I Am In Marvel

Chapter 267

Because Kyle thought, Death Goddess could also use the Fire of Eternal to create his subordinates, so he was not surprised by the birth of the current Hellfire.

What he doesn’t know is that the more reborn, the more powerful creatures the Fire of Eternal gives, the harder it is to create success.

Death Goddess created the material of the undead Legion, the loyal slain that the army used to follow, and the corpse from the Asgard soldiers who died in anger. The creatures created by mass production are naturally not too strong.

The material of the creatures created by Kyle is abomination and War God!

When they were alive, even if they looked at the whole universe, they were the top creatures that could dominate the starry sky.

This is also because the pure physical strength of the two is not far behind, plus the biological powers that are biased to strengthen the physical class, the repulsion is basically zero, so that the ingenious achievement of the infernal fire is unique and unmatched. Fire System evil spirits.

In the hall, Hellfire can’t talk, tall and burly monsters stand, standing like the same hell gate god, only the green flame is burning around the body surface.

The rain looked at the hellfire and the silver light ran.

The next moment, she lovable body trembled, her face paled palely: “I can’t read the voice of it – once my mind is close, it is like being burned by the flame.”

“Immune mental attack?” Kyle touched his chin, thought for a moment, and suddenly issued an order saying: “Hands up!”

Hellfire immediately did it, raised his hands a little funny, and looked at him with his burning eyes.

“Use one hand to attack me once.” Kyle continued, he wanted to simply test the strength of Hellfire.

Hellfire didn’t think too much. He raised his left hand and made a fist. He stepped forward and slammed it in the past. The wrist twisted the chain and squeaked under the powerful boxing.

Its movements were slightly dull and heavy, but the smoldering flames on the left fist swept away with a devastating pressure.

Despite the early preparations, Kyle still complexion slightly changed, did not use the venom, and punched the punch with bare hands!

Two inconsistent fists collided together!

‘bang! ‘

Not only is the impact of force and force striking, the green flame and the golden fire also emerged, and the indoor high temperature gas waves burst open.

The entire Dorsett Building trembled in an earthquake-like manner, centered on Kyle and Hellfire, all around the powerful high-temperature airflow, smashing the floor-to-ceiling windows on both sides of the hall into slag.

The rain was forced to open his hands, and the idea formed a repulsion shield to isolate the flames and air waves, and by the way, protected the side of the Weiss mechanical body.

“Stop!” Kyle yelled.

Hellfire immediately took back his fist and stepped back, re-entering the state of the statue.

It seems that the punch that was full of violent and destructive power was not what it was.

Kyle sighed and swung his left hand, and the inflammation of the palm protector disappeared.

So strong! It is no less than the Hulk and the abomination, and the means of attack are even richer than them.

Just a punch, only about 20 tons of strong road, can have a burning blessing of high temperature flames, and also accompanied by passive passive injuries!

It is said that the creation of the Fire of Eternal, the flames of the Hellfire can ignore part of the defense, indirectly burning the opponent’s soul and spirit.

“Unfortunately, the self-awareness is not high enough. Only the intelligence of a six-year-old child is completely obedient to me. It is more than enough to be used as a bodyguard and a guardian. It is impossible to fly, and the action is slow…”

Kyle thought of this, suddenly left his hand and waved a card that had not been taken care of for a long time.

Rare blue bio card, black flame horse.

Kyle immediately applied summon.

The next moment, a tall, mighty black horse, wearing a dark scale, with a black flame on his feet, shouted and screamed in the middle of the hall.

Seeing this scene, the three artificial intelligences of Yu Yu and the robot within the body are scared. I don’t know what Patriarch is pondering.

The black flame horse and the hell fire stood together, and the combination of the alien beast and the evil spirit did not have any sense of violation.

Kyle’s eyes were slightly brighter, and he had previously felt that the black-flame horses, such as the singular and conspicuous mounts, could not be used.

It seems that Hellfire can just match the black flame horse, complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses, and become the strongest guardian of the Kar family patriarch.

“Hellfire with horse riding, this is not a evil spirit knight?”

Kyle secretly pondered that he was not careful and seemed to create something that could not be done.

He even wants Hellfire to try a black flame horse now, but after looking around the devastated hall, he can only decisively dispel this extravagant thought.

Try again, the family has tried.

Kyle is eager to change, and is preparing to change places. Wiss suddenly sends out a contact message and sends a prompt voice: “Master, Nick Fury is sending you a communication request.”

“Fury?” Kyle was surprised. After thinking about it, he nodded and agreed: “Nothing is going on, he won’t call, let’s connect.”

After ten minutes.

Brooklyn, Haitang Street, SHIELD headquarters building.

Before the private helicopter landed at the door, the door was not opened. As early as the door of the building, waiting for the pick-up, a black windbreaker and a one-eyed Fury plump greeted the wind.

The door is open and Kyle wearing sunglasses is off the plane.

Yu Yu did not travel with him because he had to arrange a place for Hellfire.

Kyle looked at Fury, who was walking forward. He said with a slightly dissatisfied eyebrow: “Fury. What happened, you can’t say on the phone, do you want to call me to SHIELD headquarters?”

“Nature is a future plan that is important to SHIELD’s important decisions. You need professional advice and guidance from your general counsel.” Fury’s brutal face, with a gentle smile.

“Plan?” Kyle gave him a glance and said, “Yes, Steve asked you to arrange it again?”

Fury hearing this, his face is a bit ugly, hesitantly said: “Under the overseas, SHIELD has a ship that has been held hostage by pirates, Captain and Natasha are performing rescue.”

“The ship of SHIELD was robbed by the pirates? Is it called Steve in the past?” Kyle was silent for a moment and almost suspected that he had got it wrong.

This is like a junior high school student, let the primary school students bully, and now inform the college students to find the way back.

“Reassured, this trouble they can solve smoothly.” Fury vented his breath, took Kyle’s shoulder and led him into the SHIELD headquarters building.

“The things to be done are the most important thing!”

Both of them have the highest level of authority for SHIELD, ignoring the cumbersome password level all the way, passing the elevator on the first floor and taking the elevator to the bottom of the underground.

This waiting is a long half minute, like the height of a dozen floors.

When you reach the bottom floor, the elevator opens.

Fury stepped out and said, “Kyle, I need you to tell me, is the thing we are building here right or wrong?”

Kyle frowned, then walked out of the elevator and reflected the macro event in front of him, causing the golden pupil to contract slightly due to convulsions.

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