I Am In Marvel

Chapter 215

‘Drip! ‘

The green label in the master bedroom lit up, and Tony, wearing a white bathrobe, glanced at the computer and said, “Is it back?”

“Sir, is there something?”

Sneaking out of the cable from Kyle’s room, Jarvis said with a guilty conscience.

“There is something! Very major event! Where have you gone? The automatic lights and showers in the bathroom have failed! The hot and cold waters are mixed with me!” Tony said, the body could not stop twitching, low The head slammed.

“You didn’t let me check the problem.” Jarvis answered with confidence.

“What did you find?” Tony asked, rubbing his nose.

Jarvis spit out a word, “No.”

“Isn’t the identity of the young man upstairs detected?” Tony frowned, thinking, and even Jarvis couldn’t find it, it was really weird.

“No, there is no data file on the Internet…” Jarvis sounded weak, and as an artificial intelligence, he felt guilty for the first time.

But who can get the upstairs, the use of authority is higher than the owner Tony, no way!

“Then let’s do this first.” Tony sighed and changed into a casual suit, and said to Jarvis: “Go to the basement.”

“Sir, what do you want to make?” Jarvis asked strangely, the basement of the villa, the parking garage and private studio.

“Yes, I want to make something very important!” Tony nodded, put on a thin coat, and walked very quietly outside the door.

While secretly working for Patriarch Kyle, while also supporting the owner Tony, Jarvis felt helpless about this humanity. He could only follow the cable and go to the basement for manufacturing assistance.

The second floor of the villa is in the room.

Kyle sits quietly in front of the computer, on the shiny computer screen, and the monitoring shown is in the basement of the villa.

As can be seen from the surveillance video, the inner chest of Tony’s top braved a circle of white light. He was serious about going back and forth on the workbench, recording some data into a private computer and starting to find the basic mechanical parts for the tool.

“Master, why don’t you reveal your identity and recognize Mr. Howard’s son?” Both hands were inserted into the computer to transmit video data, and Weiss raised the mechanical head and asked questions.

“If it’s normal, I’m too lazy to hide my identity, mainly now, it’s Tony Stark’s metamorphosis.” Kyle shrugged and tapped his finger on the screen.

On the screen, Tony has virtualized a mechanical left-foot component, allowing Jarvis to be displayed as a stereoscopic projection, and constantly modified.

“This is…” Wiss’s mouth wide open mouth, blurted out, “steel war armor mode?”

“Before. Howard often said that I am the mortal power, and I am better than the gods.”

Kyle stared at the screen and said with emotion: “I don’t know, his son is the real one in the future – to the heart of the mortal, to the heart of steel; to the body of steel, to resist the gods of heaven!”

“In just a few days, Earth will have a superhero that will change World, the top battle of the future! How can I interfere with his mood at this time?”

Kyle smiled and showed deep meaning in his eyes. He continued: “As a godfather, I have never taught him anything. Then help him at this time and let him completely step into the path of Iron Man.”

“I understand.” Wisdom nodded, mechanical eye Blink rays of light, said: “Then you let me work with the first-order artificial intelligence…”

“It will be completed in three days.”

Kyle said that his mouth was rising and he said with a smile: “It is also time to let some old friends and family members know that I am back!”


At this time, Stark Industrial New Building, acting as the chairman of the office.

Obediah Ya Stane Ni is lying on a soft leather office chair, wearing new shoes and feet on the desk, holding a mobile phone in his hand, and connecting with somewhere in the Middle East.

“Tony alone broke through your arms, the weapon that he relied on, and found the parts?” Stane asked.

“It has been found, and it is simply put together, it is a foreign metal mechanical armor coat!” The phone came with a rough words.

Stane Ni is eager to say: “Dago, give me the repair of the steel armor as soon as possible. I have to see if that thing can be better than the missile. As for the missiles and ammunition produced by Stark Industrial, I will continue. A lot of secret sales to you!”

“Yes, that is, the Young Master has not yet spoken, you are directly in control of Stark Industries.” Dakugu smiled straight.

“hmph! He only has a stake in 5%. Other shareholders have long since seen him not pleasing to the eye. He stays at home like this, and it is impossible to completely control Stark Industries.” Stane Nie sneered .

Dagu asked: “Speaking, the shareholders of Stark Industries, together with only 10% of shares, I am very curious, and where is the share of 80%?”

“In the hands of a person, but that person has not appeared for a long time, and it may not be possible to die early.” Stane Ni did not dare to call the name, but was casually skipped, and the old face could not help but lie deep. Deep taboos.

The name of that person is something that many people can’t say. As if to say, that person will appear inexplicably in front of the eyes.

“Right, look at your face, I tentaively let go of Tony Stark’s life. But the young man who rescued him, I want him to die!” Dagu said on the phone.

Stane asked: “He lives in Tony’s house now. Do you want to send your men to New York?”

“Oh, of course not, I spent a lot of money to hire a professional.”


“I don’t know, in our Underground World, there is a deep-rooted, strongest-recognized organization – ‘cards’.”

Dagu took a deep breath and said with excitement and excitement: “The history of their organization can be traced back to the end of World War II. Every member called ‘Kart’ is an elite, almost all-powerful elite! They are all hundreds of millions of dollars in mercenary business, that is, if you want to hire the organization to kill a country politician, you can do it, but the cost will break through the sky!”

His voice is constantly shaking, and he said: “As of now, I heard that they have undertaken more than 1,000 businesses, and the success rate is 100%!

Stane Ni is getting this, and the mouth is cold, and the completion rate is too exaggerated!

“But their organization rules are very strange. For example, you need to pay the employment fee in one lump sum in advance, and only one card will be executed for each mission, and we will not interfere with the mission.”

After Dagu finished, he proudly said: “It is to kill the young people who are ordinary people. The cost is as high as 100 million US dollars. I am also trying to find an opportunity. It is best to take the opportunity to know a card.”

“Great, if there is such an organization, then why should we worry about the major event? If Tony dares to stop me, I will pay for it, please ask a card to kill him!”

Stane Ni said so, and suddenly coincided with the other side of the phone, Dagu, the two sent a strange laughter across the phone.

Directly undertake the match of Iron Man, don’t worry, tomorrow you will see what you want to see.

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