I Am In Marvel

Chapter 128

Gene mutation, only less than a year’s life?

Kyle sitting next to the medical warehouse was struck by lightning, and the bones of the ‘grid’ that was clenched in the fists were crisp, which was too cruel for him!

He was just a year earlier, changing the World Earth’s World War II chaos!

He has a life card that will accumulate for 500 years, just stepping into the life of this era, Peak!

He just started the Carl family, mastered Stark Industries, and accelerated the promotion of SHIELD in the first place. He has long-term planning and planning for the next 50 years!

And now, everything goes to zero.

The genetic mutation is irreversible, and Kyle is now like a wheel that burns more and more, unless it rushes into the sky and becomes an eternal sun, otherwise the rest of the consequences are waiting for the death of Goddess.

“Right, rushing to the sky.” Kyle seemed to think of something, the bleak blue and blue eyes rekindled the light of hope, and the brains of meditation turned sharply.

Sitting still? This has never been his style!

“Howard. This is the ‘infinite equation’ I got from the red house. Through continuous injection, lifespan can be extended without side effects, and physical function aging can be stopped.” Kyle said, left hand waving, infinite equation pharmacy from card to entity Fall on the surgery table.

When Howard heard it, he took the reagent in his hand and excitedly said, “Is this thing likely to save you?”

Kyle shook his head gently and couldn’t bear to hit him. “This thing is useless to me. My super soldier’s physique and self-healing factor can achieve the effect of an infinite equation.”

The infinite equation, the life card, and even the healing of the holy medicine, the dinosaur, have no effect on him now. After all, the genetic mutation is not a disease.

“That this…” Howard lost the infinite equation reagent in his hand, Kyle continued:

“This thing is for you. After you research and crack it, you can try to copy small-scale mass production and supply it to yourself, Fury, and the Karl family.”

“Now consider us? Then what should you do, forgive me for thinking that I can’t think of it now.” Howard is deeply aware of the pain of knowledge.

“Reassured. I didn’t give up. This is not a legacy.” Kyle shrugged, said with a sigh of relief: “I want to live more than any of you, to see more heroes and enemies in the future!”

Howard seems to be infected by Kyle’s self-confidence and eagerly asks: “You have always been able to create miracles. What ideas and plans are there? In my opinion, Earth has not yet solved the biomedical level of this genetic variation.”

Kyle daggers, eyes bright and bright, the words are not surprisingly endless: “So you can’t stay here and die – I have to leave Earth and go to outer space to fight that life!”

“Leave Earth and go to the universe?” Howard was stunned and couldn’t keep up with Kyle’s brains and thoughts.

鈥淵es, only the outer space universe has a way to solve my physical problems,鈥?Kyle said.

Nowadays, the super soldier’s physique, since it can not withstand the pressure of genetic variation and reorganization, it is better to go to the outer space universe, there are all kinds of races of the Galaxy Alliance, there are Asgard Protoss who build the gods, they must have more than blue grades. Class ability card!

As long as the physical strength is further evolving, you can withstand your own genetic variation and complete the transformation of insects into butterflies!

“But how do you leave Earth? Now humans are still at a theoretical level in the aviation field, and even the nearest moon has no ability to arrive.” Howard, a top scientist, subconsciously overthrows Kyle’s fantasy plan with scientific theory.

“Of course I am sure to leave Earth.” Kyle took a deep breath and placed this hope on the original stone.

The original space of the space has the ability to open the Rainbow Bridge, the space tunnel, and build the law of any two places in the universe!

Kyle decided to finally put everything on the original rock, bet on this damn luck, and try to control the opening of a rainbow bridge leading to the ideal planet.

“I will not leave so soon. Before that, I will smooth all the obstacles for Earth and lay the foundation and road for you!”

Kyle reassured Howard that he had at least a few more months to stay in Earth, preparing for a smooth road and guiding them to the future.

Howard was slightly sad, but he quickly cheered up and explained the recent work to the report:

“Mobile phones and communications, computers and networks, these two technology products and categories will be exhibited at the World Expo. Through the economic recovery of the war, the framework and dawn of the information age will be created. In the year, it jumped to the status of top companies in the world!”

鈥淲ith regard to the construction of the family base of the turtle island, I have already contacted the construction company in the morning. Their confidential preparation tools, materials and a large number of development workers are expected to be completed in about one month according to the design drawings I have given.鈥?/p>

“An old friend named Obediah Ya. Staneni, he is willing to manage Stark Industries for me. The specific shares have been transferred to the name of the Carl family. I can concentrate on logistics personnel and research artificial intelligence representing future technology. 鈥?/p>

After Howard鈥檚 exhaustion, Kyle faintly smiled, 鈥淵ou do things, I am relieved.鈥?/p>

“I don’t know how Stark Industries and the Carl family will change World after five years, let alone ten or fifty years.” Howard sighed and looked straight at Kyle. Sincerely said: “Man, I will develop and research.” The pharmacy of the infinite equation will allow both the self and the Karl family to live long and live together to see the beauty of science and technology in the 21st century!”

“But you must come back! Promise me!”

Howard had a strong hunch, and Kyle left Earth this time, I am afraid the illusion that the two really can’t see each other again.

“I promise you!” Kyle promised that Earth in this World has too many things that he can’t give up.

He will naturally come back alive, no doubt!

“There is one more thing, you arrange someone to do it.” Kyle blinked, and he wanted to open up a broader technological path for Howard and the Carl family as soon as possible.

“You said, I will arrange it right away.” Howard hurriedly nodded.

“Do you know vacanda?”

鈥淚t should be a poor agricultural country in the northeast of Africa, an isolated state.鈥?/p>

Howard replied, not knowing why Kyle would mention the backward independent country.

“Know it, no matter what method, be sure to have a friendly relationship with Vacanda.” Kyle gave instructions, Howard is not clear, but still quickly agreed.

Since it can be valued by Kyle, Navacanda certainly has merit.

I don’t know when, Howard, who is proud of science, has quietly believed in Kyle’s words.

This is Kyle’s personality charm, enough to attract people around to admire and follow. Even if he goes to the starry universe, it must be the most shining and shining human star!

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