I Am Immortal In The Cultivation World

Chapter 304: 5 Lingling Roots

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"This is my new divine wind technique!"

Zhou Yi knew that the master was secretly spying, and quickly looked for reasons to make up for it, how could the dignified Taoist be cold for no reason.

It was blown out in one breath, creating a howling wind, which instantly shattered the barren mountains.

Bai Suixin soared into the air, sat cross-legged on the yellow-skinned gourd, and his whole body shone with aura trying to resist the wind. Never would he have thought that this strange wind was invisible and intangible, and it directly penetrated and blew cold all over his body, and shivered again.

"So magical!"

Bai Suixin patted his palms in admiration, and said, "Such a mysterious divine wind can only be compared with the samadhi divine wind of the ancestor Huang Yunzi. That black wind has been practicing for hundreds of years, but it is not as good as the ten years of junior and junior high school!"

"The devil is out of practice.

Zhou Yi did not explain in detail that the divine wind of congenital destruction was originally the inheritance of Taixuan sect, and it was very compatible with the mana of Taixuan Jing.

Thorough understanding of the monkey, naturally made.

In the future, it will gradually accumulate and increase the power and quantity of the kamikaze. In the future, the sky will be dark when blown out in one breath, and ghosts and spirits will be frightened!

In just ten years of refining, it is not only an orderly inheritance. When comprehending the magical powers, Zhou Yi can easily understand its meaning, and even cite the scriptures to interpret them, and draw inferences from one case to other Taoist classics.

This kind of comprehension is far from what it was in the past, and six thousand six hundred years are really not in vain!

"Junior and brother have this magical power, and they are enough to rank in the upper reaches in the Nascent Soul stage."

Bai Suixin said: "This time there is another matter, senior brother, I finally found out how many hearts the Wuxin Demon Lord has, and where are they hidden!"

"Brother worked hard."

Zhou Yi's face was filled with joy. The Demon Lord with Heart was not well-known in Dongsheng Divine Continent, and his strength was obvious in the Nascent Soul period, but he cultivated an ancient sorcery technique and took out his physical heart and hid it elsewhere.

When the deity is robbed, the sub-soul in the heart will grow and become smaller, breaking through the filth and turning into a new body.

The Demon Lord with Heart was robbed several times, and there were no sneak attacks from the same sect of Lu Dao, and there were ten sieges and killings without the right way. In the end, I escaped.

Going back is **** revenge, slaughtering the seniors of the enemy and refining them into new hearts!

"This matter is not your doing, this Demon Lord is proficient in covering up, and after a few divinations, you still get the result.

Cai Weizhi said: "So I invited you to teach Tianjun, perform the secret technique of cutting the sky, and just now determine where the four hearts are hidden.

Zhou Yi reminded: "Since you teach low-level people to cast spells, you can be troublesome for nothing.

"It's natural!"

Tie Guanxian said: "A few days ago, the incense that Bai Xunxin got, the brothers will share a part. This demon lord who has a heart to protect you and teach you secretly communicates with the demon sect, just ask Tianjun to sit in charge!"

Zhou Yi frowned slightly and said, "It's not related to the Demon Sect, will it make the situation predictable?"

The Pangtou who was beheaded behind the eyes were all loose cultivators who took shelter from the Heavenly Sect.

"Since it is a division, how can it be possible to put aside kuangjiao?"

Cai Weizhi said: "It's the White Wind Demon Lord, who was chased and killed by the empty island, but he was entangled with the head of Yin and Yang Dao. That kind of slave who backs his master should be fit to die, so that you can teach your majesty! "

"It's true that you didn't worry about it."

Zhou Yi nodded slightly. After all, Jietianjiao is the authentic sect of Xuanmen, and it has no purpose to protect the devil, and we also blame us for finding our own way out.

"It's good for Junior Brother to act cautiously."

Tie Guanxian said: "Two years ago, this demon lord with a heart would go to the Skull Mountain for a banquet, and the junior brother could not ambush and kill him!

"This is bound to go wrong."

Zhou Yi nodded in agreement, and then asked, "Senior brother, you have become a true teacher in the teaching, can you practice the secret method of cutting off the sky?"

