I Am In Marvel

Chapter 324

Isolation indoors.

Looking at Eddie, who had no face to be loved, the rain was estimated to be almost the same. Then he entered the topic and said with a certain tone: “Eddie. Now the only two roads are in front of you.”

“Ah, there are two more? Isn’t it just one? Jumping out from the top of the building, it’s a hundred.” Eddie smiled reluctantly, making it easy for himself to talk.

“The second one is that I think about your situation and tailor it for you.”

Yu Yu’s long-awaited soft voice said: “The one million dollars, non-natural office can serve you. The police and military criminal records, we can completely remove it for you in official channels. Even everything Bad public opinion can be eliminated…”

“Don’t say it!” Eddie’s eyes were getting brighter and brighter, and suddenly interrupted the words of the rain. Under the rainy eyes, he looked up slightly and said, “Is there a possibility of rejection?”

“No.” Rainy smiles, the answer is elegant and simply.

Eddie shrugged said: “That won’t be done – let’s talk about your conditions. Help me with no reason, I don’t believe it.”

“You are a smart person.” Yu Yu commented.

Because of the symbiosis of toxins, she could not read the voices of the other party at random, and could only start the slight guidance of the paving, so that Eddie could not negotiate because of rejection. I didn’t expect the other party to go on the road. I saw the prepared pit and jumped on the inside.

Eddie light sighed then said: “Thank you for complimenting. I am also a journalist born in journalism, and the situation will still be judged. You obviously have to decide me, and you and I have such a big gap in status and strength. In my hand, I don’t have the third way to qualify.”

“Then I will say it straight.” Rainy paused, looking directly at Eddie: “The condition is that you join a non-natural office and become a temporary worker.”

“What?!” Eddie is a bit embarrassed. Is this a persecution condition or an online benefit?

It is important to know that non-natural firms never recruit people, even if the service receptionist is an internal member of the Carl family. If he agrees, it is one of the company’s external recruits.

But what is the ‘temporary worker’?

Eddie cautiously asked: “My profession should not meet the requirements of the company?”

“It’s still a good pass. The firm just needs an internal media staff to facilitate the release of information. But we value your fighting potential and value.”

Yu Yu said, handing the documents he had been holding to Eddie and said, “Of course, this temporary contract signing contract is not only for you, but precisely – you and your with the body. Symbiotic.”

“You have already prepared.” Eddie snorted, took the documents, opened and found that it was a temporary contract signing, and there were nearly a hundred articles in the next paragraph, filled with ten pages of regular A4 paper.

Carefully overturned, Eddie felt the scalp numb as he looked at it. When he turned to the last page, he pressed the contract under his hand. He said, “What is this overlord clause?”

Not to mention a bunch of restrictions, just to mention the first one: “After signing a temporary work contract with the capability office, the cooperation is valid for a period of one hundred years. During this period, the temporary workers cannot unilaterally terminate the contract, otherwise the compensation service will be 10 billion US dollars…”

There is also Article 56: “Temporary workers must obey the BOSS directive of the capability office. 24 hours are working hours all the time. Once there is a task, it is necessary to start immediately…”

The last one hundred and one: “For all treaties for temporary workers, the final interpretation rights are owned by non-natural firms.”

“What kind of contract is this? It is clearly a sales contract!” Eddie was resentful and could not speak.

“Eddie, you can’t sign it, you look at the contractor below the contract.” The toxin suddenly said in Eddie’s mind.

Eddie reopened and looked at it. The signatory of the temporary work contract is: Eddie and its symbiosis with the body. That is to say, this contract is to tie them together and work for unnatural things in life.

“Reassured. In addition to the treaties that have been added, the temporary workers enjoy all the benefits of the official staff of the firm and the Karen family Red Card. And we will not force you to do murder.” Yu Yu said here. The words turned, “In addition. Letting you sign this contract is not just what I mean, but also the old Great Intent.”

“Boss?” Eddie stunned his head.

“This building, the owner of the non-natural office.” Yu Yu said softly.

“Is it a symbol of peace?” Eddie was shocked, and the previous depression and worry no longer existed.

At least, the Legendary hero peace symbol will not hang him in this New York City three good citizens?

“The boss’s name is really unfavorable.” Yu Yan looked at Eddie’s expression, and his heart could not help but secretly feel.

This temporary work contract is naturally not made by the boss, but the boss is not to let her see it.

“That’s good, I signed!” Eddie said for a moment, determined.

The toxins couldn’t be hidden, and they whispered in Eddie’s mind: “Eddie, don’t let me put in for myself, the contract is half of me!”

“In the beginning, you have to rely on me. I am not you. You are not me. We are not divided into each other.”

Eddie calmly analyzed and whispered: “This is not just for me. You don’t want to deal with alien symbiosis, you still want to find your own origins and meanings in Earth. These things are really too difficult for us.” If we can become a member of a non-natural firm and get their help, then both of our goals can be successfully completed.”

“You…justified.” The toxin said a little hesitantly.

After Eddie and the toxin agreed, they signed the name on the paper contract and the electronic contract at the prompt of the rain.

The main Deity worker intelligence directly records the files, so that Eddie and Toxin became the first temporary workers in the non-natural office.

Yu Yu collected the contract, lightly smiled said: “From now on, you are one of us, regardless of life and death probably will not leave this circle.”

“When I get enough 10 billion to pay for the US dollar, let’s talk about it.” Eddie nodded.

Yu Yu clap his hands and immediately a female cardiner took the suitcase, walked into the isolation room, and placed the box on the edge of Eddie’s bed.

The box is opened, and a set of black battle suits with unknown materials, identity cards, boots gloves, demon masks, high-tech electronic watches, and two injections marked with the words ‘Super Agent’ and ‘Infinite Equation’ are printed. Reagents.

When Eddie was still screaming at the gods, the raindrops showed a smile like a demon, saying, “So. Temporary work 001, your first mission is coming.”

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