"Niu'er, go to the demon clan area, remember to be careful!"

"Master, why can I build the foundation in a safe and stable manner, and hardly encounter any danger? In fact, it is very simple, that is... run!"

"If there is a slight disturbance, run first, then go back after the limelight has passed, or simply change to another place to practice. The world of immortality is vast and vast, don't hang yourself on a tree!"

Zhou Yi took out a jade slip: "Niu'er, I leave this jade slip for you. It contains the experience of escaping through the years of comprehension."

Moo moo!

The ox swallowed the jade slip in its belly and called out a few times, indicating that he remembered it.

"Niuniu, you are kind and gentle, and it is very difficult to survive in the world of immortality. In the future, remember that when you encounter a monster that you can't fight, you will tolerate it, and when your strength exceeds it or it suffers, you will fall into the hole and trample to death..."

Zhou Yi has been admonishing him for a long time, and he has lived with the scalper for decades, and has long been like an old friend.

Zhou Yi still remembered clearly the time when the ox sacrificed his life to repay the kindness to the old peasant. The demon who knew how to repay his kindness was far more trustworthy than the person who thought about it!


The ox circled Zhou Yi a few times, and his two front hooves fell to his knees with a thud, tears streaming down the corners of his eyes.

Zhou Yi stroked the ox's horns: "Don't look like this, I won't be able to get along in the future, so I'll go to you."

The thousand-year-old ginseng came out of his arms, sighed, hesitated for a moment and reluctantly spit out a mouthful of essence.

It is round and crystal-like like dewdrops. As soon as it appears, it emits rich spiritual energy, and the surrounding vegetation grows at a speed visible to the naked eye. The dewdrop essence fell on the scalper's forehead, and instantly penetrated into it, turning it into a vigorous vitality.

Zhou Yi glanced at Lingshen: "You are actually hiding a hand! If you use it earlier, what's the use of cutting you into a ball?"

"Xianchang, I'm so sleepy!"

The thousand-year-old Lingshen didn't know how to quibble, so he closed his eyes and fell asleep in Zhou Yi's arms.

The atmosphere was so high that Zhou Yi was about to say a few touching words when he heard an angry shout from a distance.

"Where is the little thief who dares to steal the real cow!"

A flash of light flew in cursing from more than twenty miles away, and when he got close, he saw that it was an old man in purple robes.

Lao Dao was about to activate the magic weapon and teach the cattle thief a lesson, but he saw a giant standing beside the ox, who was three or four feet tall.

The head bears golden horns, the arms are like rafters, the legs are like pillars, and the fierce aura is blowing towards the face.

The escape light stagnated slightly, and then flew forward at a faster speed, shouting constantly.

"The cow thief told you this, how dare you run! If you don't stop... This real person is going to go crazy!"

on the ground.

Zhou Yi looked at Da Chu Zhenguo Zhenren and flew over his head. After such a disturbance, the warmth disappeared immediately.

"Niu'er, don't let it go for now."

"The mountains are high and the water is long, and there will be a period in the future!"

After all, he returned to human form, and flew towards the northwest with the escape light.

The northern part of the Great Chu is Dagan, and the northwest is the Qing Kingdom. There is a thousand miles of swamps and poisonous miasma in the territory. Among them, there is the Fangshi of Dandingzong.

Zhou Yi was born in a big job, so he didn't plan to introduce it with Xuan Kong, and he had a gap with Xuan Yu, so it was safer to find another unfamiliar place.


Three thousand miles east of Yunzhou.

Thousands of mountains compete with green, ten thousand peaks are stacked, and there are many rare and exotic animals in the mountains.

this day.

Two rays of light flew from the east, streaked across the sky, and disappeared into the mountains.

"Junior Brother Zhu, the headquarter of the sect is not far ahead."

Xuanyun is the deacon of Dazefang City. A year ago, the real person named Zhu Gang, who came to worship Dan Dingzong, was in a good mood.

Zhou Yi's eyes flickered, and he looked dozens of miles ahead from the sky, but it was just an ordinary mountain peak and a deep valley, and there was no trace of the prohibition of the formation.

"Senior Brother Xuanyun, the poor Taoist has little knowledge. Could it be that the sect is hidden in the blessed land?"

Three years ago, Zhou Yi rushed to the Qing Kingdom and lingered outside Dazefang City. The investigation found that Xuanyun had a gentle temperament and was a well-known old man of Dan Dingzong, so he was relieved to ask him to introduce him.

