I Am Immortal In The Cultivation World

Chapter 315: Sword God Nameless

Heavenly Sword Gate.

When the master heard that the dog was coming, he drew out the Chihong sword and shouted.

"We, righteous people, are supposed to uphold justice, punish the women and sycophants, and restore the world to a bright future!"

When the disciples in the sect heard the words, their blood was surging.

On weekdays, the elders taught him that he would not spare his life for the cause of righteousness. Today is the day when knowledge and action are united. Even after death, there will be legends in the world.

Most people in the Jianghu disregard life and death, and a few words over a bowl of wine can sacrifice their lives for them.

He thinks he is chivalrous and loyal, but in the eyes of outsiders he is stupid.

During the talk..

The head of the sect led his disciples and rushed down from the mountain to face to face with the imperial soldiers.

At the beginning, relying on the tyranny of martial arts, he could kill the generals with two or three swords, and the blood was splashed everywhere. On the contrary, he aroused the animal nature in the heart and completely abandoned the fear in the bottom of his heart.

"Kill the dog!"

"Putting a girl to be a sycophant..."

The head of the sect listened to a loud cry, with a smile on his face, and he did not waste his good life teaching on weekdays. If Tianjianmen can survive today's calamity, the prestige in the world will surely reach its peak.

"Look at the sword!"

The sect leader urged his true qi with all his strength, and performed the Heavenly Sword Technique, the secret method of suppressing sects. The true qi pulled the Chihong sword, and it even got out of his hands, spinning rapidly within two feet around his body.

The soldiers were irresistible, beheading more than 20 people in an instant.

Seeing this situation, the disciples of Tianjianmen immediately became imposing, and they showed their unique skills one after another, defeating the soldiers one after another.


Seeing the soldiers being slaughtered, Xie Guerrilla waved his hand without changing his expression.

"Let the arrow!"


The archers fired three rounds in volley, and the densely packed arrows landed in front of the army formation. The disciples of Tianjianmen had no way to dodge.

The soldiers took this opportunity to strangle and kill more than a dozen long spears, and the martial arts master was also killed on the spot.

In this round alone, more than 50 people died in Tianjianmen.

Of course, the number of casualties of 500 imperial soldiers was almost ten times that of the enemy.

Xie Guerrilla ordered again: "Come again."

Another round of arrow rain fell, and dozens of Tianjianmen were injured.

The head of the sect mobilized his true energy and shouted loudly: "If you enter the army, you will not be afraid of bows and arrows."

The disciples of the disciples immediately realized that they performed lightness kung fu one after another, jumped into the army formation to fight, the opponent's archers would not even kill their own people.


Xie Guerzilla said contemptuously: "A group of warriors and barbarians, this general jumped in before luring the enemy."

Another order was issued, military officers at all levels waved the order flags, and the soldiers changed into a circular formation.

The shields formed a circle to trap the disciples of Tianjianmen, spears were drawn from all directions, and after stabbing several times in a row, there was only a blood gourd left on the ground, and those who died could not die again.

After killing the enemy, the soldiers support other circles.

One goes down and the other goes up, the disciples of Tianjianmen suffer heavy casualties, but they fight on their own, and it is not known how many disciples of the same school died.

In the middle of the army formation, more than two hundred soldiers formed a circular formation, besieging the head of Tianjian.

The head of the sect was worthy of being a well-known figure in the world, with his true energy attached to the Chihong sword, he forcibly cut off the iron shield in half, but the soldier in front died, and immediately someone came up with the shield.

After killing four or five circles in a row, more than half of his true energy has been consumed.

Seeing this situation, the sect master knew that he could not continue the fight, so he immediately used his lightness kung fu to soar into the air.

"Ji Jie Jie..."

A few strange laughs came from the army formation, Mr. Wen's figure was like a ghost, his five fingers were clawed towards the back of the head of the sect.

Doing mental calculations without intention, the prosperity sneaks into the trough.

