I Am Immortal In The Cultivation World

Chapter 178: Ghost King Destroyed

Ghost King.

Fengdu Mountain Yin Noodles.

There is a water pool in the southeastern boundary, which is extremely cold all the year round, and keeps countless ghosts and ghosts, called Soul Eater Pool.

The body of the ghost king, the head of the ghost king sect, happened to use the Soul Devouring Pond to practice, and the surrounding dozens of miles were designated as a forbidden area for the sect.

this day.

The soul-devouring pool shone with aura, and a dozen figures appeared in the teleportation formation.

The monk's appearance has not yet been seen clearly, but the four pieces of the sacred fire fan, the lightsaber, the Taiqing talisman, and the Bodhi wheel are arranged around, forming a mysterious formation to resist the possible heavy attacks.

A woman's voice came: "My concubine pays respects to the ancestors."

One after another tyrannical consciousness swept in all directions, confirming that there was no potential danger, and just put away the treasures.

Xiao Tiezhu said with a smile: "The poor Daoist guessed long ago that the Daoist friend has the right path, how could he conspire with the demon!"

Huang Yuniang shook her head and said, "I can't say that my concubine is in the right way, so I can only try to avoid killing, and I usually eliminate those ill-intentioned classmates."


Faming announced the Buddha's name and said, "If the donor has a demon body and a Buddha mind, if there is nowhere to go in the future, you can enter the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple for purification."

Huang Yuniang put her hands together: "Thank you, Zen master."

Xiao Tiezhu sighed and said, "This time, when we join forces to destroy the Ghost King Sect, we will definitely slay the Supreme Yin Demon Venerable, but it makes it difficult for fellow Daoists to do it."

"There is no teacher and apprentice in the devil's way, and Jiyin just thinks that the concubine has good qualifications and is used as a tool to rule the ghost king sect."

Huang Yuniang said: "Maybe in the future, the master's life span will not be enough, and it can be used to perform the secret technique of reincarnation of the ghost, and use the concubine's body to prolong the lifespan by 30 to 50 years!"

The orthodox sect may have squeezed the loose cultivator, but the magic path follows the competition of nature to select the fittest to survive. All the devils who are called names are stepping on the bones and corpses. Among them, there are inevitably parents, relatives, teachers and teachers.

Many devils can gather together for the sake of spiritual veins, inheritance, and to join forces to fight against the right path, otherwise they will be scattered as birds and beasts.

"The devil is violent, it should be destroyed!"

Xiao Tiezhu looked at the nine old ancestors around him and said, "According to the original plan, Pindao went to find the old ghost, the three gods and monks worked together to cast the ten thousand Buddhas, and the other daoists deal with the three demons such as Jiyin. , all the demon cultivators up and down the Ghost King Sect will be exterminated!"


The ten rays of light scattered, leaving only Huang Yuniang in place.

"I don't know, my result is life or death."

Huang Yuniang has no feelings for the magic way, but she does not naively think that the ancestor of the righteous way will be soft-hearted.

If the slaughter of mortals is not counted, and the slaughter is decisive, the Daojun is in no way inferior to the Demon Venerable.

At this time.

A voice sounded in his ear: "Fellow Daoist can teleport away first, so as not to be affected by the fighting method, Dan Dingzong has arranged for the disciples to respond, you can go to Dagan Dive Cultivation to temporarily escape the catastrophe."

Huang Yuniang was stunned for a moment, only to think that Taoist Xuanxiao was quite interesting, not as cold as other ancestors.

"Da Gan... a long time ago name, I don't know if my father's grave is still there."

The teleportation array opened, Huang Yuniang's figure gradually blurred, and before disappearing, she seemed to hear a loud noise, as well as screams, howls, and roars...


Great work for six hundred and eighteen years.

Daojun Xuanxiao of Dan Dingzong led the nine ancestors of Yuan Ying to sneak into the ghost king sect, slaying the two demons, Jiyin and Tiansha.

Chang You Demon Venerable brought the most treasured **** map to one enemy and two. After losing, he opened the sect gate and escaped. He fell into an ambush and besieged by the three ancestors of Nascent Soul, and finally died.

