I Am Immortal In The Cultivation World

Chapter 298: True Dragon 9 Changes

, update the latest chapter of my immortality in the immortal world as soon as possible!

"It's all based on the reward of the master, and the disciple dare not ask for it."

Zhou Yi carefully considered it, bowed to answer, and faced the immortals with caution.

Xiuxian asked for thousands of years. This is the first time that he has been a teacher in the eight classics. He has set the name of master and apprentice.

Tie Guanxian grabbed Nascent Soul, and inexplicable fluctuations manifested one after another. Wu Ming, who was originally stupid and confused, regained his wisdom in an instant.

"I'm the most annoying and tired of being a teacher, what do you want to say directly?"

"Thank you, Master!"

Zhou Yi showed joy and said, "The disciple is not good at fighting, so in order to survive, I also ask the master to give me a magical power of escape."

"The Great Five Elements Escaping Technique is inherited from the Immortal Realm. Once it is completed, Dongsheng Shenzhou can go there."

Tie Guanxian said: "Your capital is just ordinary, and if you practice the Great Five Elements Escapism, you will become a root of miscellaneous spirits, and you will almost cut off your way, but think about it!"

"Disciple Ningying is already a fluke, how dare you try to transform into a god."

Zhou Yi had a little fondness for this cheap master. After all, he was caring about his disciple, so he said tentatively, "This disciple has heard of the secret scriptures of my teaching, which can supplement the acquired aptitude. I wonder if it can be practiced?"

"The Secret Record of Heaven Patching? No!"

Tie Guanxian shook his head and refused: "There is nothing mysterious about this practice. In the view of the teacher, it is just taking off your pants and farting..."

Zhou Yi raised his brows, and the dignified immortals would actually utter foul language, which was very different from what he imagined.

It is reasonable to say that such a top monk in the world should sit high on the altar, condescendingly, overlooking hundreds of millions of living beings, and every move contains mysterious truth.

"The entry requirement for the Secret Records of Mending the Heavens is to have both the Heavenly Spiritual Root and the Spiritual Body."

Tie Guanxian continued: "After the cultivation is completed, the root bone can be fused into a human fairy body, which can be regarded as a supreme physique that directly points to the return to the void. As a teacher, only the Tianling root can't get started!"

Zhou Yi suddenly realized, no wonder Tie Guanxian complained, people who are qualified to practice the secret record of mending the sky are rare in the world.

"Master, the disciple already has a kung fu escape technique, why not directly reward 10,000's 8,000 red gold wishing power beads?"

The reincarnation of the ox requires thousands of wishing power beads, the color of red gold is the best, and the statues of Qingyun Mountain, Qiwu Mountain, and Yongning Mansion are enshrined in three places.

"You are too dare to speak, the red gold wishing force pearl is a collection of merits, and there are not many teachers!"

Seeing Zhou Yi, Tie Guanxian wanted to speak, but he didn't know that this disciple was sitting on the ground to pay back the money, so he said directly: "I don't have any colorless wishing beads. I don't care about teaching affairs for my teacher, and I am extremely poor."

Zhou Yi was stunned and teased: "It's all up to the master, and the disciples dare not ask for it!"


Tie Guanxian's eyes widened, his beard twitched, and he held Yuan Ying in his hands. Wu Ming, who had endured thousands of punishments, made a scream like a pig.

Looking at Zhou Yi up and down, he pondered for a long time.

"You are not qualified enough to make up the secret record of the sky, but there is a way to cultivate the body of a human being and immortal."

Zhou Yi hurriedly said: "I also ask Master for guidance."

Tie Guanxian asked: "Have you cultivated the body of a congenital real person?"

"Indeed, it was completed with the Purple Sun Sutra."

After Zhou Yi joined the Heaven-Mending Sect, he often got together with Gu Xiao and others, and learned that there are more than one type of innate real people, such as the Ziyang real people who swallowed the innate purple energy, and the Taiyin real people who refined Taiyin Yuehua.

"The cultivation method of innate real people originated from ancient times and is older than the immortal way."

Tie Guanxian said: "The ancients swallowed all kinds of innate qi between heaven and earth, tempered the flesh, and turned into a real person. As the innate qi became thinner and thinner, they were abandoned by the times, and immortality, witchcraft, etc. appeared. ."

"And the innate real person can be regarded as an acquired spirit body!"

"I see."

