I Am In Marvel

Chapter 245

The United States, the military second base.

The large transport fighters landed slowly at the airport, and the military ambulances that received the notice were already waiting around. After the deck of the cabin was opened, the medical staff quickly swarmed up to protect the flat frame and stunned Emmyb. .

General Ross came to the edge of the deck and greeted the officers who arrived at the base to pick up the plane. The armed soldiers who turned back into the cabin urged: “Not yet?”

As soon as the voice fell, with the sound of a dull bone crack, an armed soldier flew a few meters in a parabolic trajectory from the cabin, and fell heavily on the steel floor.

“General. We… can’t do it…” The armed soldier coughed up with blood, and was taken up by the medical staff at the base, lying on the medical flat frame and taking it away.

However, Kyle was still asleep on the military vehicle. The armed soldiers originally wanted to remove him from the car. As a result, the door was not opened yet. Kyle’s subconscious, instinctively prompted him to raise his hand and make a simple action to drive the flies.

You know, today’s Kyle is only weaker than the Hulk.

His hand-on shot, at least contains tons of impact, how can the ordinary human body survive.

As a result, several armed soldiers accompanying this mission did not fall into the hands of the Hulk, but finally fell on the sleeping Kyle.

“This…” General Ross looked at the military car parked in the cabin of the cabin, and for a moment he did not know what to do.

This is a symbol of peace. Can’t you stay on a fighter or military vehicle?

Just when General Ross was guilty, a beautiful black shadow, kicking high heels, approached from the outside airport.

Most of the soldiers passing by were disappointing. They did not mean to stop. Some soldiers wanted to go forward and stopped, and soon they stopped under the block of the air wall.

General Ross looked very surprised and looked at the oriental beauty of a professional suit. While being amazed, he was keenly aware of the danger of faintly discernable on her body. He could not help but ask: “Are you?”

“Karl family, non-natural office people.” Rainy lightly smiled, handed out a card-like black gold business card, slender white fingers pointing to the military vehicle where Kyle is located.

“I came to pick up our Patriarch.”

California, outside the visa level.

After a series of thrilling camouflage, the shirt was worn out, and Bruce Banner, who had a loose trousers on his lower body, clenched his hair against a cap and finally stood on his long-lost homeland.

The pursuit order of a fleeing military is four years. If this is not because of the military鈥檚 door-to-door raid, forcing him to make a wrong move, he will not return to this country for the rest of his life.

Bruce lowered his hat, and the vicissitudes of his face were hidden under the shadows, carefully avoiding the noisy crowd, like a tramp walking on the street.

He walked for a moment without purpose, and looked up with amazement, only to find that he subconsciously came to the main entrance of a university.

Calver University.

Here is where Bruce’s fate turns.

Four years ago, he fell from here, from the life of love and happiness, to the infinite trough of accidental escape monster criminals.

The university is full of birds and flowers, the fountain is in the sunlight Blink golden light, the young boys and girls on the lawn are playing, and the aisles are full of students and teachers who come and go.

Bruce was afraid of being recognized by an acquaintance and hiding in the shade of the aisle.

As if God’s teasing, a long-haired female teacher with a long hair fluttering, just happened to come out from the main entrance of the school, holding a man in a suit and a close-knit, with a smile and a pass from the aisle.

That was his former girlfriend, Eliza Taylor, who was the daughter of General Ross.

Bruce sighed in his heart and was about to turn and leave, cleverly blowing a breeze, and a propaganda poster fell on his hand.

‘Non-natural office’

Six unheard of words came into view, Bruce Brows slightly wrinkle, eyes moving down to read:

Do you wake up and master the physical strength beyond the ordinary people?

Have you ever been bitten by an animal and got the race innate talent for the animal?

Are you experiencing unexpected changes in radiation radiation, and the body begins to have unpredictable mutations, which awakens superpowers that are difficult to control?

Supernatural office, dedicated to dealing with unnatural events, would like to thank you to resolve a difficult situation and leave worries behind, please call the hotline 0001 for details.

鈥淲hat company is this?鈥?/p>

After reading the above introduction, Bruce’s eyes widened with horror. This company is simply for people like him.

But four years ago, let alone the existence, even the name of the company has not heard of it.

“is that a lie鈥︹€?#8221;

Bruce whispered, turned back and forth, and his eyes were shocked again, but behind the propaganda poster of the firm, there was an authoritative certification of densely packed.

United Nations Association, US Military, US CIA, National Land Strategy Bureau…

鈥淚s this a private company? What is it?鈥?/p>

Bruce stunned, swallowed his saliva, and looked straight into the hair.

What happened during his absence from the United States? !

New York, the military’s second base, medical emergency room.

The military doctor heard the footsteps approaching and turned to see General Ross, and he stood up to salute, “General Ross!”

“How is Amyb?” General Ross was dignified, looking through the glass window of the emergency room and looking at the naked man who was lying on the big instrument and full of infusion tubes.

“There are still severe coma, and there are many comminuted fractures in the whole body. Even if you can wake up and not become a vegetative person, you can only spend the rest of your life in a wheelchair.” The military doctor did not hide it at all, and shook his head regretfully.

General Ross is screaming this, silent for a moment, making a decision and saying: “Try him with the pharmacy.”

“That pharmacy?” The military doctor stunned and quickly understood it. He said in an incredible hesitation: “If it fails, Emmi estimates that he will never wake up.”

“Try it.” General Ross said in a deep voice: “A person like him who is so strong and proud, wakes up and finds himself a lifelong disability. It is estimated that he can’t wait to commit suicide. It is better to give him a chance now.”

“Okay, I understand. I am going to prepare now!” The medic was nodded and rushed to the pharmacy storage room.

“Everything depends on yourself, giving you a chance to get close to that man!” General Ross looked at the unconscious Amyb and muttered to himself.

Years ago, he helped and restarted the Super Soldiers program during World War II.

Nowadays, the super soldier’s serum has been produced, and it is still highly repulsive or unable to popularize the soldiers. It is still in the clinical trial stage.

If Amyb can change from a desperate situation and become a new generation of super soldiers, maybe it is an army-born hero, touched the strength field of the peace symbol!

General Ross has become more and more keen since he saw Kyle suppressing the Hulk in Brazil.

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