The four sects of the Four Seas and the Right Path joined forces, and nearly ten thousand monks surrounded the Ghost King Sect. The formation was prohibited and blocked for thousands of miles.

Daojun Xuanxiao teamed up with the ancestors of Yuan Ying, urging Zhenzong to bombard with the treasure, breaking the Fengdu mountain-level spiritual vein into several pieces.

After destroying the Ghost King Sect, many ancestors of Nascent Soul announced that they had found a way to crack the Great Array of Protecting Sect.

The Allied Forces of the Right Path have risen sharply!

Heavenly Demon Sect, Blood God Sect, Heavenly Corpse Sect, three shocks a day!


East China Sea.

The news of the demise of the Ghost King Sect soon spread to the Earth Fire Palace, and Yuan Qi reported it immediately.

"As expected of the Xiao bomb, no, it's a nuclear bomb now!"

Zhou Yi had expected that the Ghost King Sect would be in trouble, but he did not expect the Wanzai Sect to be destroyed in one fell swoop, which shocked the destructive power of the Son of Luck.

"Since the Ghost King Sect is gone, the restrictions on the sect will be released, and the disciples can come and go freely."

"Elder, it's not peaceful at the moment, and the Five Spirit Sect is eyeing it."

Yuan Qi said: "It is rumored that the Five Spirit Sect has gained great benefits from this trip, and has occupied two new spiritual veins, becoming the fifth sect of the righteous path in one fell swoop!"

"It doesn't matter, the Five Spirit Sect is at the moment of life and death, so how can you still have the mind to manage the East China Sea."

Zhou Yi instructed: "The headquarters of the Ghost King Sect has been destroyed, and there are still many remaining disciples lurking in secret places. They can't stay in Jiuzhou and can only mix into the Eastern Sea Sects. In the next ten years, the Earth Fire Palace will no longer recruit new disciples, so as not to be the devil's way. Take advantage of it!"

After the demise of the Ghost King Sect, the remaining three Demon Dao Sects will definitely take revenge, and they cannot cure the Danding Sect, nor the Five Spirit Sect!

Yuan Qi also understood this truth and asked, "Are you not accepting new children?"

Zhou Yi nodded and said, "The ghost way is the most bizarre and unpredictable. Maybe there is a secret way of reincarnation, just in case."

In fact, it is not a hindrance for the remaining disciples of the Ghost King Sect to mix in. Even if they secretly worship the Earth Fire Palace to practice, Shouyuan will not be able to survive Zhouyi. It's just that all kinds of troubles are bound to occur during this period, such as privately corroding the same family and assassinating the teacher, etc., which inevitably makes Zhou Yi very annoying.

"Follow the decrees of the elders."

Yuan Qi bowed and took orders, daring not to have any comments.

Now the only remaining Supreme Elder in the Fire Palace, and he is revered by the disciples in the sect, Zhou Yi is in control, and everything can be decided in one word.

Months passed in a flash.

As Zhou Yi guessed, the Five Spirit Sect tried their best to defend the headquarters, and spent a lot of money to arrange dozens of large formations to protect the sect, claiming to be able to resist the ancestors of Nascent Soul.

The absence of the Five Spirit Sect in the East China Sea stirred up the turmoil and restored its former calm, which has been like this for thousands of years.

Yuan Qi, the head of the Earth Fire Palace, ordered his disciples to investigate secretly, collect information on the newly recruited disciples of the East China Sea sects, and compare them with the genius monks in the East China Sea recorded in the ancient books over the past few hundred years.

"The number of genius disciples has doubled, and all the sects have accepted them more or less. There are even three Heavenly Spirit Roots appearing in the East China Sea!"

"Jindan Zhenjun has been through trials and tribulations for a long time, and he may be able to guess that his disciple's origin is strange, or he may have influence, or he covets the inheritance brought by his disciple... If raising tigers in this way, there will be a big storm in the East China Sea in a hundred years!"


The changes in the world are the most difficult to see through. Who would have thought that a butterfly flapping its wings can also cause a hurricane natural disaster.