Zhou Yi said helplessly: "It's just that the disciples don't have the spiritual roots, how can they be combined into one and become a fairy body?"

Tie Guanxian changed his voice and asked, "But you still have the True Dragon Nine Transformations?"

Zhou Yi nodded and said, "I have already cultivated the three transformations, and I am practicing the rabbit transformation and the mirage transformation."

"True Dragon Nine Changes also originated from ancient times, and it is an inheritance that existed at the same time as the law of innate real people."

Tie Guanxian said: "At that time, the human race was weak, and there was no systematic method of cultivation. It could only be attached to the command of powerful divine beasts and regarded them as the totem of the group!"

"Among them, the ancestors who enshrined the real dragon as the totem, observed the body of the real dragon day and night, and realized the nine changes of the real dragon."

"After the nine transformations are completed, the blood of a real dragon will appear in the body, and over time, the body of a real dragon will be achieved. At that time, if you are united with the innate real person, the cultivation talent will not be much worse than that of a human fairy!"

Zhou Yi asked in confusion, "Master, how long will it take to accumulate over time?"

"The fast is three to five hundred years, and the slow is three to five thousand years."

Tie Guanxian said: "With your aptitude, it is already a fluke to condense Nascent Soul. Now that you have cultivated into a congenital real person, this method of changing your roots is where your chance to become enlightened lies. Don't miss it."

Zhou Yi bowed deeply: "Thank you for your guidance!"

These words are sincere. If there is no longevity fruit, then Iron Crown Immortal can be said to have pointed the way to enlightenment, and there is no need to waste time and life on other trivial matters.

Such a high-profile long-term plan is extremely difficult to see in the world!

"Master, why is the gap so long?"

"What grows is accumulated over time, without killing karma, without accumulating cause and effect, and being safe and stable."

Tie Guanxian said: "It's short, it is slaughtering the blood of the dragon clan, and drawing the blood of the dragon clan to nourish the body. It is normal to be ten times or eight times faster, as long as you can survive in the end!"

Zhou Yi of course chose the first option, and said righteously: "The disciple is the true sect of Xuanmen, how can he wantonly kill because of the cultivation method!"

Tie Guanxian said quietly: "There are many descendants of the dragon family, and they are neglected in discipline. It is inevitable that evil dragons and fierce dragons will be a disaster. It is not wrong to slay demons and eliminate demons and cultivate along the way."

Zhou Yi frowned and said, "Master, the disciples are teaching the catalogue of exercises, but they haven't found the whole chapter of the Nine Transformations of the True Dragon."

"It wasn't originally, but it has been there since then."

Tie Guanxian said: "You wait here, don't move around, go for the teacher and come!"

Say it.

Without waiting for Zhou Yi to ask, it turned into a black Changhong and flew away.

"This master is really interesting!"

Zhou Yi turned around in the Xuan Tie Guan a few times, and found that there were no inscriptions prohibited, as if it was made of ordinary black iron.

"Also, this class is the best in the world, and it is one step away from becoming an immortal. Why do you need any formation restrictions to protect yourself? Even if any secrets are exposed, no one dares to spy!"

Thinking of this, if one day you will achieve the return to emptiness.

"Whether I am at ease in the world, or whether Xiayu ascends into the fairy world, this is the question!"

After waiting for a day, Tie Guanxian did not come back.

Zhou Yi walked out of the Xuantie Temple and strolled around the neighborhood. During this period, he met a few monks, including Jin Dan and Yuan Ying, who were all true disciples of the Heaven-Mending Sect.

Hearing that Zhou Yi was the new disciple of the ancestor, he hurriedly bowed and saluted.

"I've seen Uncle/Master/Tai Shizu!"

"No need to be polite."

Zhou Yi's current identity is a second-generation disciple of the Heaven-Mending Sect. He is the same generation as the elders in the sect. He communicates with his fellow disciples in the manner of a polite corporal, and he immediately gains a lot of goodwill.

After chatting for a day, I learned a lot of news from the headquarters of the Heaven Patching Sect.

"There are four immortals of returning to the virtual world, the head teacher Guangweizi, the elders Xiaoyunzi, Taixuangong, and the master Tieguanxian. There are more than one hundred spirit transformations, and half of them are outsiders."

"The various countries in Dongsheng Shenzhou have Tianjun of the Heaven-Mending Sect, and some mountains, rivers and waters are also cultivators of Chinese and foreign Taoism."