The smallest attraction of the Heaven-cutting Sect to Zhou Yi is the broken version of the Heaven-cutting technique.

"Of course."

Cai Weizhi said: "Junior Brother find a time, follow the instructions of the True Inheritance Token to retreat into your blessed land, and then you can seek inheritance from the ancestors of Chi Feather Immortal!"

Zhou Yi nodded slightly, but he dared to go to the Heavenly Blessed Land.

The Heaven-cutting Sect is the same as the Heaven-Mending Sect. The ancestors of human beings and immortals have a weird temperament. If they say that they are right to provoke them, they will be ashes!

After discussing with Tie Guanxian for a while, and determined the matter of beheading the demon king, Zhou Yi returned to Tianshan slowly.

Mysterious Iron View.

"The disciple asks to see the master."

Zhou Yi bowed and saluted, and what he was holding was the cut

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Innocent token.

"Get back."

Pan Yunshan's voice was strange, as if he had not angered Tie Guanxian, who was sitting cross-legged and reciting the Taoist scriptures.

Zhou Yi looked sad, he shrank his head and backed away, fell to his knees with a thud, and said, "Master, please say that your disciple's loyalty is as good as the sun and the moon, and you dare to change your ways, everything is this celestial demon... ."

"Get up, don't be so sloppy!"

Pan Yunshan was very helpful to the disciple, and said, "It's a bad thing for him to worship this old witch. He has to do his best to flatter you and make you miserable."

old witch?

Zhou Yi was slightly taken aback, and asked in doubt, "Is Chi Yuxian a male cultivator?"

There is no immortal capital in Dongsheng Shenzhou, and the immortal world has long since vaguely recorded our experience and wrote it into a volume of epic words. Even those who do not have good things in the immortal world try to sort the human beings and immortals, and then this person and the sect have disappeared!

In the stories and stories of human immortals, as long as there is no Panyun Mountain, there will be no red feather immortals, and vice versa.

It's just that according to the records of Xiu Xianjie, Yi Yuxian is obviously a female cultivator, why did she suddenly become an old witch?


Pan Yunshan snorted hotly: "This old witch has always pretended to be a woman for some reason. This matter has long been a secret among the immortals."

Zhou Yi likes to read the storybook in his spare time. In it, about the origin of the grievances between the two masters, some say they are fighting for spiritual things, some say they love each other and kill each other, and no one even guesses that we are one

Now listening to Shizun tell about Chi Feather Immortal's secrets, he restrained his curiosity and asked, "Master, how did you get revenge with this old witch in the first place?"

"When I was chasing and killing a monster for my teacher, I accidentally bumped into this old witch taking a bath in the river, and you slandered you for peeking..."

When Cai Weizhi talked about this incident, his anger poured down: "I have always been a teacher, how can I be respected and innocent, so I said that this old witch took your prey, and it was a fight before!"

"This old witch is quite incompetent. Before she lost her fighting skills, she was able to escape from the master sword..."

Pan Yunshan mentioned the incident with a proud look on his face, and said: "Since then, I have formed a grudge, and every time I fight, my teacher can easily beat this old witch, and I have never lost once!


No matter how much Zhou Yi guessed, he would still think of the reason, so he had no choice but to beat the horse.

"Master's magic powers are both right and wrong. How can this heavenly demon be compared? This disciple will definitely make you miserable. Help Master to avenge your revenge in the morning!"

"He's fine if he doesn't have that kind of heart, but he has to be cautious."

Pan Yunshan said: "This old witch is abnormal, and the secret technique of cutting the sky has reached the pinnacle. Otherwise, she will win every battle and escape from the master!"

"Disciple remembered."

Zhou Yi's face was filled with joy when he heard the words, Chi Feather Immortal Essence Dao's secret technique of cutting off the sky, just in time to ask for training.

Pan Yunshan glanced at the disciple, and knew what I was thinking, he pondered for a while and asked, "He wants to practice the secret technique of cutting off the sky?"

"Master, the disciple is also helpless!"