Zhou Yi lived for more than 800 years, and it was already very remarkable to be able to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

at this time.

Deep underground in the Temple of Heaven.

On the altar painted with inscriptions forbidden, sits a black-robed Taoist.

A head of white hair was casually scattered behind him, and his face was as thin as a skeleton. He suddenly opened his eyes, and there were actually two groups of burning purple-black flames in the eye sockets.

A bronze mirror flew out from the cuff, the magic light shone, and two faces on the left and right appeared on it.

There was blood on the left side, and blood was flowing on his face, as if he had just been fished out of the blood pool. On the right side, he has a green-grey face, a pair of dead fish eyes, more white than black, and a dead person with a sullen qi living like a living person.

The Taoist said faintly: "Daoyou Xue, Daoyou Jin, what's the matter with the old man?"

"Old blind man, don't ask for it knowingly."

Gorefiend's voice was as cold as ice: "If you drag on like this, it won't take long for the righteous path to break through the formation, and the Demon Sect will definitely not stay!"

The blind Taoist shook his head and said, "The Great Array of Heavenly Demons is far more stable than the Ghost King Sect. It's been half a year, and the righteous path has not yet come."

"Old blind man, are you dying and your brain has become stupid, or you can't trust this seat and fellow blood daoists?"

Daoist Jin opened his mouth to reveal two sharp canine teeth, and his voice was as sharp as a stone: "The old guys in the right way deliberately delayed, just waiting for the revenge of the magic way, use our hands to eradicate those small sects and small factions, and then clean up the mess and unite Jiuzhou! "

After the demise of the Ghost King Sect, no matter whether the method of breaking the formation preached by the righteous way is true or false, the strength of the righteous demon is completely out of balance, and the demonic way will be destroyed sooner or later.

"How can the poor know?"

The blind Taoist's eyes flashed with purple fire, and he said, "Xuanxiao was born with qi, the heaven and the earth leveraged together, you and I are nothing but dead bones in the grave, and we are trying to chase down the younger generation after exhausting our longevity. Die!"

Zhou Yi could see that Xiao Tiezhu was different, how could the two giants of Zhengdao be unaware, so he was able to command the Zhengdao sect with the younger generation.

When Naihe Mo Dao noticed, Xiao Tiezhu's wings were complete, and he was already powerless to return to the sky.

The blood devil said coldly: "Since that fellow is borrowing strength from heaven and earth, then this world will be destroyed. Without luck, he is just a Nascent Soul!"

The blind Taoist was silent for a while, then said, "Tianjun is just a word of heaven, barely controlling the power of heaven and earth, but compared to the vastness of heaven and earth, he is just a strong ant, how can he destroy the heaven and earth?"

"The whole world can't be destroyed. We only need to destroy some key points, and then we can lead to drastic changes in the world."

Jin Daoren said: "For example, the ancestral veins!"

The blind Taoist sighed: "Pindao has long guessed the intention of the two of you, but the ancestral veins are the source of spiritual energy. Once destroyed, the spiritual veins of the nine continents and the four seas will be exhausted. Wouldn't it have broken the foundation of the cultivation world?"

"Humph! Don't pretend to be kind, the old blind man, the immortal world can't be destroyed, it has something to do with you."

The Gorefiend said: "Besides, the ancestral veins are the rules of heaven, and they will re-condense as time passes, and the world of immortals will naturally return to prosperity."

The blind Taoist said: "It is difficult for the ancestors to recover for thousands of years. What benefits can the poor get? The sects are all destroyed. If the ancestors continue, the Tianmozong can sneak into the four seas and wait for the opportunity."

"Jie Jie Jie!"

Daoist Jin said with a strange smile: "Fellow Daoist Blood has an ancient secret method, and you can self-proclaim your lifespan for a thousand years. In the future, we can take advantage of the opportunity of spiritual recovery, and even if we can't get a glimpse of returning to the virtual, we can prolong our life!"

Among the eight major sects of Zhengmo, there is only the Chizhou Blood God Sect, which is truly inherited from the ancient great sects, and there are many magical powers and secrets in the sect.

