I Am In Marvel

Chapter 270

New York, the bustling two lanes of the city center.

Three different models of Volkswagen vehicles, slightly accelerated at the same time, from the back to the distance of the black business car, as if forming a blockade net quietly contracted.

The two more ahead, a truck and a van, with a slowing speed, seem to use the body as a roadblock.

“The target vehicle is not abnormal. We should have not found us yet. Now, all the assault members are ready to attack!”

The assault Captain on the rear vehicle, armed in the rear compartment of the van, directed the chic compact walkie-talkie.

“I count three times, 3, 2…”

Five armed camouflage cars, like predators lurking in intensive traffic, are naturally moving closer to the target business car, and they must join forces to launch a powerful offensive!

The ‘1’ that can be assaulted on Captain has not yet been said.

The four-wheeled crazy turn of the business car, the tail flame jet, the engine roar, incarnation rushed out like an angry bull.

“what’s the situation?!”

The assault squad was in amazement, thinking that the target vehicle wanted to escape, but the next moment, the scene that made them stunned appeared…

I saw the commercial vehicle linear acceleration, slammed into the tail side of the van at full speed, and turned the vehicle to the ground from the side.

The van roared and slid over the road for more than a dozen meters, and the burning Mars splashed along the way.

For a time, the vehicles coming and going at the crossroads were in a mess, and according to the horns, they avoided or stopped urgently.

Didn’t escape the first time, but took the initiative to attack…

Assault Captain Brain smashed down, didn’t hesitate too much, shouted with a hoarse voice: “Dry! We are exposed, all are given to me! Never let him escape!”

His steak was barely, the large heavy-duty truck suddenly accelerated back, hitting the head of the commercial vehicle with the tail car, and incarnation was an absolutely hard steel roadblock.

The three cars in the rear immediately accelerated with the situation, hitting from the back and the left and right sides, completely sealing the way of the target commercial vehicle.

Despite the violent impact of that many, the commercial vehicle was almost intact, and there was no crack in the window and the windshield glass.

At this time, the interior of the business car.

Wiss was a little surprised to say: “Good guy, this car has a very high protection factor. If there is no high-intensity hot weapon, it will not be forced to open it from the outside…”

Its analysis has not been finished yet. The window of the surrounding armed camouflage car was shaken, revealing the special muzzle of the internal machine gun, and the brushed ones were aligned with the commercial vehicle they were in.

“Okay. When I didn’t say it.” Wiss was a little embarrassed.

The machine gun barrel was rotated and started, accompanied by the slamming of the gunshots, the intensive bullets turned into a steel torrent, and the dumping bombardment was on the body of the commercial vehicle.

The business car swayed, and the window glass began to burst into cracks.

“I didn’t even think about shrinking here.” Kyle shrugged and untied the seat belt, and he had to open the car sect master to move out.

Vichy suddenly creaked and said: “Master. Your call is from the secretary of Yu Yu.”

“Is this time call?” Kyle thought about it, retracting the palm of the car, and estimating the protection of the car for a while, nodded and said, “Connect.”

After half a second, the sound of the rain and the sound of the ears was clear, “Boss.”

“What’s the matter? Long story short,” Kyle whispered.

Yu Yu immediately reported: “Two things. First, our people have discovered the trace of suspected Baki Barnes, who is now in New York City!”

“Go ahead, the second thing?” Kyle asked, looking around at all around.

Under the continuous shooting of the machine gun, the commercial vehicle trembled fiercely, and the window glass had been cracked like a spider web, approaching the limit that it could withstand.

Yu Yu whispered: “The second thing. Just now, Nick Fury was attacked by mysterious forces, the reason is unknown.”

She heard the strange noises and murmurs passed over Kyle, and asked by the way: “Boss, what happened to you over there?”

“Nothing, there are some annoying flies…”

Halfway through Kyle’s words, the business car window finally broke through the mission, and the bullets were poured into the interior of the car, sweeping through everything inside.

at the same time.

Assault Captain also received a contact newsletter.

He turned on and listened for a while, showing a dull expression. “What do you say – the target person is on another street? How is this possible! Who is our team now attacking?”

At the other end of the phone, the person in charge came forward with a bitter and frightened response: “Not long after, the one seems to have been to SHIELD headquarters… Remember, from now on, you are not a SHIELD person… give you a sentence Advice, can escape, just flee early!”

When the man finished, the satellite contact hurriedly hanged up, as if he was afraid of getting into trouble.

Listening to the busy tone, the assault Captain couldn’t help but stunned. Looking at the commercial car next to the bullet that was ruined, I thought of a possibility.

His face was white, cold sweat and wet combat suits, and his tongue shivered: “Headquarters won’t play me like this?”

In addition to that person, who else can make the SHIELD executives so fearful.

“Captain, do you want to strengthen the offensive?”

It happened to be a question from the players, and Captain’s mouth twitched slightly. He said with fear: “What else to attack, and quickly withdraw!”

“Withdrawal?” All the assault members glimpsed together.

“Our goal is wrong, and what we are attacking now is probably…”

‘呼hū! ‘

The hot wind swelled, and a golden flame of burning rushed out of the abandoned commercial vehicle. It was like a small sun rising up. The body of the commercial vehicle and the nearby bullets melted into molten iron at high temperatures.

Under the horror of the members of the assault squad, Kyle stepped out of the blazing flame, tall and strong, straight and indifferent to the vehicles around.

“Peace… symbol?”

They were all dull, their faces were white, and their fears were so tight that they could not breathe.

In New York, openly attacking the symbol of peace? No one can bear this crime!

“Quickly withdraw, withdraw!”

The assault members are almost in unison.

The four cars panicked and adjusted their direction and wanted to escape from the scene.

“If you are here, don’t leave.” Kyle lifted his cockroach, and his power tangled on his arm, and then swelled out of the open palm.

When the Fire System leaves the body, it turns into a burning golden flame, raging to the edge, and even the car is swallowed.

A scream rang, and in a matter of seconds, only the defective vehicle wreckage was burning in the spot.

Assault squad, all!

“Baki, isn’t that?” Kyle glanced around and pulled out the venom card. After the symbiosis, he spread the dark wings.

He skyrocketed, and the speed reached the supersonic speed in an instant, returning to the imperial building, which turned black.

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