent for slaughter, indicating that the card system also has loopholes.

“His birth will definitely shock the world, even the gods in the sky will be afraid of it.”

Because of the lack of control, Kyle will be both excited and taboo about [氪星婴儿], and hesitate about whether to use it.

“Well, let’s take a look at other cards first.”

Kyle sighed and threw a bunch of distractions in his heart, his eyes falling on the new purple card above.

Just one thousand of the only ones, in addition to bursting out a golden rare, there are more than 30 purple quality cards.

Of course, 26 Zhang is a pity that is unfortunately eaten. There are only four other pieces, which gives Kyle a certain expectation.

Inviting to wave, Kyle will take four purple cards to the hand and view them from left to right.

[Extra Large Planet Engine] × 2: A star-rated engine engine. Purple item card.

It is small in size and can be disassembled once it is set up. It is a high-tech crafted star engine.

The energy is obtained through the fusion reactor, and the plasma is accelerated to a very high speed by electromagnetic. The extra-large engine can provide one trillion tons of driving force!

Tips: Set up a dozen [mega-planet engines], which will allow Earth to revolve around itself; collect hundreds of [mega-planet engines], and launch Earth as an interstellar battleship.

Kyle’s mouth twitched slightly and moved Earth, fearing that Shi Lezhi would do this kind of behavior.


[Deadpool Head]: Black box with the head of Deadpool. Purple item card.

A sealed quadrilateral black box, locked, with a skull inside the mutant class called ‘Deadpool’.

So the focus is on the black box, or the head? System Divide the biological skull into items?

Kyle couldn’t help but frown. There are so many slots in it that I can’t spit it out. I looked at it and cut it.

last piece.

[Soul Partition]: The mysterious power of the soul class. Purple ability card.

Divide your soul into two, the original source is left on the body, and the other half is transplanted into the appropriate creature to serve as the second avatar.

When the soul occupies a selected creature, it can only target the young or the weak state, and there is a great possibility of failure.

Ontology and avatar share vision, ideas, and cannot share life.

Warning: The soul of the surgeon must be strong enough, the division will be accompanied by extreme pain, and at most only two avatars can be found.

Every time the soul splits, the vitality of the body will be lost in half!

“This card…”

Kyle’s mind was shocked, and almost instantly, his mind was hard to suppress and emerged a bold idea.

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