I Am In Marvel

Chapter 261

What Wyse said, Kyle didn’t take it.

Yu Yu, due to the ability of mind control, temperament is independent and independent, and he killed the Japanese soldiers in his early years.

Will she be depressed? Have something to worry about?

Kyle smiled lightly and walked out of the elevator, but when he walked into the hall, he suddenly stopped.

I saw the rain and quiet sitting on the edge of the balcony wall, the skirt skirts along the straight white legs, gently down to the floor.

She was slightly on her face, and the beautiful eyes looked out. The breeze blew black long hair, and the sun naturally fell on her body.

It is like a unique Fanghua.

Kyle’s reason for squatting is because from the rain on his face, in addition to being cool and noble, he also feels depression and loneliness.

Wisdom did not say anything wrong, and the rain was filled with thoughts.

Or, Kyle never really understood the rain.

Sixty years ago, he used her as a weapon tool to make her the most ruthless guardian of the family, and she had kept the Carl family for half a century.

Nowadays, he treats her as a secretary, letting her act according to the order, killing and saving people. It seems that the identity is noble and powerful, but it is low to work as a maid in the dust.

What the rain is thinking about, what I want, these Kyle never even thought about it.

“Rain.” Kyle shouted.

When the rain heard the sound, he immediately turned back, lightly smiled, the original indifferent face, once again blooming a stunning smile.

She landed on the wall and whispered, “Boss. I knew about the last night, I am…”

“Enough!” Kyle interrupted her words, and asked inexplicably: “Those things, let other cardaders do it. Tell me, what did you just think?”

The rain blew, and the eyelids flashed a panic, and he bowed his head and said nothing.

Kyle said straightforwardly: “What do you want to do, what are your concerns, what are your thoughts, you can tell me. As long as I can do it, I will try my best to satisfy you.”

His temper has always been like this.

The woman’s mind is too difficult to guess, so he simply does not guess and asks directly.

Arriving at Kyle’s current strength and status, people often say the ideal, he can basically complete, people often say the concerns, he can basically ignore.

I can always listen to the rain, this time is not only why, the silence has not made a sound.

Kyle thought for a moment and said with a slight sigh: “If you want to restore freedom and leave the Carl family, I can promise you.”

Rain has paid enough for the Carl family. If she really wants to gain freedom, it can be a concession.

But his words just fell, the rain 瞳 vitable body trembled, the fear raised his head, under the unprecedented panic, so that the pretty face was all white, “Boss, you have to drive me away?”

‘hua la ——’

The floor-to-ceiling windows of the window shattered and shattered, and the tables and walls were dropped.

Under the violent fluctuations of the rain, the powerful ideas are almost out of control, and the impudent impact hits everything in the hall.

“I just said…”

Kyle hadn’t repeated the words, and as the shadow of a black passed, the scent of the wind blew, and the rain slid into the arms, and his hands clenched his back.

“Boss, please don’t chase me away.” Rain was really frightened, and said that he was trembling.

At this moment, Kyle was in the middle of the day, as if he saw the little girl who had just come out of the glass nutrition tank.

“From now on, you will become a sharp blade in my hands.”


That word promises through ancient and modern times.

Kyle wakes up and says that he has made a mistake. He is busy pacifying the rain in his arms. He said with a little help: “I didn’t say that I want to chase you away. I want you to stay with me. I just want to know, you want to Do something.”

“Really?” The rain licked his eyes and turned into tears in the pupil of Silver.

“Of course.” Kyle beheaded.

The rain was relieved, I thought about it, and I stopped talking. Finally, I said with uneasiness: “I want to take you to see someone.”

“See people…” Kyle snorted. Rain had no relatives. This is what he knew, so he quickly guessed the correct answer, “Friend?”

Yu Yu nodded quickly.

This time Kyle was really surprised.

Yu Yu has the ability to read the heart. Apart from him, he has never liked to be in contact with people. He did not expect to make friends now.

Wouldn’t it be a man?

“Go, take me to see him.” Kyle said with a slap in the face.

He must admit that he cares a little, and that the rain is good, he brought him back to raise the big one, which is equivalent to his daughter. How can he not pick it up?

Since Yu Yu said it, he no longer hesitated, and immediately nodded in agreement.

Queens, New York, Black Rose Bar.

Kyle accompanied the rain and came to the bar door, his brow was slightly frowned.

Due to the acquaintance of Young Master Howard, his first look at the bar was slightly worse.

“I have a meeting and I have chosen a place in the bar. It seems that this friend of Yu Yu is not a good thing.”

Kyle squinted and thought about the urge to put the fire on the bar.

“Boss, it’s here.”

Yu Yu naturally leaned back, wrapped his hands around Kyle’s arm, and took him to the hotel door.

Kyle resisted with the body’s divine power, followed by the Weiss and venom lurking in him, both of which quietly pinched the cold sweat for the friends of Yu Yan.

The bar is large, the colorful lights Blink, the trend of the electronic music is heated, a group of young young women enjoy drinking and dancing.

However, after Kyle and Yu Yu walked in, the hall was quiet when it was like a cockroach, and everyone was immersed in the road.

On the bar counter, only a punk girl in a leather coat turned his back to the door and slouched in a high chair to drink.

She has a conspicuous ink green long hair shawl, the body curve is very slim and beautiful, but also cold to let the bartender add wine to the cup.

“Lona.” Rain took Kyle, and he came to the front and screamed.


Kyle was inexplicably relaxed, and the girl just turned slowly.

His eyes are bright, obviously, the eyes are definitely not lost to Natasha’s Western beauty, but the style is a bit odd…

The delicate facial features of the girl are painted with smoky makeup, the dark red lipstick on the lips, and the long green hair of the green hair is draped down, seemingly tired and rebellious.

If it is said that Yu Yu represents the beauty of the East, then this is the Western beauty who is uncompromising.

In particular, the two stood together, the area of ​​the east and the west, the size of the age, and the style of the character that was far apart, and the match did not violate the sense of harmony. Instead, people had a sense of surprise.

“You came.”

The girl named ‘Lona’ is very happy, she must greet the rain and sit down, but when she sees the Kyle held by her hands in the rain, the beautiful face is like the coldness of the Arctic, and it is also mixed with a trace of disgust.

Although at first glance recognized Kyle’s identity, Lorna said cold and awkward: “Who are you!?”

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