I Am In Marvel

Chapter 331

The atmosphere and the white clouds are set aside, and the sun can’t cover the colorful light. The Rainbow Bridge runs through several layers of World from the top of the universe.

Apparently at Heimdall in the portal of the gods, I heard the cry of Sol and quickly opened the Rainbow Bridge to the Divine.


Kyle, like Jane and the others, waved their hand at the Saul Five.

Sol’s firm nodded, with the gods of the gods, will lift the God of Thunder hammer high without head back.

The next moment, the rainbow light column drops from the sky, covering the silhouette of the five people of Sol.

At the same time, a calm and familiar voice was introduced into Kyle’s ear.

Kyle’s weird opening: “Heimdall?”

“it’s me.”

Heimdall sound transmission responded, he opened the rainbow channel, watching the Earth scene with clairvoyance, but also by the open rainbow bridge channel to Kyle.

“What’s the matter?” Kyle asked.

Heimdall quickly said: “There is not much time. Listen, the last time you asked me to check out the inquiries, I have a clue not long ago…”

“what did you say?!”

Kyle’s heart trembled, and he asked Heimdall to find out the only thing in half a year!

It is also a crucial thing!

Kyle listened carefully, Heimdall said a word quickly, just as the Rainbow Bridge light column flew up and disappeared, and the place where Sol and the others stood was only a round rune burnt mark residue.

“What about the Galaxy League?”

Kyle muttered to himself, and Heimdall’s words were still in his ear. “About the traces of the three humans called Lucy, Howard, and Logan…”

“Master, are we going to find a mother?” The venom asked in her mind.

“Nature is looking for, but it is not the time.” Kyle sighed softly, his eyes were full of complex colors, and he looked down at the watch form. “Weith, send the interstellar fighter, come to New York immediately.” return.”

“Yes, Master!” Wiss led the death, the radio waves spread and began to connect remotely with the fighters in the Dorman Tower in New York.

After ten minutes.

New York, Dorsett Building, rooftop top.

The rain of a black long skirt leaned on the edge of the railing, and the long black hair of the waist fluttered in the wind, and the sun shone on her delicate face, reflecting the crystal clear luster.

She is like a blooming black rose, beautiful and moving, but with a fatal danger.


The white clouds on the sky were broken by far and near, and with the arrival of a strong hot air, an ultra-modern eagle-style interstellar fighter broke out of the invisible mode, debuted and slowly landed in the center of the rooftop of the Dorsett Tower.

Silver’s rear hatch opens and Kyle Meteor steps down the fighter.

“Boss.” Yu Yu caressed the hair that was slightly messy by the wind, and the gently smiled gracefulness greeted him, naturally followed by Kyle, and walked side by side with him without any sense of disobedience. Go.

“Well, what happened to the New York side?” Kyle asked as he walked.

“Everything went well.” Rain rushed into the secretary’s state, and the report work: “The temporary worker Eddie, who has found the remaining two alien symbiosis, went alone to the headquarters of the company called the ‘Biogene Association’. In the past, I asked Luna and Kabun to observe in secret, and contacted Natasha so that she could send SHIELD agents to support at any time.”

“Not bad, just what does this temporary job mean?” Kyle heard it a bit embarrassing.

“Temporary workers, that is…” Yu Yan said several key treaties, giving the temporary workers a professional explanation.

Probably, the most inferior and dirty work, the least welfare benefits, the firm does not have to bear responsibility.

“This is too bad?”

After listening to Kyle, his mouth twitched slightly, and he mourned for a half-second for Eddie and his symbiosis with the body.

Right, say back to the symbiosis…

Kyle asked the question that venom most wanted to know: “The symbiosis of Eddie within the body, there are really two weaknesses of flame and sound waves?”

Yu Yuding said: “For the symbiotic power called ‘toxin’, it remains to be seen, but for the time being, it is completely certain – it is not afraid of flames and super-frequency sound waves.”

“This is strange.” Kyle puzzled and touched his chin.

Actually, there will be a symbiosis without weakness, which is too exaggerated, and even the venom is not snorted.

“Get ready. I want to go to the biogene association headquarters and see the symbiosis.” Kyle entered the top floor room and took off his dusty coat for him.

“Boss, don’t worry so much? You just got back from the Mexican Brother Xi, now it’s afternoon, you can take a shower and finish dinner.” Rainy nose is not full of wrinkles.

“Well, take a shower and eat, but be quicker.” When Kyle expressionless spoke, a flash of eager eagerness in his eyes quickly disappeared, but he was always concerned about his rain, and it happened to be this scene. The bottom of the income.

“Boss, are you leaving again?”

The sudden questioning of Yu Yu made Kyle one of them, and the silence did not answer.

“I want to leave Earth again? How many years have to go this time, or decades.” Rainy voice asked as slowly as possible.

“What did you see when you rained?” Kyle looked at Yu Yu, but he left Visi temporarily secret, and intentionally hidden his mind and expression.

It was less than ten minutes before I came back, and Yu Yu read the heart and half of the insight.

“I can’t read your heart, but don’t think that you can hold me. After all, I am also a woman, with a sixth sense in the dark.” Yu Yan’s mouth outlines a smile and looks at him proudly.

Of course, only in front of Kyle, she will have a weak attitude of the little girl.

“Please don’t hide me, okay?”

“Okay.” Kyle softened and grinned. “I got their news from Lucy Rogan. In a few days, they should be in the Galaxy area of ​​the Grand Alliance.”

“I understand.” Rainy as soon as I heard it, as one of the people who know Kyle best, she naturally knows the importance of her mother Ruth in Kyle’s heart.

I am afraid that between Earth and Lucy, Kyle will even prefer to choose the latter.

“You can rest assured. If there is no problem in the domain of the gods, I can borrow the Rainbow Bridge and reach the Galaxy Alliance directly across the Milky Way. Once I find it, I will take them back immediately.” Kyle reached out and stroked the smooth hair of the rain, saying with a slight sigh: “On the contrary, I am worried about you who are staying at Earth.”

“I know.” Rainy hand holding Kyle’s big hand and actively rubbing on his white face, biting the cherry-like lips and saying, “Give me too weak, can’t let you remove your worries.”

“You are still weak, all the black queens in the strong women.” Kyle felt the great touch and warmth from the palm, inexplicably dignified: “The main enemy is the strong, to what extent, not you can Expected to beware.”

The next time, it should be near the famous battle of New York in the Marvel.

This battle will subvert everything!

Earth began to connect with the alien universe. Since then, human beings have been invaded by foreign enemies, and World will officially enter a new era!

The rise of heroes, the invasion of aliens, and even the coming of the gods will be endless! Technology and magic collision, divine power and duel duel, the splash of Mars is a disaster for ordinary people!

Finally, a ring finger kills all beings!

What human beings can’t think of now, what the future they will be ushered in!

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