I Am In Marvel

Chapter 108

This is an unusually spectacular and shocking scene. After the ninja chasing troops, thousands of Japanese armed soldiers set up defense lines, countless pairs of hostile eyes and guns, concentrated on one person.

“This is really not very good.”

Kyle in the courtyard of the pavilion smiled. The original village rain and energy pistols have been turned into card recovery space, and the two hands are weakly falling down, as if they have lost their rebellion and escape.

“Devil Kyle, you have no way to escape, just let it go!” An officer stood in a safe area outside the large army and shouted loudly.

The ninjas who chased out the pace stopped frowning and said in a cold voice: “Never! The devil’s means are very different, please shoot him on the spot!”

“But…” the officer hesitated, which made Kyle shrugged helplessly and said, “Please, I seem to have let you dispose of it?”

As he spoke, the blue palm of his hand was pulled out of his palm and caught between the two fingers.

Some of the cards have not been used yet. Try to delay such a few seconds, just waiting for the opportunity to get out. Now, it should be coming soon…

Kyle mourned in his heart, and the open space where he stood was covered with clouds and shadows. The surrounding armed soldiers looked like horror, and some of the riots looked up into the sky.

“What is that, monster?”

“A big goshawk, still a blue feather.”

“It seems to be approaching here…”

The officer also looked up. When watching the huge blue eagle swooping close to the courtyard of the hall, he seemed to be aware of it, cred out in surprise : “Not good, all fire for me!”

“It’s late.” Kyle shook his head slightly, and a strong energy tide broke out at the bottom of his foot. The invisible force pushed the body rocket like a sky-high speed.

Sprint in the air!

‘Hang-哒哒哒! ‘

The intensive artillery fire was less than half a second later, and it landed on the ground with white air waves, crushing a large amount of gravel and mud into a powder.


The blue eagle swooping down just arrived at the low altitude of the yard. With the perfect sprint to the highest point, Kyle grabbed it with his claws, and opened the huge puchi with ten meters of huge wings. The rockets that rushed to shoot the past were directly raised. The fierce wind blew from the low air on the side of it.

The blue eagle screamed, screaming from the explosion of fire and smoke, the speed of the wings flapping the air to pull up the height, with Kyle rushing to the midday high.

“Where is the fighter? I must intercept the monster!” The officer looked at the blue eagle who was about to go, shouting at the correspondent on the side.

At this moment, a small black object fell from the blue eagle and fell on the open space in front of the pavilion. It was a small black ball with a green light, and it was still rolling on the ground.

“What?” A group of armed soldiers in front of the instinctive retrogression, this again looks like a grenade, but the country’s grenade has fallen from high altitude for a long time and does not explode.

“Mute thunder?” The officer looked at the round object of beyond ten meters. The green light was like the countdown of continuous Blink, and it quickly turned red.

Then there is no more then.


The round object blasts out the existence of a black hole and begins to devour everything inside.

In the blink of an eye, it expands from the size of the fist and expands rapidly into a huge sphere with a radius of five ten meters. Everything covered by the inside, ninjas, armed soldiers, building streets, trees and rocks, and even the sound and light are all swallowed up. Exhausted.

Until this area restores the sound source and light, the black hole gradually dissipates, and the bright sunshine re-emerges. The inner scene of the Chennai area of ​​Tokyo is centered on the original pavilion building, and the earth has a sleek and semi-circular giant hole.

At the Tokyo border, at a height of more than a kilometer.

Kyle, who is in the blue eagle’s paw, naturally does not know the consequences of the alien bomb. He is now a little unconscious, and the part of his body is paralyzed and difficult to move.

Kyle barely opened eyes and wanted to find a safe place. Unexpectedly, the clouds in the back of the Blue Eagle were torn. More than a dozen single-player fighters screamed at this speed.


Kyle has no strength to vomit, his brain is paralyzed, his will and strength are dying – he wants to sleep.

The Blue Eagle was anxiously screaming. In the chasing of more than a dozen fighters, Kyle fled at the supersonic speed and fled toward the front.

ten minutes later.

Kyle loses the feeling of strong claws grabbing the body, and the wind blows from bottom to top.

He realized that he was in a natural fall.

What happened to the Blue Eagle?

Kyle squinted, through the gap to see the blue eagle rushing into the distance, the fighter chasing the scene of the past.

His consciousness was once again insomnia, losing control of the body, and it was quite down to the huge Great Snow Mountain.

Kyle didn’t know how long he had slept before he gradually recovered.

At the first sight of his waking, he found himself in a cave, with cave tunnels everywhere, and a natural hot spring with hot air.

“Poison, what’s the matter?” Kyle whispered, and he was wearing a venom suit. After falling at high altitude, he came here suddenly, and it should be the venom.

The venom proudly conveyed his heart, but after a while, Kyle understood the current situation.

It’s no wonder that hungry, it’s been three days since the last battle.

When the snow fell on the snowy mountain, the venom began to land on the gliding wings, and then controlled his body to hide in the cave under the snowy mountain.

“It’s okay to have you.” Kyle sighed and slept for three days, not to mention the nerve poison, but the bruises on the back were also healed.

He took off the venom suit and took out all the hot and fresh foods saved as the item card from the card space. While quickly eating and replenishing his energy, he jumped into the hot spring next to him.

“Comfortable.” Kyle felt that the temperature of the hot springs was just right, greatly alleviating the tension that was caused by the battle.

By the way, this place is comfortable and safe.

What Kyle thinks of, draw a blue rare bio card from the card space, under the entity summon, an elliptical giant egg ‘噗通’ followed by a bubble into the hot spring.

[Unhatched geek]

Current status: In the current environment, the distance is broken, and there are still: September, September, and September.

Kyle: “…”

Very sleepy, egg brother! For more than thirty years, my son is estimated to have it.

Kyle shook his head, filled his stomach, cleaned his body, and put on his underwear and venom suit to restore his full state.

He followed the voice of the venom and reminded him that he had left the cave where he had returned from the original road. Just a few steps away, he was surprised to hear the subtle pace of the tunnel formed by the side.

There are actually people here.

Kyle responded quickly, and the night camouflage was attached to the wall. As the footsteps of the ear approached, a weird Risang with a gas mask and a white mask appeared in the field of vision.

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