"The saying of the heaven and the earth comes from the records of the ancient books, and no one has really seen it, or it is just a false statement."

Xuanyun was born in Dan Dingzong since he was a child, and he is quite proud of this matter: "However, the headquarters of the sect has been arranged for thousands of years. It is not a cave, but it is better than a cave!"

After saying that, Xuan Yun stood in the sky and took the golden true inheritance token from the storage bag.

Mana is poured into it, and the token blooms with aura. ,

Not far ahead, a circle of ripples appeared in the void, and after a while, a portal was split open, and the scenery inside could be seen through the opening.

"Brother Zhu, please."

Xuan Yun stepped into it first, Zhou Yi hesitated for a moment, and followed closely behind.

As soon as he entered the cave, Zhou Yi noticed that a strong spiritual energy was coming towards him. Looking ahead, the Qianzhang peak goes straight into the sea of ​​​​clouds, and the ridges stretch from east to west like a blue dragon lying down.

The sea of ​​clouds is vast, and the mountains are shadowy.

"The Patriarch arranged the Supreme Formation Restriction, shrinking the spiritual veins of three thousand miles into the dust, like a cave..."

Xuan Yun enthusiastically introduced that the first peak hidden in the clouds is Shenhuo Peak, which is also the core area of ​​Dan Dingzong. The ridges on both sides of Shenhuo Peak are ups and downs, each with its own name. There are plains, lakes, mountain peaks and rivers hundreds of miles ahead.

Zhou Yi looked at the ground nearby, the mountains and rivers were beautiful, there were many Taoist temples and palaces, and the light flew by from time to time.

"Teacher brother, is the three thousand-li-long spiritual veins heaven-level?"

"There is only one heaven-level spiritual meridian in the world, and that is the ancestral meridian, and the sect's spiritual meridian is the only one below it. Junior and brother follow me quickly. Although the sect has not clearly established a sect rule, few people overlook it from a high altitude."

"In case it attracts the attention of the ancestors of Shenhuo Peak, the divine sense swept over and wrote down the appearance, and it would be difficult to say something casually in the future."

The Xuanyun Escaped Light fell on the ground three to four feet high, leading the way ahead, flying about a hundred miles, and there was a three-story palace not far ahead.

On the plaque of the palace, the word Qingning is written.

"The disciples are registered here, including the collection of errands, the exchange of merits and other chores are handled here, generally called the foreign affairs hall."

There are many monks at the entrance of the Foreign Affairs Hall, in groups of twos and threes, either whispering or transmitting mana.

Zhou Yi didn't act rashly to investigate, but only judged from the breath. Most of them were cultivators in the Qi-refining stage, and there were less than 12 of them.

Stepping into the Hall of Foreign Affairs, the layout is similar to that of the Fangshi office, which is probably in the same line.

The true disciple Xuan Yun was quite famous in the sect, and the disciple who was receiving him behind the counter immediately got up and saluted when he saw it.

"I have seen Master Xuanyun, I don't know what to do?"

Xuanyun introduced: "This is the real person Zhu Gang, who builds foundations and worships the sect."

"I have seen Uncle Zhu."

The disciple respectfully said: "The elders of the various peaks in the sect have included the disciples, and there are two peaks, Mingzhu and Yunlong, who do not need to be tested for teaching. I don't know which True Monarch's uncle plans to worship?"

When Zhou Yi came, he already knew that the peaks on both sides of Shenhuo Peak ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ were in charge of Jindan Zhenjun.

Disciples other than Heavenly Spiritual Roots can choose to be apprentices after breaking through Foundation Establishment. Depending on the true monarch's preferences, the conditions required are also different.

After the apprenticeship, you can get the real monarch to teach Taoism. If you are lucky or have good aptitude, or make the master happy, you can get precious exercises and spirits without consuming meritorious deeds.

Zhou Yi pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said.

"This matter will be discussed later, and the poor way can practice alone for the time being."

There are also many disciples who practice alone in the Dan Ding Sect. If they have enough merits, they can exchange for the quota of true inheritance. The exercises and magical powers they have learned are not inferior to those of apprentices.

It is impossible for Zhou Yi to be promoted to the True Inheritance, lest the jade slips left behind will not be destroyed for hundreds of thousands of years.

Apprenticeship is even more impossible, often dangling under the eyes of the true monarch, maybe one day the secret of age will be exposed.


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