I Am In Marvel

Chapter 252

“Team?” Bruce stunned.

When he was attacked by gamma radiation four years ago, he would incarnation after the violent Hulk in the mood of anger.

Once someone knows his true identity, the purpose is to study, except for arrest.

For the first time today, someone invited him to join the team.

“I can live with a monster.” Bruce’s face was dignified and said bitterly.

“Because you will become a Hulk, we will find you.” Natasha laughed. “The Avengers, all of them need non-human elites, without the ability of innate talent, really can’t The enemy that the team has to face is contending.”

“Mr. Banner, you have to know that the people present are not ordinary people.” Tony blinked, his fingers knocking on his steel coat.

Bruce gritted his teeth and said: “The Hulk is a genetic disease. I try my best to cure it and return to the normal life.”

The hall was silent for a while. The strength of the Hulk is strong, but it is difficult to control. This is an absolute double-edged sword.


Kyle suddenly made a noise and looked at him calmly. “Why do you think the Hulk is a disease? It is not a variant evolution of the slant.”

Bruce hearing this, head down, his forehead slightly oozing sweat, “The Hulk, is a monster that loses itself, how could it be a benign evolution…”

“You can think about it. If you don’t have a Hulk, can you still sit here and talk to us in good condition?” Kyle said sharply.

Bruce silenced and nodded hard and said: “I have to admit that I have been saved by countless times by the Hulk that I hate.”

“It won’t be worth it.” Kyle looked at him and said straightforwardly: “You just don’t want to face the other side of your superpower, treat it as a symptom of the disease, constantly want to heal it, control it, kill it, it How can you not be angry and violent?”

Bruce was speechless.

Kyle secretly shook his head, which is the public mind that Earth humans can’t reverse in a short time.

The minority obeys the majority and seeks the same rejection. This is the social experience that has been formed since ancient times.

One day, you become a superman, living in a human society, you will not be proud of your superpower, but will worry about the rejection of others, want to get a shell to disguise yourself as an ordinary person.

Bruce Banner is a highly educated scientist who still can’t ignore the vision of the surrounding people. He can’t stand the ugly and horrible horror of his mutation, and struggles day and night.

More importantly, there is no suitable environment and identity for him to survive in the sun.

“Mr. Banner, you have to think clearly.” Natasha stared straight at Bruce and said in a deep voice: “Even if you heal yourself now, you will no longer become a Hulk, but you will still be labeled with the Hulk for the rest of your life. It loses control of the sins that have been committed and will always be carried on you.”

“In a nutshell, if it weren’t for us, you are now in the military prison. Given your danger, it is estimated to be at least a life sentence,” Tony added.

“It seems that I have no choice.” Bruce smiled.

He understood it, he had already been thoroughly immersed, saying that it was a choice, but he did not have to pick it in essence.

“This is an opportunity, an opportunity for your turning point in life.” Natasha on behalf of SHIELD, smile promised: “The Avengers, but the first hero team on Earth, will only cope with the crisis of foreign enemies of human survival! As long as you can green By joining the giant’s identity, you can eliminate a series of crimes on your current body!”

Bruce’s eyes are slightly brighter, and this promise is too lethal to his current situation!

Kyle shrugged and knew that the meeting was almost over.

Hit a stick and give it to the sugar. This trick is really a bad test.

Bruce’s face is hard-faced. “I never thought about destroying or killing people, and I always insisted on making scientific contributions to World, but I couldn’t control the Hulk after the transformation.”

“You can rest assured. Everyone in this world will have the means to suppress the stalking hulk in the future.” Kyle both hands crossed near chest, he said.

He himself has proved with practical actions that the Fire of Eternal is believed to be a big shadow of the Hulk.

The idea of ​​Yu Yu is extremely powerful, and he can control the mind of others. The Hulk, who is weak in spirit, really does not know how the two will fight.

Tony doesn’t have to worry, just give him enough time, plus the integration of Bunner’s scientific knowledge, the anti-Haoqian armor is specifically designed to suppress the Hulk.

As for Natasha, Black Widow’s means everyone knows…

Bruce has a lot of peace of mind, lightly sighed then said: “Then I will try my best.”

“That’s it.” Natasha is happy.

In this way, even if Kyle does not play, the Avengers also have enough high-end combat power.

Natasha took out her cell phone directly, dialed it, and screamed a few words, and then hanged up on the phone and said, “Okay, Bruce Banner, your crime has been written off the file.”

“It’s that simple?” Bruce opened his mouth.

“Otherwise, do you think? Calm, things in this team, you will be even more shocked in the future.” Natasha beautiful eyes white gave him a look.

The Avengers, with the entire SHIELD as its logistics, convened the super hero as a core member, and its nature is a powerful team beyond the dust.

“All right, let’s have a meal here. Godfather.” Tony gave advice and leaned back on the back of the sofa, the weight completely crushed the sofa under the arm.

He touched his stomach and found a hard steel shell.

Kyle dagger said: “Rain, let people prepare lunch.”

After half an hour.

A luxurious dining table is arranged in the hall. The wine and food are all available. According to the private reception, the waiters are female members of the Carl family.

This is also the first banquet of the Avengers.

Bruce is obviously very hungry. He can’t take Western etiquette and teach a teacher. He takes a half roast chicken and slams it directly. His girlfriend Eliza was worried and patted his back as he helped.

Tony, in a suit suit, surrounded by a white napkin, the gentleman cut the meat in the dish with a knife and fork.

Kyle just ate, sitting in the main seat, only taste the wine in the goblet. The rain squatted with a bottle, and the empty cup gave him half a time. The beautiful eyes looked at him with a smile.

Natasha was so excited that she wanted to call Hawkeye and let him come and accompany her for a few drinks.

In this beautiful and peaceful atmosphere, suddenly, Wiss sent a whistle of communication.

“Master, there is news from General Ross.” Wiss jumped into the corner of the table and said.

“What news?” Kyle asked strangely.

Isn’t the end of the matter?

The Wiss report said: “The Hulk appeared on the bustling main street of California and is now being destroyed on the streets.”


When this sentence came out, all the eyes of the people in the hall suddenly fell on Bruce.


Bruce was in amazement, pointing to his nose and holding half a greasy chicken leg in his mouth.

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