I Am In Marvel

Chapter 220

The venue for the party is a large and high-end bar dance hall. The neon lights shine from the ceiling, gentle and not dazzling, and there is a bleak and conservative, beautiful and fashionable music flowing quietly in the hall.

Invited participants, all of whom are successful young people in various industries, men’s suits and ties, handsome gentlemen, women’s evening dresses, headband jewelry, flowers and flowers.

With Tony passively dealing with the pile of media reporters at the door of the party, Kyle was relaxed and comfortable, and went straight into the ballroom. He took the red wine from the waiter and sat in a dimly lit corner seat. .

With a sip of red wine, Kyle leaned against the soft leather chair and squinted at the front, the gentle girl who danced in the music with a ballroom dance pair.

Time seems to be intertwined, and it is subtly linked to a scene from World War II, but it quickly bursts and returns to the real reality.

“Three or four days, it is time to fully adapt to the current 21st century.”

Kyle’s heart sighed and tasted the new red wine alone. At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded close. “Excuse me, can I sit with you?”

Between the cockroaches, Kyle’s body trembled, this voice is very similar to Peggy Carter, the same crisp, powerful, clean, with an irresistible decisiveness.

He looked up and saw that he was a young woman with a white shirt and a western-style jacket and a long-length trousers. He had a slightly curled blond shawl, which made him look like a light makeup. The facial features were neat and beautiful, and he also had some points with Peggy. Similar.

But everything is just like nothing. The woman who is close to the moment, with a low head and a professional courteous smile, is obviously not Peggy.

Despite this, Kyle still has a hard time to calmly nod, “just sit.”

The woman smiled and sat on the opposite side of Kyle’s small table. A pair of bright eyes looked at Kyle carefully, and the pretty face showed a thoughtful expression.

Just when Kyle thought that the other person recognized him, the woman confidently judged: “You and I are all strange, and they are not incompatible with other people at this party. Shouldn’t it be purely for friendship and entertainment?”

Kyle glimpsed a little, and soon reacted. He now maintains a youthful three-year-old youth, younger than the younger retired. This has become a blind spot for ordinary people in society after 63 years.

Many people are preconceived by their own ideas. The Legendary great man who believes in the symbol of peace is now inevitably a 90-year-old Messy Old Man with a thin body and pale hair.

That’s why, Kyle, who only wears sunglasses and turns from blonde to silver, walks in the bustling streets, and even until the demons are present, no one can distinguish his identity.

“Guess it right.” The woman looked at the stunned face on his face, covering his mouth and laughing. The beautiful eyes snorted and said, “I don’t want you to say it, my name is Ellie Carter. Actually, A reporter for the New York Times.”

Ellie Carter?

Kyle stared, didn’t know what to think, listened to her and continued.

“I sneaked into this banquet.” Ellie looked around in all around, close to Kyle and whispered: “I saw it, you came down from Tony’s sports car. Can tell me, between you and him. Relationship, bodyguard?”

Kyle silent for a moment, looking directly at her through the sunglasses, said: “I can answer any of your questions. However, you ask me a question, I have to ask you a question.”

Ellie couldn’t help but feel happy when she heard the first sentence. The second half made her stunned, but she quickly agreed to this condition.

“Okay, then I will answer your first question – I am not a Tony bodyguard, I am his creditor.” Kyle shrugged, not selling Tony, this intelligence is very valuable.

“Creditor?” Ellie was really scared by this identity, the billionaire’s creditor, this naked headline!

Innocent Allie still doesn’t know, the headlines tonight are really horrifying.

“Now, I asked.” Kyle took a deep breath and asked, “What is your relationship with Peggy Carter?”

Ellie heard the question, looked at him with a look of eccentricity, and replied: “Grandma Peggy is my grandfather’s elder sister.”

“How is she doing now?” Kyle asked immediately.

“Hey, now it should be my turn…”

When Ellie’s words were not finished, they were interrupted by Kyle. He straightened his waist, like a bloodthirsty wild beast staring at her, his voice was cold and powerful, “Come tell me!”

There were several beautiful gentlemen who were close to dancing, and they heard the sudden noise and looked at the two with amazement.

“Good, I tell you, you whisper.”

Ellie swayed her hand and said with a slight sigh: “Grandma Peggy, she has long since died, just at the end of 1945, which ended shortly after World War II.”

A small answer, but like a thunder, the bombarded Kyle squatting in place.

Is Peggy Carter dead? And just the year he left Earth? !

This, how is this possible!

At the beginning, Kyle went on the eve of the trip, but personally gave a 30-year natural lifespan card to Peggy, waiting to see each other again.

“How did she die, who killed her?” Kyle asked calmly, his tone was plain, and the dropped glass was smashed by the overflowing force. He seemed to be a volcano near the edge of the explosion.

“Peggie’s grandmother is sick and dead. I don’t know what the disease is. The elders never mention it. But when she left, Peggy Grandma heard that she was very peaceful, no pain, with a smile, hands… ”

Ellie hesitated, or slowly said: “Holding a photo frame in hand is a photo taken with the symbol of peace, Captain America, and three people at the base of World War II.”

Kyle silenced and raised his glass to drink red wine. When it was put down, the glass was completely broken into pieces of glass.


No, after the brutal World War II baptism, after the detachment of the human genetic god, the spiritual constitution is extremely powerful, he can no longer experience the sadness.

Kyle just lost his heart, pouting calmly and silently, and his knife-like side face was hidden in the shadow of the light.

Ai Li looked at the silver-haired youth directly across the street, suddenly somehow, from his real feelings of an unspeakable sorrow, actually prompted her to feel the tears flowing out, from the face of the pearls constantly falling.

She is not sure, but there is an urge to reach out and embrace each other.

At this moment, the ballroom of the party sounded a big exclamation.

I saw the entrance to the ballroom, and there was an extremely beautiful oriental beauty, with a noble and glamorous temperament, like a black rose in the night.

She has long black hair with black and waist, a pair of beautiful eyes like jewels, and an impeccable Asian-style face. The luxurious black dress wraps its sleek, back-slung body. perfect.

The oriental beauty is walking gracefully and stepping into the hall, and there is no doubt that it has become the heroine of the party.

All the upper-level women who are struggling to dress up are already Goddess, and they are all eclipsed. And those gentlemen who have seen a woman who has slept without knowing how many women are watching, the eyes are stunned.

The oriental beauty squinted in a cold circle, ignoring other people, and his eyes quickly fell in the corner where Kyle was located, bursting with a stunning smile.

“You are here.”

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