The head of the sect was unavoidable in the air, and forced to use his true energy to protect his back, but it didn't work. One hand passed from the junior to his chest, and he looked down to see the **** heart.

"Our family's magic silver hand is designed to break the body's true energy."

Eunuch Wen said with a smile: "It's just that I have never had the opportunity to display it since the day I cultivated it. Today it finally came in handy. You deserve to die!"

"Gr... dog..."

The headmaster vomited blood **** ho ho, and lost his breath in an instant.

Eunuch Wen twisted off the head, which was a real military achievement in suppressing bandits, and if it worked well, it could give Qianer a school lieutenant.

"Heavenly Sword's master is dead, so hurry up and capture him!"

The sound of true qi urging the movement spread all over the place, and the disciples who were already struggling in the military formation were immediately discouraged. Except for a few who would rather die than surrender, most of them dropped their long swords and knelt on the ground with their hands raised high.

Eunuch Wen said again: "Your Excellency Du is kind-hearted, you don't want to see people separated from yin and yang, so kill them all and go down to reunite with your fellow disciples."

"Damn the dog!"

"Forgive me!"

"Don't kill me, I still have my parents, wife and children..."

Eunuch Wen's ears were sharp, and when he heard someone say this, he immediately replied.

"Don't worry, your parents, wife and children will also go down to accompany you, our family will not let you be alone!"

When the soldiers heard the order, they stabbed the kneeling Heavenly Sword disciples with their spears, and quickly killed them all.


down the mountain.

Zhou Yi stood on the horse and watched, and exclaimed in a shrill voice.

"Our family really misjudged. Xie Guerrilla is a man who knows how to march and deploy. Could it be that there is an inheritance from the ancestors?"

"Your Majesty is right."

Zeng Fu Yin said: "Xie Guerzhan's ancestor had a great general. He fought with the Taizu in the South and the North, and was granted the title of Pingjin. Afterwards, he was involved in some unspeakable things. He was exiled for three generations, and he will be returned when he is amnesty!"

Zhou Yi nodded slightly, needless to say he must have been on the wrong team when the throne changed.

"After the famous family, it is extraordinary! Our family was ordered by His Majesty to destroy the Jianghu sect, and we are short of someone to command the troops. Xie Gueran looks good."

Commanding troops and deploying formations is an extremely complicated matter.

Zhou Yi's family knows his own family affairs, and going up to command indiscriminately will only hinder him, so he simply entrusts professional matters to professional people, anyway, the greatest credit will belong to himself.

The rest of the credit is distributed, and a large number of capable civil and military officials can be attracted.

"Don't worry, Dugong, the next official and Xie Gueran will remember their great kindness."

Zeng Fu Yin's face showed joy, he and Xie Guerrilla are both officials in Jiajing Mansion, and there will be a support for them going to the capital together in the future.


An old voice came from the wind.

"The old man travels day and night, but he is still late!"


"Protect the Duchess!"

More than a hundred black-clothed fans are all martial arts masters, and their reaction speed is far beyond that of ordinary people. When they heard the sound, they immediately surrounded Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yi followed the prestige and saw an old man walking slowly.

With disheveled hair, an old face, wearing sackcloth, with an iron bar around his waist, and a **** head in his left hand.

His feet were bare on the ground, and his steps seemed slow but fast.

When the voice fell, it was already ten feet away, and Zhou Yi looked at Zhou Yi through the fan in black.

Sensing the old man's sharp sword energy, Zhou Yi immediately showed a gentle and respectful smile.

"Old man, I don't know why you came here?"

"Come for the Heavenly Sword Gate."

The old man threw his head on the ground, and Gu Lulu just rolled to Fanzi: "This old man was taught swordsmanship by the master of Tianjian from the previous generation, and when he learned that there is a calamity in Tianjianmen, he immediately went to the capital to find out the truth!"

When Zhou Yi heard that it was an enemy, his complexion gradually turned cold.