Zhou Yi had already thought of the excuse, and knowing that Pan Yunshan's face was warm and soft, he sighed and said, "Disciple Tianmen, Nascent Soul has not been a fluke, and the way of transforming spirits is extremely difficult."

"Dai Tian's secret technique can gain heaven's secrets, and it can also give disciples a chance of life!"

"Alas... all kinds of troubles arise from not asking for anything!"

Cai Weizhi sighed and asked, "If the vitality is intercepted, it will slaughter all living beings and fall into the boundless demon path?"

Zhou Yi said solemnly: "The disciple must keep in mind the doctrine of mending the sky. If this is the case, it is better to seek the opportunity of reincarnation and reincarnation, and it will also be weak to seek breakthroughs!"

"So good."

Pan Yunshan said: "This sect of heaven is also the authentic sect of Xuanmen. However, if you succeed, you will also cut off the secret art of the sky, and if you fail, you will cut off the secret art of the sky. It is because many people from the heavenly sect are trying to prolong their life, but they regret falling into the devil's way. say!"

"This celestial sect shelters Pangtou. It's not a disciple who has intercepted many celestial secrets. As a teacher, I hope that one day... Xiaoyi will destroy his relatives!"

"Follow the teacher's teachings!"

Zhou Yi bowed his head and worshipped, and by chance, he worshipped Pan Yunshan as his teacher, but the other party had any preference for one over the other.

After the apprenticeship ceremony, I went to fight with the real dragon, and I gave precious spiritual treasures before.

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I don’t have any confusion in my practice outside of normal times, and I can explain patiently. I can’t say that I really regard Zhou Yi as a disciple.

Pan Yunshan tilted his head slightly, gave the Taoist scripture in his hand, and said, "That volume of "Dongzhen Taiwei Qingjing Zhenjing" was passed down by the ancestors of the lower realms.

"Thank you, Master, for the law."

Zhou Yi held the Taoist scriptures in both hands, and became more and more close to Pan Yunshan, saying: "The disciple usually hates to investigate the sages who have inherited some classics, and the master can't pass the time in his spare time."

As he spoke, he took out the jade slip from his cuff, and there were several volumes of the Taoist scriptures of the sages of the four continents recorded outside.

"Don't rob tombs a few days ago, it doesn't hurt Yinde..."

Cai Weizhi had photographed the soil slips, and his consciousness swept over them at will. The expression he was concerned about gradually became solemn, and his voice changed, and he said, "I have inherited the classics of the sages. Take advantage of the demons!"

The stone of my mountain cannot attack jade.

When the realm has reached the level of Panyun Mountain, it is said that the first supernatural powers and secrets are useful. On the contrary, the sages' understanding of "Dao" in the Taoist scriptures seems to increase the mana, but in fact, it has a far-reaching impact on the Tao!

"Disciple remembers."

Zhou Yi bowed and told him to come in, to disturb Master's chanting.

At that time.

-The voice of Tao came from the Taoist temple: "My teacher planted the -door spell in the body of the big boy surnamed Bai, and the session was long and fell into a nightmare and fantasy realm. When I searched for the door again, he helped me solve it. !"

"Tell that fellow, keep your mouth shut!"

Zhou Yi is forbidden to be ashamed, that master has big eyes!


Go back to the Golden Palace.

Zhou Yi took out eight kinds of rare treasures and continued to practice the small seven-line escape technique.

Afterwards, after cultivating the two elements of gold and fire, according to the principle of the mutual growth of the seven elements, the cultivation of the seven elements of water and earth will be slower and faster. After a little thought, the refinement of the mountain **** jade will be finished.

Since then, he has ended his seclusion, turned away the invitation of his senior brothers, and focused on melting the rare treasures into his body.

Two years passed in a flash.

that day

Zhou Yi sat cross-legged, Xiantian Xuanshui hung on his forehead, and only a thin strand was left that could be checked.

a moment ago.

All the spiritual water melted into the body, and seven-colored brilliance spewed out from Zhou Yi's body, breaking and scouring the bones and meridians, making the root bones that were originally related to the spiritual energy a little closer.

A long time ago, the divine light dissipated.

Zhou Yi suddenly opened his eyes, restrained his mana, and sensed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Yellow gold, blue wood, red fire...