In Zhou Yi's mind, the power map of the Heaven-Mending Sect appeared in general, and the entire Dongsheng Shenzhou was not affected by it.

"The biggest gain this time is not the inheritance, but the great backing. There are immortal masters on the top, and dozens of senior brothers on the bottom. In the future, they can be domineering!"

Back to Xuantieguan.

After sitting cross-legged and waiting for two days, I suddenly heard a sound of breathing.

Looking up, Tie Guanxian was sitting on the futon, the black robe was a little messy, the beard seemed to be on fire, and the left eye was even black and blue, which seemed to be punched hard.

"This is the real dragon nine changes, and there is some dragon blood."

Tie Guanxian waved his hand, and two things flew out of his sleeves and fell into Zhou Yi's hands.

A jade slip, a pill bottle.

Zhou Yi's consciousness swept over, and the jade slip contained the whole chapter of the nine transformations of the real dragon, which completed the four chapters of the deer, moose, snake and fish. The elixir bottle contained a large group of real dragon blood, about as much as a water tank.

The blood essence of the real dragon is sold in drops and strands. This tank is invaluable.

"Thank you, Master!"

Zhou Yi bowed and saluted, with tears in his eyes: "The disciple's innate talent is low, and the master is tired, it is not right..."

"Don't ask for such ink, because the teacher has long seen that Ao Guang's servant is not pleasing to the eye, so I just took the opportunity to teach him a lesson."

Tie Guanxian stroked the few remaining beards, and said proudly: "This time, I have drawn its dragon blood and stripped its dragon scales. At least I have to rest for 180 years, hahaha!"

"Master is mighty."

Zhou Yi's tears flowed back, and he clapped his horse in a row: "Master has great magical powers, boundless mana, invincible in attack, invincible in battle..."

"roll roll roll!"

Tie Guanxian's face twitched, he waved Zhou Yi out of the Taoist temple, and after a while, he spoke again.

"The Golden Light Hall at the foot of Tianshan Mountain is empty. You are still practicing here. The old monsters of the Jietianjiao are moody, and they may turn their faces one day."

"Thank you, Master."

Zhou Yi crawled away, and when he met his disciple, he asked where the Golden Light Hall was.

After inquiring, I found out that this Golden Light Hall was the residence of Iron Crown Immortal Transformation God.

from afar.

There are thousands of golden lights and thousands of auspicious spirits.

The aura condensed into various beast forms, rolled and played in the hall, and even turned into a human form, irrigating and tending exotic flowers and plants.

"This is a real fairyland!"

"After returning to Qingyun Mountain, I will make some plans with Senior Brother Lingming, find a few reasons to ask for a reward, and flip the mountain temple according to the Golden Light Hall!"

Golden Palace.

Side hall.

Zhou Yi's escape light fell into it, and he didn't set up a formation to cover it up, he just sat cross-legged and practiced.

There are no years in the mountains.

Fast forward three years.

In his spare time, Zhou Yi wandered around the Tianshan Mountains and communicated cordially when he met fellow students.

As a supreme elder, Tie Guanxian has lived for more than 3,000 years. He has served as an elder in the Hall of Lectures, the Hall of Law Enforcement, and the Hall of Tibetan Sutras. relationship.

As a result, Zhou Yi quickly became a celebrity of the Heaven Mending Sect.

I will discuss with this senior brother today, go to that junior brother’s banquet tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, there will be a few senior nephews who will be the hosts…

Zhou Yi did not take advantage of it. Taking out the wine brewed thousands of years ago, it seems that the effect is not as good as a panacea, but the rarity is comparable to that of rare treasures.

Several elders who were good at drinking in the teaching took Zhou Yi's hand after drinking, and swore in confusion.

Of course, it is unknown if he is drunk or not!

"The identity of a disciple of the immortals is easier to use than I imagined, and I can make friends with it or not."

this day.

After Zhouyi's practice ended, he went to the Hall of Wonderful Law for a banquet.

The master of the hall is Daojun Sun Xuanhong, the disciple in charge. He is expected to transform into a **** within a hundred years. He is addicted to alcohol and invites Zhou Yi to a banquet every few days.

"Senior brother, today I brought the treasure at the bottom of the box..."

Zhou Yi took out a jade wine jar, opened it and saw the spirit wine condensed into paste, and said, "This wine is unique in Dongsheng Shenzhou. That senior only brewed and drank it himself, and named it Pear Flower White."