"Our family is a first-rank official of the imperial court. Xiao Yun, a disciple of Tianjianmen, assassinated us late at night, so that our family was poisoned. Isn't it just treason, what else can there be?"

"Really, the old man has nothing to say."

Pointing to the head on the ground, the old man said: "This man is Xiao Yun's best friend, he can be said to be heart-to-heart, he can talk about everything, does Duke Du know him?"

Zhou Yi's eyes narrowed slightly: "Our family lives in the palace all year round, and we never know anything about Jianghu, how do we know it!" ..

"He said he recognized the Duke."

The old man said: "The old man asked and learned that this person has long been a spy of the Supervision Department.

It was reported for the first time that Xiao Yun scolded the governor angrily, and even said something like eliminating harm for the people after drinking. "

"Our family thinks about it, and there is indeed such a person."

Zhou Yi said coldly: "Our family is kind-hearted and magnanimous to others. We didn't take a few words of cursing after drinking to heart. If someone else was less generous, he would have been thrown into the prison for punishment!"

"The Dugong knew Xiao Yun's intention to assassinate, so he decided not to kill him, but to use it for other purposes..."

The old man narrated: "That day when Duke Du came home, he pretended to be drunk, and sent someone to summon this guy, and then he told Xiao Yun, and deliberately teased a few words."

"Xiao Yun was originally jealous of evil, and his temper was a little impatient. He immediately went deep into the Zhou mansion to assassinate. The Duke took this opportunity, pretended to be seriously injured, and found an excuse to destroy the family!"

"Ji Jie Jie..."

Zhou Yi laughed strangely, applauded and praised: "The story sounds good, but what proof do you have that this matter was manipulated by our family?"

"The old man is familiar with Xiao Yun. He is very talented in swordsmanship, but he is not good at light work."

The old man said: "In order to prevent him from falling into the rivers and lakes, the old man specially taught him a dragon swimming kung fu. After hard training, it can only be regarded as second-rate. How can such a light kung fu pass through the guards of the East Factory to assassinate him?"

"This is just your speculation!"

Zhou Yi said coldly: "Let's not talk about the truth or falsehood, Xiao Yun was only stimulated by a few words, and then assassinated the imperial court official, how is it different from conspiracy?"

The old man said: "The old man knows Xiao Yun's fault, so he won't take revenge for it. The duke just needs to spare the nine clans of Tianjianmen disciples."

"Ji Jie Jie Jie..."

Zhou Yi seemed to have heard the big joke, "You are so thick-skinned, you don't want to take revenge, as a tolerance to our family, you want our family to cut the weeds and not eradicate the roots?"

The old man said slowly: "The Dugong will definitely agree!"

While speaking, the sword intent was a little sharper, almost condensed into substance, piercing Zhou Yi's eyes with dull pain.

"Who are you?"

"The old man practiced the sword with all his heart, and he forgot his name. He has no name and surname for a long time, and his comrades in the rivers and lakes called the old man nameless!"

"Sword God!"

Zhou Yi suddenly raised his voice, staring at Wuming with his eyes fixed on him, and the deep Qi like the sea condensed into a gas mask covering his whole body.

Most people use swords in the rivers and lakes, and they are more chic and handsome than all other weapons.

There are more people who use swords, and naturally there are more people who use swords, so it is extremely difficult for people in the world to get the nickname "sword".

Among the swordsmen of the past dynasties, there are countless titles such as the sword god, sword fairy, sword idiot, and sword demon. There were even dozens of sword gods in the unified era.

For example, Jiangnan Sword God, Mobei Sword God, and even a certain house and a certain mountain sword god, since no one can truly honor them, there is no way to erase the name of other people's sword gods.

However, there is only one sword **** in the contemporary Jianghu, and that is Wuming.

"You are so handsome!"

Wuming saw the translucent gas mask, and his eyes flashed surprise: "It has long been rumored in the Jianghu that the real peerless master is in the palace. In the future, I will go to find out the depth."

"What courage!"

Zhou Yi sternly reprimanded: "These thieves intend to break into the palace by force, and it is a serious crime of treason, let's capture him together!"


