I Am Immortal In The Cultivation World

Chapter 307: Governor of Dongchang

Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Child time has passed.

Emperor Zhengtong was still reviewing the memorials, and he opened several letters in a row, all of which were participating in the performance of King Pingxi.

Looting, wanton massacres, embezzlement of Mexican military pay, intentional rebellion...

Almost all the crimes that can be involved are all placed on the head of King Pingxi. Anyway, the duty of the censor is to play rumors, and it should be handed over to the third division for investigation.

During the investigation process, some methods were used, and if they did not have, they became available.

A warrior barbarian entered the court, but he couldn't beat the civil servants, after all, he had a specialization in art!

"The civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty are full of bullying guys, and they only dare to participate in the performance of my King Pingxi."

Emperor Zhengtong threw the memorial aside, and said in a cold voice: "The territory conquered by Feng Aiqing is all under the rule of the state, and the one in the north is about to establish a state and rule it!"

Eunuch Yuan bowed to wait on him, so he couldn't interrupt at this time.

It is about the safety of the country and the court. If you say it right, you will interfere in the government affairs. If you say it wrong, you will be gone.

At this time.

The servant on duty behind the door came in and announced: "Your Majesty, Eunuch Yi is asking to see you."

Emperor Zhengtong showed doubts on his face, what was he doing here so late, nodded and said, "Bring him in."

"Meet Your Majesty..."

Zhou Yi ran into the door in a small step, knelt on the ground and shouted long live three times, holding up the ledger with both hands.

"The servants investigated and dealt with the embezzlement of the imperial prison, and obtained a total of 800,000 taels of stolen silver and land property. The amount is so huge that I dare not delay, so I reported it to His Majesty overnight!"


Emperor Zhengtong flipped through the account books, with a smile on his face, and it was really easy to use Zhouyi as a knife.

All the military pay for the Western Expedition came from Zhou Yi's house raids. This great victory in destroying the country is related to the implementation of the new policy of the follow-up dynasty, and it can be said that the meritorious service is outstanding.

"Xiao Yizi is doing well, what do you want?"

Zhou Yi kowtowed and said: "If a servant can do things for His Majesty, he should devote himself to his devotion and not ask for any reward."

"I will be rewarded for my achievements!"

Emperor Zhengtong said: "In the next year, the imperial court will clear up the land and acres in the world. This matter is of great importance. Someone must collude with subordinate officials and lie about it."

"You pick out capable people from the supervisor on duty, and call yourself the Supervision Department, who is responsible for watching and measuring the acres of land!"

Zhou Yi couldn't help cursing secretly when he heard the words, what kind of reward is this, it's clearly another assignment.

The advantage is that he is in charge of a new department, and the Supervision Department is in charge of affairs outside the palace, which greatly increases the power of Zhou Yi, which can be called a reward in a sense.

"My servant thank you Your Majesty."

Zhou Yi carefully asked: "Your Majesty, can the supervisory department open the office alone?"

Emperor Zhengtong pondered for a moment, then nodded slightly.


"The servants obey the order."

Zhou Yi immediately beamed with joy, and after three knocks and nine bows, he withdrew from the Palace of Qinzheng.

The door of the outer hall.

The on-duty Internal Servant reported: "My lord admiral, recently His Majesty reviewed the memorials and repeatedly mentioned the north side. He is very dissatisfied with what he has done."

"Our family knows."

Zhou Yi took out a silver ticket from his cuff and gave it to the servant: "Work hard, our family takes care of you..."

Having stayed in the palace for more than ten years, he has long been proficient in various cake painting skills. With a few words of encouragement at will, the servant on duty immediately burst into tears of gratitude, wishing to recognize him as a godfather on the spot.

Back to the warden on duty.

Zhou Yi summoned all the cadres and father-in-law to discuss the establishment of a supervisory department.

"If you do this well, you will definitely become His Majesty's right-hand man, and our family will not treat you badly!"

All the servants heard the words and offered advice one after another.

The embryonic form of the Supervision Department was quickly established. Zhou Yi was appointed as the governor, with positions such as Tongzhi and Qianshi under him, and eunuchs at all levels under him, with a number of more than 200 people.

The selected internal servants are all elite soldiers and strong generals who are on duty. After forming the backbone of the Supervision Department, they will recruit spies and warriors from the people themselves.