The mana turned, the wine ointment slowly melted, and the extremely rich fragrance of pear blossoms filled the hall.

There are also seven disciples with Yan, including the disciple and grandson of Tie Guanxian, the disciple and grandson of Duke Taixuan, and more are the descendants of the Inhuman Immortal.

"Good wine!"

Xuan Hong drank slowly, and said with admiration, "When Pindao drinks his junior brother's wine, he feels that the past few hundred years have been empty. The so-called wine master's name is really a laughing stock."

The hall suddenly burst into laughter, either complimenting or praising.

The Heaven Patching Sect is an authentic sect of Xuanmen, but it is not without status, but it is from the Nascent Soul realm, so you can let go of your words.

At the banquet, I don't know who mentioned it first, talking about the juniors in the clan.

They belonged to three generations of disciples in the Tianshan Mountains, but outside, all of them were like ancestors, and they formed a cultivating family with a little help from their clansmen.

Daojun surnamed Luo sighed and said: "In my clan, there are several four spiritual roots and five spiritual roots supported, and the foundations are piled up with spiritual things. One day the poor road retreats for a hundred years, and they will all die."

"Junior Brother Luo, don't sigh, every family has a scripture that is difficult to read."

Xuanhong sighed: "Don't force Linggen's talent, if the younger generation has no qualifications, it is enough to keep them rich and noble. Pindao is hundreds of years old, even if Yu Fanchen has nostalgia for it, it is difficult to get close to the descendants who are separated by dozens of generations. ."

Other Daojuns have said that it is the Yuan Ying cultivator with a lifespan of more than a thousand, and it is no longer the same species as mortals.

Zhou Yi said in surprise: "Why don't you use the wish force beads? Pindao has seen many foundations and golden pills, relying on the wish force beads to forcibly break through, maybe the realm is unstable and the strength is not strong, but there is no shortage of life essence."

The younger generation of people such as Xuan Hong, who have a background in the Heaven Mending Sect, are rarely provoked, and it is enough to have Shou Yuan.

Xuanhong's face turned reddish: "I can't compare to Junior Brother Zhu's extravagance. The Pearl of Wishing Power in Senior Brother's hand is enough to practice on weekdays. How can there be any extra to take care of the clansmen."

Even if there is an excess of wishing power beads, they will probably not be given to the clan to buy high-quality medicinal pills and spiritual things, which do not need a large amount of resources. Even if their clan earns the wishing force beads, they will turn it over to Xuan Hong and others to supply the ancestors to practice.

The ancestor of Yuan Ying is the hope of the family. He is alive and the realm is high, and the family is prosperous!

Zhou Yi turned his eyes and said, "Poor Daoist has a way."

Xuan Hong said curiously, "I also ask junior brother to make it clear."

"There is a Qiwu Mountain under the name of Pindao, which controls tens of millions of people, and is lacking manpower to take care of it."

Zhou Yi said: "Senior brother can send his clansmen to go there to serve as the **** of mountains and rivers under the jurisdiction of Qiwu Mountain, and 30% of the wishing power beads and spiritual objects can be withheld. I wonder if brother is willing?"

"Of course I would!"

Xuan Hong agreed without hesitation, and thanked him again and again: "Thank you, brother, if there is anything in the future, just come to find brother."

When the other Taoists heard the words, they all showed their hearts.

Zhou Yi said: "There are sixteen landscapes under the jurisdiction of Qiwu Mountain, which is enough for everyone to share the profits.

"Thank you, brother."

"They will definitely be managed well. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

"In the future, if the junior brother has something to do, call me directly. The enemy of the junior brother is my enemy!"


Everyone raised their glasses one after another, the **** of one mountain and one water is enough to support the inheritance of the clan, save a lot of trouble, and at the same time, it can also distribute the beads of vows every year.

This is a long-term foundation. It seems to be a few dozen in a short period of time. In the past two or three hundred years, it is a large amount of resources.

"Drink up!"

Zhou Yi's eyes shifted, and he suddenly missed Bai Suixin.

The Jietian Sect has blessed many evil demons and outsiders, occupying famous mountains and rivers as dojos. Maybe they can negotiate and trade, and let the senior brothers in the sect take their place.

There is nothing in the world that cannot be sold, as long as the price is high enough!

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