Dongchang Fanzi was terrified when he heard the name of the sword god, but he didn't dare to disobey the order.

Fighting with the sword god, at most he died.

Disobeying the governor's order, the fate of Tianjianmen is imminent!

"Black Eagle Claw, Mobei Rentu, Sanyin Old Demon, Lord Crouching Tiger..."

Wuming calmly looked at the murdered fans, and recognized their Jianghu names one by one, all of them were murderers with names and surnames.

"The purpose of this old man's sword today is to... slay evil!"

Before he could finish speaking, the iron bars around his waist rose into the air, pulled by the true energy, three feet away from his body, shuttled back and forth in the air, and cut the necks of seven or eight people in an instant.

The other fans backed away in fright. This technique of controlling the sword with true energy was already similar to the legendary fairy flying sword.

How can mortals compete with gods!

"I still remember that fifty years ago, the head of the Heavenly Sword Sect taught me the Heavenly Sword Art, and I never thought of performing it again today. The Heavenly Sword Sect has already been destroyed. It is really a trick of luck.

Wuming waved his hand to recall the iron bar, which was soaked in bright red blood.

"Duke, can you agree to the old man's conditions?"

"Of course we agree..."

Zhou Yi said: "It's just that the sword **** has to ask our soldiers, whether they are willing to agree, thank you Guerrilla, and it's up to you next."

"Take down this rebellious minister and traitor, and our family will protect you and restore your ancestor's title!"

"Humblely obey."

Xie Guerrilla was ecstatic, and immediately sent an order to encircle the soldiers from all sides.

Wuming saw this situation, no matter how difficult it is to maintain a calm appearance, no martial artist in the world can fight against thousands of people, not to mention there are sneak attacks by masters, he couldn't help scolding.

"Despicable and shameless, Duke Du doesn't have the arrogance of a warrior at all!"

"Our family is not some **** warrior!"

Zhou Yi said contemptuously: "Our family is His Majesty's confidant~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The first-rank official of the imperial court, the governor of the East Factory, the admiral of the third division of the palace, how can a mere warrior and barbarian compare?"

"Warrior can kill you!"

Wuming glanced at the encircled soldiers, who were still more than a hundred feet away, and said while holding the iron bars.

"Use the sword... to kill the devil!"

His figure was as fast as lightning, passing through Fanzi like a wisp of green smoke, and he swung his sword to kill Zhou Yi.

"Master Zeng, let's ask you."

Zhou Yi said unhurriedly: "According to the law of the country, what is the punishment for assassinating the first rank of the court?"

"Of course it's the Zhu Jiu Clan!"

Zengfu Yin's complexion was pale, he had never heard of the name of the sword god, but the miraculous sword control skills were truly terrifying, but we must follow the words of Duke Du, not being promoted to an official position is more terrifying than death.

"The so-called nine clans, from the great ancestor to the great-great-great-grandson, and the three clans of the mother, all were dragged to Caishikou and beheaded..."

Stab it!

The iron bar cut through the air shield, causing ripples in circles.

It was only when Zhou Yi got closer that he could see clearly that the red rust on the surface of the iron bar was clearly formed by layers of blood coagulation. I don't know how many people the sword **** killed.

"Sword God, how about our protective energy?"

"The duke's true energy is like the sea, and the old man is far behind."

Wuming's eyes gradually turned from black and white to red, and his voice became hoarse and shrill: "The old man stopped, I just wanted to tell the Duke one thing. Thirty years ago, I was a Xiantian of Jin, and forcibly practiced the Extinction Sword Art!"

"This sword formula is ruthless and destroys nature. If you want to achieve greatness, you must kill yourself, so there is no need to bother Duke Du to do it."

Wuming's breath rose sharply as he spoke, the iron bar in his hand vibrated violently, and the blood condensed on the surface shattered into smoke and dust, revealing the brilliance of its original name sword.

"Use the sword, destroy the love!"

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