I Am In Marvel

Chapter 233

“So beautiful…, who are you?”

Looking at the rain in front of the long skirt in front of him, Pepper said in a subconscious voice, but he just regretted it when he just blurted out, and hurriedly climbed from the ground, full of thanks: “No matter what, Thank you very much for saving me.”

“This is what it should be. After all, it is a family member sooner or later.” Yu Yu took back his hands and showed a cold smile.

Pepper listened to the fog, she patted the dusty western skirt, and weird, “self-family?”

“My name is Yu Yu, it is under the hands of Patriarch Kyle.” Rain is light nodded.

“It turned out to be the godfather of Kyle.” Pepper’s eyes widened in surprise, recalling the conversation just now, the beautiful face was not ruddy, and he said, “That, I and Tony are not yet…”

Before she finished, the rain was like what she felt, and she quickly looked up at the night sky outside the factory. Inexplicably said: “It is finally here.”

“What is it?” Pepper stunned again.

The next moment, in her blazer pocket, there was a fascinating ringtone.

Pepper grabbed the phone, looked at the screen and found that it was Tony’s call, and he quickly connected.

“Peper, are you okay?!” Tony’s anxious voice rang from the phone, accompanied by a fierce panting, as if he was exercising outdoors.

Pepper’s heart suddenly warmed up and quickly replied: “I’m fine. Kyle’s godfather saved me. But Stane Nitta also has an armored suit and is now a murderer.”

“It’s okay. As for Staneni, let me deal with it!”

Tony’s domineering words, the phone simply hangs.

Pepper lifted his head and looked at the sky outside with the rain.

There, there is a bright red, meteor with a glaring white tail flame, appearing from the edge of the night sky, slanting down, and falling into a road where traffic is stagnating.

At this time, the main road of the road next to the Stark industrial area.

As the steel machine suddenly fell in the middle of the road, many of the vehicular horns rang, and some cars ran into the side road barriers, and even a series of collision reactions occurred. The scene was extremely chaotic.

“Bastard, what happened just now?” Stane Ni was extremely annoyed. I didn’t know what happened in the moment. I only felt that I was hit by a high-speed train. Even the people with the suits were thrown out.

He manipulated the steel machine to climb from the concrete road, saw the lights on the front, a small van that stopped the brakes, raised the huge mechanical left foot with anger, and vented the cockroach with anti-collision The front of the facility.

‘bang! ‘

The front of the van collapsed inside, and under a few tons of impact, it could not stop flying backwards.

Just as the car was about to roll over, a bright red iron man with a local gold paint fell, and both hands struggled against the tail, and the steel feet acted as brakes against the ground.


Along with a sharp sound, the iron man’s soles wiped two bright sparks, and when he retreated to five meters, he stopped the car steady.

“Tony!” The steel machine looked at the iron man who suddenly appeared, spread his hands and said in a cold voice: “I have let go of you, are you still coming to die?”

“Stane Ni, let it go!” Iron Man persuaded.

“Receive? Ahhaha.” The steel machine laughed and stared at him with his white eyes. “Howard is not in the back, Stark Industries is holding me up, now your godfather wants to drive me away, will I kicked it off, how simple it is!”

Taking advantage of the time of confrontation between the two, many drivers in the surrounding car accidents left the car in horror.

“If you want to take action on the godfather, then you must first ask me to disagree!”

Iron man coldly snorted, the steel machine did not say too much, took a motorcycle next to him, as the weapon picked up and rushed forward.

Steel war armor’s mutual confrontation, at the touch of a hair!

Rain and Pepe came to the open top of the third floor of the manufacturing plant, where they could just see the battle on the road.

On the highway, the fire and the explosion continued one after another. The large and small humanoid machines fought together, sometimes with steel armor melee, and sometimes with ammunition guns for long-range attacks. The power of advanced technology warfare played with trepidation.

“Tony, be sure to win!”

Pepper’s heart was Tony, his hands were anxiously held together, and at this moment, a male voice suddenly sounded beside him. “It seems that I just caught up.”

Pepper was shocked and looked at it, but I didn’t know when, Kyle, wearing a black trench coat, came to her side, looking at the technology battle on the road.

“Boss.” Rainy smiled, close to the past, long and white hands naturally wrapped around his arms.

“Teach… Mr. Kyle.” Pepper greeted with enough respect and almost followed Tony to call the ‘Godfather’.

“Looking good. This is Earth’s advanced technology, showing the first battle in the eyes of the world and the public.” Kyle smiled lightly, the golden pupils reflected the flames of the battle.

The rich rely on technology and the poor rely on variation.

This is the first rule of Marvel World.

The first battle of variability, as early as half a century before World War II, he and Steve had already shown on the base. Although that is only the low end of the variability, it is still enough to dominate the big war of ordinary people.

Whether it is technology or variability, only when its existence is exposed to the eyes of the world and the public, with the large and small local wars showing extraordinary ability, Earth people will soon accept the changes of the current era because of jealousy and fear. .

In the road battle.

The Iron Man was gradually suppressed by the steel machine, and he was smashed and smashed as a ball, and rudely fell on the abandoned bus.

The steel machine lifted its shoulders and fired a small missile that transformed the ten meters of the Iron Man into a raging fire.

“Mr. Kyle, Tony, can he win?” Pepper looked worried and asked.

“It depends on Tony himself.”

Kyle touched his chin and calmly analyzed: “Compared with the frontal combat performance, Staneni, who has no bottom line, has a ugly point when he has been transformed, but his combat ability is fierce. And Tony later made the mark. On the 2nd, the performance is comprehensive, and it can be used in the battle.”

“More importantly…” Kyle’s words paused, and it’s a bit of a pitfall: “I’m giving him the old energy core, and now I’m going to have no energy.”

“What are you talking about!” Pepper squinted, panicked and looked at the battle. The light source of the Iron Man’s chest was faint.

Not much energy! Can’t drag it anymore!

Of course, Tony in the battle knows this. Wearing a worn-out suit with a lot of scars, he resolutely looks at the night sky above his head and makes some choice to start the sole engine, which is like a rocket that goes straight into the sky.

“Where to escape?” Stane Nissen’s cold yelled, a large amount of exhaust gas splashed on the soles of his feet, and the huge steel body followed closely.

The two climbed like each other and continued to accelerate toward the dark night sky.

Seeing this scene, Kyle at the top of the factory couldn’t help but shake his head. “The guy with no brain, it’s over.”

If it is not over yet, it is time for him to take the shot to end the game.

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