From top to bottom, layer upon layer, monitor the Quartet.

Zhou Yi was quite satisfied with the structure, and said: "Your Majesty has allowed the supervisory department to open the yamen. Our family is not familiar with the capital. Is there any suitable house nearby?"

Wen Dianbo said: "My lord, our family knows a good boundary."

Zhou Yi asked, "Where?"

Wen Dianbo said: "There is a deserted palace in the east of the palace, which can be changed to the Office of the Supervision Department, which is exactly opposite to the Zhenfu Department in the west."

Zhou Yi raised his brows: "Is it making enemies for nothing?"

"My lord, according to what His Majesty said, the establishment of the Supervision Department is to measure the acres of land."

Wen Dianbo said: "It's only been two or three years since Liangtian is over. What will the supervisory department do next? In order not to be disbanded, we have to set a target."

"The Zhen Fusi is His Majesty's only eye outside. With great power, there must be many shameful things. Let's just stare at it and expose them to His Majesty one by one..."

"Mr. Wen is worthy of being a scholar!"

Zhou Yi suddenly realized that this method is similar to raising the bandits' self-respect. When His Majesty sees the corruption of the Zhenfu Division, he will naturally use the Supervision Division as a check and balance.

In this way, the Supervision Department has become a permanent system!

"It's not enough to just stare at Zhen Fu Si..."

Zhou Yi said: "Choose another fifty servants to stare at the north side. Every move of that person will be reported to the capital, even what he eats and what he says must be recorded!"

Wen Dianbo frowned slightly, and said worriedly: "The one who holds the military and political power is not easy to provoke."

"Jie jie jie!"

Zhou Yi laughed strangely: "Even Mr. Wen, who is far away in the inner garden of the palace, is afraid of that man, and our family should keep an eye on him for His Majesty's good life."

The supervisory department reported to His Majesty from time to time that the king of Zhenbei built another city today, and gathered the remnants of foreign tribes tomorrow.

In this way, instead of disbanding the Supervision Department, His Majesty will order expansion.

"My lord is wise!"

Wen Dianbo praised repeatedly, with such courage, it is no wonder that he can become His Majesty's confidant.

Orthodox three years.


The Supervision Department was established, known as Dongchang in history.


The end of the year is approaching~www.wuxiamtl.com~Emperor Zhengtong ordered to measure the acres of land, intending to abolish the small tax and distribute the land tax equally.

When the news came out, the country was in an uproar.

Yuntai Academy.

Known as the No. 1 academy in the capital, it has been passed down from the previous dynasty to the present and has a great reputation.


The courtyard is sending messages to the Quartet, gathering hundreds of scholars.

Discuss and jointly write a letter against His Majesty's implementation of the New Deal, saying that the tax is the ancestral system, and its abolition will inevitably shake the foundation of the country.

"As scholars, we should follow the example of the sages and plead for the people..."

Yuanzheng was over sixty years old, and his voice was still clear and resonant. He couldn't help waving his arms when he mentioned something that was full of anger, causing the scholars to shout in unison.


There was the sound of galloping horses outside the academy, and the closed courtyard door crashed to the ground.

Dozens of students in black, armed with steel knives, rushed into the academy like a tide, and surrounded the scholars.

The courtyard is sternly yelling: "This is Wen Huazhong..."


Before the words fell, his head exploded.

Red and white splashed in all directions, and the scholars who had been raging in the crowd suddenly became silent, watching helplessly as the headless corpse fell to the ground.

Zhou Yi was wearing a purple robe, embroidered with a moose body and an oxtail unicorn beast, and walked in at a leisurely pace.

Glancing at the scholar coldly, he waved his hand and said.

"Reckless talk about the Holy Majesty, disloyalty and filial piety, all of them will be arrested in the prison of the Supervision Department, and their families will be notified to bring them back!"

A young scholar reacted and shouted: "The law of the country, scholars can discuss politics! You eunuchs in the palace, what qualifications do you have to arrest us?"

Scholars already looked down on the servants, but someone took the lead at this time, shoving and shoving Fanzi of the Supervision Department.


When Zhouyi gave an order, Fanzi immediately brandished a butcher knife, dyeing the academy that had been passed down for hundreds of years into blood.

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