I Am In Marvel

Chapter 313

Wilderness lightning Blink, the night sky is clouded, with the cold wind blowing, the heavy rain suddenly came down.

The sirens sounded by the temporary base, and the armed personnel stationed there heard the sound.

Coulson frowned, took out the communicator and dialed in with the voice of the surveillance room: “What happened?”

The person in charge of the communicator immediately replied: “Sir. We just found out that the protective net in the south of the base has been energized in the future. There is a hole in the corner. There is a blond man with a strong 1.8 m and a strong figure. Forced to invade the temporary base, and also stunned two duty guards, and went to the research center in the center of the base.”

Coulson calmed his face and said in a cold voice: “I know, let the guards continue to maintain the patrol order and hand over the SHIELD agents to solve the intruders.”


After hanging up the communication, Coulson continued to dial to the private personal connection, and soon an indifferent male voice responded: “I am.”

“The items in this temporary research room are very important, and you still have to take out insurance,” Coulson informed.


The other side of the communication.

On the first floor of the temporary base, a black hair agent wearing a uniform uniform opened the door of the arsenal. The eagle-like cold and severe eyes slammed on the iron shelves of various types of firearms.

The black hair agent picked up a modern sniper rifle, measured the weight, and quickly placed it back. With the slightest hesitation, he took the top row of trait composite bows and an arrow with many exotic arrows. bag.

Then he rushed out of the arsenal and went up the stairs. After reaching the top of the third floor, he reached out and crawled to the temporary roof of the base.

At this moment.

In the institute, Sol breathed in the aisle, and when he was about to reach the corner, a sturdy, physically strong bear-like black agent stopped him.

“People, don’t stop me from going!” Saul listened to the thunder outside and looked at the big Han agent who was half a head taller than himself. He threatened to hold the fists tightly.

There are changes in the domain, he does not want to stay here to waste time!

“If you want to go, just give me a nap.” The black agent sneered, pinching the fist of the sandbag, and squeaking the joints.

It’s useless to say, just do it!

Sol snarled and snorted, the incarnation of the coward rushed forward, and the black-handed and black agents were taut.

After a while, the two men wrestled into a group, broke the wall of the temporary research institute, and fell into the open-air crater cave.

Due to the heavy rain, the crater has become a quagmire.

Two tall robert mans fell into them, and they immediately fell into the mud, and they didn’t care about the punches and kicks.

This scene is naturally exposed to Coulson on the second floor and to the black hair agent who climbed to the top of the roof.

The black hair agent stood alone on the narrow roof and pulled out a special steel arrow on the thin string of the trait composite bow. The single eye aimed to pull down a curved arc and aimed at the hole in the hole. The back of the head.

No matter how close Sol and the black agent are, and constantly moving in the battle to change position, the sharp and sharp arrow tip always follows the target to move and adjust.

“I am already in place. Do you need to kill the intruder?” asked Black Hair Agent expressionless.

Upon hearing the voice from the communicator, Coulson indulged in a moment, seeing the intruder slamming the black agent, and finally gave a nodded command: “Kill it.”

“To understanding.”

The black hair agent looked deep and held his breath. He was not affected by the heavy rain. The hands holding the bow and arrow were stable like mechanical construction.

Under the pothole, Saul knocked the black agent down to the ground, licked the wet shawl hair, and walked tiredly toward the silver hammer in the center of the pothole, and did not notice the fatal danger from the side of the head.

“It’s over.” Black hair agent whispered, just about to loosen the arrow and let the trait arrow burst into Saul’s head. One hand was on the tip of the arrow without warning from behind, and the lower bias was lowered. Moved the target that was targeted.

“Why, who?” The black hair agent shuddered and frightened and turned back, but I didn’t know when, standing behind a young and handsome silver-haired youth.

“Using trait bows… You should be ‘Hawkeye’ Clint Barton, which Natasha often mentioned?”

Kyle smiled and looked down at the squat in the pit. He said in a plain and dignified tone: “The one below is my friend, give me a face, don’t shoot him.”

“Where are you sacred?” Hawkeye is still in extreme shock. As a shooting master, the most taboo is that he is touched by the enemy, especially behind the defense.

But just now, the moment before the emergence of the shot to stop, with his high degree of vigilance, he did not notice a trace of abnormality.

The other party seems to be out of thin air. If it is really an enemy, he has not known how many times he died!

Kyle didn’t answer. If he couldn’t even guess his identity, it was a shame for Hawkeye’s hero code.

“You just mentioned Natasha, silver hair, too young…” Hawkeye stayed for half a second, reacted to recover the bow and arrow, cup one fist in the other hand, and said with awe, “Mr. Kyle.”

“It’s a bit of a eye.” Kyle nodded, let him be quiet, and continue to look down into the potholes.

“Is that one also here?”

Vaguely heard the conversation on the communicator, Coulson gave a slight glimpse, and then his face was serious and his doubtful eyes fell on Sol, who was in the pothole. “For him?”

Heavy rain washed into the pit.

The sludge on Sol’s body gradually washed away, calmed down, and walked to the side of the silver hammer to stop.

He has a face with joy, lowers his body, holds the hammer handle with his usual right hand, and wants to lift it up as before.

No matter how hard, the hammer is completely motionless.

Sol’s smile solidified on his face, and the air was full of ambiguous atmosphere.

He did not use his hands to make his strength, and the fact that he could not afford the hammer did not change.

Sol suddenly let go of his hands, and at this moment, he suddenly understood his status.

Father Odin exiled him, God of Thunder hammer no longer recognized him, all power, divine power, honor, pride no longer exist, really even a mortal is not as good.

‘啪塔! ‘

Sol kneels on the mud next to the hammer, looking up at the long night sky, like a wounded wild beast, screaming in the heavy rain.


Kyle, who already knew the ending, was not surprised. He patted Hawkeye’s shoulder and said, “Stun him with an anesthetic, shut it up, and an astronomer will pick him up afterwards. Let him go.”

“it is good.”

Hawkeye didn’t understand Kyle’s intentions, but was instinctively obeying orders.

From the moment Kyle appeared, the highest authority was transferred from Coulson.

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