I Am In Marvel

Chapter 322

“You are crazy, only to know people for less than half a day, is this spring? I don’t even know what his identity is!”

Keep your eyes open and stare at your girlfriend.

Jane and Darcy are already friends in high school to college. I still know Darcy’s personality. Don’t look at her face like a social flower. In fact, I haven’t talked about a decent love yet.

Although Darcy is a carefree temper, the charming and mature secretary’s face is still very popular in the school. The boys who are usually chasing can make a circle in the basketball court.

But Darcy is all like the iceberg Goddess, and in her words: “Other boys are like polar brat, the animals thinking in the lower body, it is better to find a boyfriend than to come by yourself.”

When the last time she fell in love, Darcy gave me ridicule, and said that she would never easily be a man’s trap. As a result, now… the initiative to surrender so quickly fell into disappointment?

However, if it is Mr. Ka, it is indeed forgivable – after all, no matter how harsh the eyes, it is the perfect urban elite that does not exist in reality.

“Isn’t identity the person in charge of a company? Is it a liar that is guaranteed by your professional tutor?”

In the face of Jane’s doubts, Darcy immediately retorted, beautiful eyes revealing the longing for love.

Jane still wants to persuade a few more words, but if Darcy can’t hold it, he can only helplessly shrugged and say, “I know, now I can’t listen to anything I say. But I still want to remind you. Well, that Mr. Card is not the object that your little girl can handle.”

“Don’t try to know.” Darcy bit his lip and grabbed Jane’s arm. He said reluctantly: “Jane, I am accompanying you in this ghost place. You must find a way to help me this time.” ”

“What do you want to do?” Jane sighed.

“You don’t have any wine in your car, we can…” Darcy said, his face could not help but float two blushes, and the words with yellow were even more shocking.

Jane decisively refused: “You are a way to kill the enemy eight hundred to damage one thousand, absolutely not, and you are a professor and Sol they do not exist?”

“What should I do…” Darcy turned his attention to Jane, simple and soft, and began to teach himself a few love skills.

Ever since, the two college graduated girls, hiding in a corner of the wilderness, secretly talked about the mystery of life.

Next to the campfire in the camp.

Kyle looked up and inadvertently slammed Jane and Darcy, who were two ten meters away, and quickly regained their eyes if they had nothing to do. They solved the golden chicken wings on hand and one after another.

It is not that he wants to deliberately eavesdrop. The problem is that the distance of more than 20 meters is almost equivalent to the whispering of the ear under the extraordinary and keen hearing.

Sometimes listening is good, it is not a good thing!

Kyle secretly vomited, a little boring to listen, two girls on how to compromise their own plans and calculations.

“That, Kay, cough cough… Mr. Ka.” Eric respected the voice and asked Kyle: “Today’s thing about SHIELD…”

Halfway through his words, Kyle understood what he meant. He calmly responded: “It doesn’t matter. They won’t find you any more trouble later, and after tomorrow, the equipment you are being picked up will also have special agents. Send it back.”

“That’s good, that’s good.” The sinking stone in my heart fell, Eric sighed, as if to notice something, a little surprised to ask: “Tomorrow?”

“Yes, after tomorrow, things here will be past tense. Our journey should be over.” Kyle shrugged, inexplicable prophecy.

“Is there a major event happening tomorrow?” Eric glared at his chest, nervously.

“You can say that, but they are all fights of gods, and have nothing to do with you.” Kyle nodded.

“The god fights…” Eric swallowed and looked at the position of Sol, not far away. The tone was incomparably complicated and questioned: “Is Sol really a god?”

Kyle laughs and says nothing.

“The God of Thunder in mythology? His father, really God King Odin?” Eric continued to ask.

Kyle didn’t answer, but it defaulted to Eric’s statement.

After Eric was confirmed, he sucked his mouth and said: “My God.”

He not only invited the peace symbol to have lunch, but also invited God of Thunder Sol to drink beer. Who can believe it?

When Eric was still digesting the huge message, Kyle got up from the mat on the ground and patted him on the shoulder and said, “You will help me block your two students, I have something.”

Eric hit a shivered and quickly said, “Know! Be sure to complete the mission!”

“Let’s relax.” Kyle waved his hand and walked alone on the station wagon.

Entering the rear compartment of the station wagon, Kyle closes the door and sits in the seat of the closed compartment. The light nodded said, “Weisi, connect the rainy side.”

“Yes, master.”

The mechanical watch is slightly bright, Blu-ray Blink, which forms 3Dprojection in the air.

After five seconds, the private contact between the two places was connected, and the projection revealed a delicate and soft face.

It seems that after just a fierce battle, there is a little sweat on the forehead of the rain, a few black hairs wet on the white face, and the glazed beautiful eyes and the cold silver light are not completely broken.

Connected with Kyle, the cold suffocation of the rainy body suddenly dissipated, and softly shouted: “Boss.”


Surrounded by the rain around Kayu, after seeing Kyle’s projection, he brushed his knees with a respectful knee.

“How is the situation over there?” Kyle asked.

“The end of the second symbiosis, just wiped out the treatment.” Rain said that casual, like killing a small mouse into the house.

On the side, the kamen on one knee squatting shiver coldly, the scalp numb looks look towards the foot of the rain.

There, there is a dark red liquid biological corpse, as the host’s blond loli, lying on the ground on the other side.

Can not rely on ultrasound and flame, forcibly separating the symbionts and hosts from the symbiotic state, probably only rain. With a strong idea as a scalpel, precision and elegance, domineering directly separate the body and consciousness of the two…

At first glance, it makes people feel chilling.

“Eddie, remember it for me, don’t provoke the woman.” The toxin was said in Eddie’s mind with unprecedented dignity.

Eddie is still sitting on the edge of the battle, and he is deeply convinced: “I will not be so stupid nonsense.”

“well done.”

Kyle just evaluated it, and Yu Yan asked for Luna: “Luna did a good job, and caught Eddie and his symbiosis with the body.”

“I am her comrade-in-arms, not a prisoner.” Eddie weakly corrected the sentence.

Kyle indulged for a moment and asked: “The symbiosis… is there really no weakness?”

“From the current point of view, yes.” Yu Yu replied.

“This way. Take them back to the Dorsett Building first, and test it in real time. You should look at the specifics. I guess I have to stay in Brother Xi Xi for a day or so. I understand this, I will return the first time.” Kyle did not If you think too much, you will immediately give instructions.

“Yes, boss.”

Yu Yuyuan also wants to talk about Luna’s situation, considering Luna’s self-respect, and the serious consequences of the boss’s anger, or conceal it.

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