I Am In Marvel

Chapter 224

“you guys……”

Kyle was trying to say something to Kabin. Suddenly from the dance hall door, there was a sudden approaching pace, and an anxious cry. “Mr. Ka, are you inside?”

Kyle hasn’t answered yet, Tony, who is wearing a sweaty suit, has rushed in. The card in the hall is stunned, and each and everyone reacts quickly to gather his cold eyes on him, like a group of old wolves staring. A prey.

Feeling the danger of death, Tony quickly stopped at the door of the ballroom, gasping his hand to hold the threshold. He was horrified at the black clothed man in the room, and Kyle, who was surrounded by people. He quickly analyzed how to save people from danger.

As a result, there is no room for him to play.

“They all live, they are their own.” Kyle said in a timely manner, the tone contained unquestionable majesty, and Kabin heard that he immediately brushed his hands and stepped back, allowing enough space and passage.

Kyle’s handsome face was a little mild, and the gaze was staring at Tony.

“You, you are…” Tony was stunned by his physical and mental trepidation, and Kyle, who had no disguise in front of him, gradually overlapped with a photo character he saw as a child.

“Tony. I am sorry about your father’s business.” Kyle whispered, not covering it again, but directly revealing his own voice.

Tony squeezes his fists, his eyes are filled with water, his inner feelings and a thousand words linger in his throat, and he finally only uses his strength to say a word:

“Godfather, you can count it back.”

How many people know that, in such a simple sentence, they have waited for two generations, sixty years.

“Yeah, I am back.” Kyle sighed and went forward, patted Tony’s shoulder with both hands.

Tony is a science and engineering student. Like Howard, Tony is also very frivolous, but he is also not very good at revealing the true burning emotion inside.

I could watch at close range, and the overly young and familiar face in front of him, Tony couldn’t help but finally hold Kyle’s arm tightly with both hands, sobbing and crying.

The Stark family has always had a long-cherished wish.

To this end, Howard ventured into outer space and is now alive and dead. Tony lost his father at the age of fifteen, shouldering the burden of Stark’s industry, and hard to support his bitter teeth.

Today, this wish is finally over, how can Tony endure it!

“Working hard, Tony. Since I am back, I will be your hard backing from now on.” Kyle looked at Tony, peaceful and convincing.

In the eyes of outsiders, this scene and dialogue is very strange.

After all, Kyle looks young and young, like a young man who just graduated from college, and Tony is half-footed into middle age, mature and has a mustache. The two people, who are more than ten years old and have poor age, have turned upside down to talk.

In the eyes of the surrounding disciples, this is a normal thing. Kyle is the godfather of Tony, and thirty years ago, Howard had publicly acknowledged it.

“I don’t need your protection, I have enough power to protect myself.” Tony snorted, don’t look away, silently wipe the tears off his face.

He loves his face and he shed tears in front of that many people. After reacting, he felt very embarrassed.

“The godfather of Tony Stark, no…”

After the corner table of the ballroom, Ellie covered her mouth with her hands and prevented herself from making a sound. Her heart was filled with waves and her eyes were full of incredible expressions.

As a member of the Carter family and a reporter for the New York Times, she didn’t know who Tony Stark’s godfather was.

Retired Major General Kyle, the greatest Legendary hero of the twentieth century, is still ranked first in Earth’s strongest man, the symbol of power and conquest in the United States, now known as the symbol of peace in World!

“In this way, he just changed his hair color, but he didn’t get old at all, but he was younger than what he saw in old black and white photos.”

Ellie was secretly surprised, licking her body, and the rounded hips accidentally touched the bottle behind her, and suddenly made a crisp sound.

The next moment, the table and the chair were separated on both sides. Natasha pulled Ellie’s arm and rubbed her chicken like her hands, and then wrestled it on the ground.

“Don’t hurt me, I am an acquaintance with the old grandfather.” Ellie screamed, and the man hung in the air, his hands flustered and pointing in the direction of Kyle.

Old grandfather?

Kyle hearing this, the mouth is slightly twitching, but she is the junior of the old friend, said: “Natasha, let her go.”

Natasha loosened her hands, and Ellie fell from half a meter high, sitting on the clean floor with a bite, and licking her hips.

“It’s so quiet outside, there should be acquaintances coming over.”

Kyle indulged and glanced at the dozens of black clothed kab in the ballroom, and issued an order saying: “You are not so exposed, let’s leave and return to the family base.”

The cardo collective nodded, did not hesitate too much, obeying the command to quickly evacuate from the safe passage. With their skills, the special forces and agents outside are younger brothers, and come and go in the enclosed area of ​​the armed blockade.

Soon, there were only Kyle, Yu Yu, Tony, Ellie, and the terrorist leader who fainted to the ground.

Kyle looked at Ellie subconsciously, and as a result, Ellie folded her hands together and made a request for refusal to leave.

The news accumulated tonight is definitely more than a year, and the return of the symbol of peace, this published in the Times can definitely sell out of stock!

A headline that shocked World! How can I miss it!

“Tony, just borrow your venue and use it.” Kyle turned back.

“Use it casually, Godfather. I am not all of you.” Tony was a little helpless shrugged. Since 20 years ago, Howard told him before he left, the Stark family industry is all attached to one person.

Now he understands that the man is the godfather Kyle, and there is a bigger and mysterious force behind the godfather.

Recalling that 100 billion dollars are in debt, Tony can’t help but smile, knowing that he has been in the middle of it.

“Rain, let’s sort it out a little.” Kyle looked around all around.

The grand ballroom is now a mess, the tables and chairs are swaying because of the panic of the party, the wine bottles and bullets are scattered all over the place, and the bodies that have lost their vitality are everywhere.

“Okay, boss.” Rainy lightly smiled, the sound was pleasant and pleasant, only to see her beautiful eyes silver light condensed, the white hand of the hand to open out, an invisible idea with its center as the center of the explosion.

In addition to five people in the ballroom, all the other items were suspended and suspended. In the stunned eyes of Tony and Ellie, the tables and chairs began to be automatically restored in rows, bullets and other garbage flew into the trash can, and the bodies were neatly piled up in a corner. The fainted leader was automatically tied to a chair by a belt…

Finally, the wine cabinet flew out a few bottles of precious red wine and Lafite, as well as a clean cup, automatically opened the bottle, poured more than half of the wine.

This super phenomenon is completed in three seconds.

Even Kyle is a little surprised, while at the same time separating the spiritual mind, fine control over hundreds of objects for classification, control perfect and without blemish.

In the past 60 years, the growth of the ability to control the mind is really big, and the ability is in no way inferior to God in some respects!

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