There are infinite and dense light spots of spiritual energy floating in the air, which can be absorbed into the body only by running the exercises.

"Eight thousand eight hundred years old, and finally no spiritual roots!"

"Even if it is the worst spiritual root between heaven and earth, it is a breakthrough from existence to non-existence. A few days ago, I stopped collecting the seven elements of rare treasures, and integrated them into the body according to the method of the small seven-element escape technique. I will not be able to achieve a small spiritual root one day!"

"Maybe it can also become a seven-element spirit body, comparable to the existence of Tianlinggen..."

Zhou Yi's face showed a happy expression, the growth of aptitude was said to slow down the cultivation base, and the probability of breaking through the realm a few days ago was also less likely.

At the same time, slowing down the cultivation to a lower realm is equivalent to shortening the time to encounter safety, and indirectly avoiding a few disasters.

Fingers counted, it was only two less than two months before the agreed time, Zhou Yi immediately sent a message to his fellow senior brothers, and asked us to destroy the heart hidden by the demon king. "

"Pin Dao's little seven-line escape technique is completed, just to sacrifice to the devil!,

Say it.

It vacated into the seven-color brilliance, and headed towards Bai Xunxin's direction K.


White heart.

Located in the south of Dongsheng Shenzhou, it is surrounded by clouds and mist all year round, hence the name.

There is an old demon entrenched in the mountain, who calls himself a mountain **** with a heart, and is most fond of eating people's hearts outside of it.

The people in the distance have nothing to do. Every year for sacrifices, a sufficient amount of people must be prepared, otherwise the mountain gods will be annoyed, and it is said that the whole village and the whole town will be killed by topping their hearts.

that day.

The mountain temple flew out an escape light and flew to the northeast.

Daojun Baigu of Skull Mountain held a thousand-shou banquet and sent an invitation to the befriended demons. It is said that there was no Xuangu Dan tasting during the banquet.

To provide you with the fastest update of "I'm immortal in the immortal world" by Mi Qing, the great woodworker!

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In the mind of taking advantage of it if it is not cheap, do you have any shirk if you have the heart?

Just now, he flew out of the Baixixin realm, and suddenly a voice came from in front of him: "Fellow Daoist, please stay!"

The Demon Lord with a heart would never know the power of those words. He held the secrets of witchcraft and Taoism. He stopped and looked back, only to see the blue-robed Taoist stepping on seven-colored brilliance.

"Is it because you know that your friend doesn't have any advice?"

Zhou Yi cupped his hands and smiled and said, "Pin Dao asks fellow Daoists for one thing."

"What's the matter..."

Before he could finish his words, he opened his mouth to spit out thousands of fierce ghosts, who were slaughtered with fear of death.

What is the reason for the devil to act!

Those who are familiar with Taoism have their own reasons to block the way, those who come are good, and those who have a heart will be weak first!

Zhou Yi didn't expect it, when a white flag appeared in his hand, swayed heavily and fell onto the billowing white clouds, and in an instant it turned into a world of white and dark.

The number of ghosts is exhausted, UU reading www.uukanshu.com struggling and wailing, far less than ten times the evil spirits refined by Pang Tou.

"It turned out to be a person in the devil's way!"

The Demon Lord with a heart snorted hotly, several magic weapons flew out of his cuffs to protect his body, and his hands turned into white light to escape to the vicinity.

"It's as daring as a rat!"

Zhou Yi shook his head slightly: "It's a test of escape with a poor Taoist. Even if the gods are transformed, they will be exhausted half to death!"

A seven-color escaping light traversed the sky, chasing the white light after a few breaths.

The Gonglong Bell flew out from the cuff, turned into a small mountain, and enveloped the Demon Lord with a heart, and included it in it.

hold head high--

Huanglong, who was coiling around the golden bell, came alive, got into it and fought the devil. A moment ago, he came out with the **** corpse in his mouth, chewed a few mouthfuls and swallowed it into his stomach, and then returned to the clock face and turned into a relief!

To provide you with the fastest update of "I'm immortal in the immortal world" by Mi Qing, the great woodworker!

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