"The cost of this method is enormous!"

The blood demon said: "Old blind man, you can make your own decision. Either you will destroy the sect and destroy your family, and you will die, or you will risk your life to wait for the right time."

"At what cost?"

The blind Taoist frowned slightly: "Need to slaughter thousands of living beings? Or directly sacrifice the living beings of a continent? Now that the righteous path is prosperous, the latter method is a bit troublesome, but you can try it."



The Gorefiend and Jin Daoren were speechless for a moment, no wonder they were able to claim that the demons were alive, and the power of the demons shrouded the nine continents and the four seas.

The blind Taoist shrugged and said, "Don't make a fuss, Pindao has no ambitions in this life, but he just wants to prolong his life."

The blood demon said: "There is no need for such a big price. You only need to sacrifice blood to the disciples of the sect, and mix spiritual things and minerals into a seal. The more monks who sacrifice blood, the longer the self-proclaimed time.

"This is also called a price? Those devil cubs outside are all about to die in the righteous sword fight, and it will be the same if they die sooner or later!"

The blind Taoist raised his brows and reminded: "Fellow Daoist blood, don't lie to the poor Taoist. These two heavenly demon pupils can see through the secrets. If you find anything unusual, you will definitely go to the blood pool to find you and talk."

"The ancestral veins are slow to recover, often tens of thousands of years."

The blood devil said: "Even if you call yourself this way, there are not one out of ten who can truly survive, so there is no need to deceive the poor. Whoever survives the catastrophe in the future, please help and help the other two sects. inherited!"

After speaking, the Gorefiend will ban the law of Shouyuan, and carefully inform the blind Taoists and Jin Taoists.

The core of it is an ancient prohibition, which can completely block the essence and spirit from turning into a stubborn stone, and the consumption rate of life essence is hundreds of times lower than the outside world.

The way of heaven is supreme, the actual corresponding consumption will not be less, but the method of sacrifice is replaced by the spirit of other monks. Ordinary monks replace Tianjun, and the price difference is thousands of times, so the more monks who sacrifice, the longer the ban time.

"As expected of an ancient great sect, there is such a mysterious method."

The blind daoist repeatedly praised, and he turned his voice and said: "It is rumored that in ancient times, the two sects were the strongest. Just like the confrontation between the righteous and the devil today, the blood **** sect is no more than a sidewalk. How can there be no way to ban such a great sect? Is it right now? Are there any descendants alive?"

"Maybe yes, maybe no, it has nothing to do with me."

The Gorefiend said: "Now there is no other choice, either wait for Xuan Xiao to come to the door and become famous for the younger generation, or directly overturn the chessboard!"

Jin Daoren said: "Pin Dao never follows God's arrangement. He likes to overturn the table. What does the old blind think?"

The blind Taoist nodded and said, "How to destroy the ancestral veins requires some guidance from fellow blood Taoists."

"This matter is simple, I am waiting for the three Heavenly Sovereigns to join forces to detonate the treasure of Zhenzong at the core of the spiritual meridian~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The power must not be weaker than the blow of returning to the virtual. The ancestral meridian is now extremely weak, otherwise the spiritual energy will not be increasing day by day. Decline, one blow of returning to the void will definitely destroy it!"

The blood devil said: "In order to avoid suspicion of the righteous path, you need to order the devils under your command to attack and kill those small sects."

Daoist Jin said in a cold voice, "Pindao has long been unhappy with the Five Spirit Sect, and it just happened that the devils kidnapped them all and used them as sacrifices to prolong their lifespan."

"So good!"

The blind daoist's eyes twitched, and he suddenly asked, "One Qi sect originated from the ancient Taixuan sect. Maybe there is a way of banning in the door. In the future, will the ancestors recover, will they see old friends?"

"If that's the case, then you can call me a friend."

The Gorefiend grinned strangely as he spoke, as if he had thought of something interesting.

"The way of heaven is irreversible. The self-proclaimed law must sacrifice other monks. They committed such a **** crime, how can there be a face who claims to be the righteous way?"


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