I Am In Marvel

Chapter 310

Natasha and Luna went to the fifth floor one after the other and came to the aisle on the fifth floor full of burnt marks. Although the fire had been extinguished by firefighters, a faint burnt smell still permeated the air.

Some police officers also entered and exited in several rooms affected by the explosion, took photos of various photos, and collected materials for sampling analysis.

After seeing Natasha and Luna, the local police leader, Allen, a tall and burly black police officer took the lead. The black face was smiling with a smile and said: “I am the head of the police. Lun. The two should be Natasha’s deputy, and Luna’s secretary?”

“SHIELD, deputy director.” Natasha beheaded and took out an identity document from her body with SHIELD’s proprietary identification mark.

“Non-natural office, senior secretary.” Luna curl one’s lip, hands in the trouser pocket, there is no need to take out the identity card.

Allen police officer nodded in this way, Luna, although only a secretary, can only be worth a few SHIELDs.

“Say some things first.” Natasha retracted the documents and went straight to the question.

Allen police officer pointed to all around and simply said: “Our police have collected a large number of people’s card information, according to the comprehensive view of the renter on the fifth floor of the rental building. Half an hour ago, that is, New York time twenty three points In the 508 room, there were two human-type monsters in the fight, and the battle continued to the opposite 509. The last gas explosion was also caused by the 509 room, which was initially determined to be artificial.”

“Is the tenant in these two rooms?” Luna asked not to be outdone.

Police officer Allen pulled out his mobile phone and rummaged through the personal information that had been queried by headquarters. He said: “The tenant in 508 room is: Owen Weir. 36, English, originally working in a barbecue restaurant in Boston, is now unemployed. The nomads, the city of New York, where the day before yesterday, rented this suite and paid a monthly rent.”

He paused and continued: “In the 509 room of the gas explosion, we found the body of Owen Weir. The death was very fierce, and basically only the charred bones were left.”

“What about the 509 tenant?” Natasha caught the focus.

“This is a strange place.” Allen police officer shrugged and said seriously: “The tenant is Eddie, 24 is a high school student just graduated from the University of California. He was recently hired by the famous New York News Agency. It was the day before yesterday. New York, went to the company yesterday, and worked today until 20 points at night to return to renting.”

“The strange thing is that he didn’t die at the scene of the explosion, right?” Luna said.

Allen police officer nodded, Shen Sheng said: “There is no trace of Eddie’s body on the scene. Not only that, Eddie has not left this building, and the two monsters disappeared mysteriously in the explosion. We have issued a tracing order. , mobilize the local police force to find the whereabouts of Eddie.”

Natasha and Luna looked at each other with a thoughtful expression on their faces.

“Allen police officer is right.” Natasha lightly smiled, undoubtedly said: “You can now take people off the scene on the fifth floor, and only continue to maintain the blockade of this building. This is not something your police can handle. All file cases should be handed over to us SHIELD.”

“And our non-natural office.” Luna added a sentence.

“Okay, I understand.” Police officer Allen promised to go down.

SHIELD’s ability to operate, in some cases in New York is even higher than the military, it is normal to issue instructions to the police.

Not a little while. Allen police officer took a dozen police officers and evacuated the scene with orderly handover objects, leaving only a small team to block the building.

The SHIELD agent and the firm, Kabun, began to take out various high-tech instruments from the suitcase, and conducted a detailed and in-depth study of the explosion site to restore the video data of the two symbiosis battle scenes.

Natasha looked at towards Luna, who always intervened in her pocket, and asked, “Secretary Luna, what do you think?”

“Are you insulting my IQ? Since Patriarch knows some of the characteristics of the symbiosis, the battle here can basically draw conclusions in advance.” Luna said in a calm tone: “The flame has the ability to completely obliterate the symbiosis.” And the scene here left a body, which proves that at the moment of the explosion, the battle will be divided into a victory–one death and one escape.”

“It’s the same as I thought. And the symbiosis that escaped was parasitic on Eddie, who was missing.”

Natasha said that she was slightly surprised and said, “Probably the Lian Family did not expect that the symbionts that were invaded by aliens would still fight inside.”

at the same time.

New York City, Huxon River.

‘噗通! ‘

A dark, tall human monster sprinted from the viaduct bridge, and finally jumped down a hundred meters high river, reflecting a few waves of light and the night of the river immediately turbulent.

After ten seconds.

A young man’s head emerges from the shallow waters of the river, and then to the shoulders, waist, feet…

Eddie gasped and went from the shallow water to the shore. The force of the force fell on the concrete floor, and the wet wolf was full.

“What happened to me? Just now, I became a black monster?” Eddie had a lingering temper, and he shuddered in the night wind, his hands constantly groping on the body of a pair of crotch.

Even the little brother has not let go, touched it all over and found nothing unusual.

When Eddie was about to sigh, a black liquid oozes from his chest, turns into a snake-like shape, and the head is a toned version of the toxin.

“You are looking for me?” Toxins pouted, and a row of jagged teeth was exposed.

“You, you, you, how did you run to me?!” Eddie was frightened and retreated, and the toxin had been linked to his symbiosis. He retired and the toxins followed.

“Young man, if it weren’t me, you died in the explosion.”

Toxin hehe sneer.

“It turned out that you saved me.” Eddie’s emotions were slightly calmer, and the anger that soon responded said: “It’s not you! I have to let the gas ignite. Now it’s good, the family is blown up, I am a murderer.” Guilty!”

“You just killed, that is not human.” Toxin corrected.

“Do you think that you are talking about ghosts, the New York Police will believe it? I have finished playing in my life.” Eddie abandoned himself, and said with a slight despair on the ground.

“Hello, you have a little potential, can become my new host, trouble to cheer up.” Toxin comforted Eddie, proudly said: “You just saw my strength. You and me, you are omnipotent Superman, also What kind of bird police are you afraid of?”

“Host? Trouble you let me go.” Eddie was even more desperate.

“Not good means.”

The toxin grinned and said with conviction: “You are now a spare tire. I will live in your body before I find a suitable host!”

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