I Am Hellscream

Chapter 800

Chapter 800 Kill you with a carbine!

Sakazuki does have a volcanic explosive power. He developed his Lava-Lava Fruit to develop this effect. He shook Gromash’s brute force and reckless punch without falling into the wind.

The infinite amount of magma energy accumulated in his body seems to be’forced’ out by him, and it can only explode from his fist, which greatly enhances his strength, and the hot and hot magma continues Dripped from the contact point of the two fists, and quickly eroded the ground completely, and another magma field appeared in

Because of being nearby, Gion had to retreat some distance.

Just as the Marine’s Grand Marshal Sakazuki and Gromash, the pinnacle pirate, were wrestling with each other, Polusarino, the guy who almost hadn’t broken his leg before, made another shot after the smoke dispersed.

I saw Polusalino parting his hands in front of his chest, posing a rectangular appearance, and then pointed at the place where Gromash was, regardless of whether Sakazuki would be affected or not, and directly said in a deep voice: ” Cluster-laser-optical prism!”

As soon as the voice fell, the rectangle in his hand flashed with dazzling golden light, and then the powerful laser beam condensed from the light particles burst out at the place where Gromash and Sakazuki were.

Unlike the finger-thin laser lasers before, this time the laser laser made Gromash feel the creeps. Sure enough, this Polusalino always likes to hide it.

As a strong player in Zoan, Gromash really likes to take other people’s killer moves when he has nothing to do, especially when he has two lives, but at this time it is in war, and it is not his hunting ground, which is of great significance. , Gromash has no idea of ​​weighing Polusalino’s ultimate move. With the strength of Sakazuki’s fist, the whole person

He retreated suddenly, and renewed the force under his feet, and the lava field created by Sakazuki was stepped on the turbulent waves, which exploded countless hot magma, and Gromash also used this to escape from the neighborhood at a very fast speed. , Immediately after his body shape flashed, before Polusalino’s laser was exploded, he took the initiative to retreat again for a long time.

On the other hand, while Polusalino was moving, Gion didn’t hesitate to drive away, so at this time there was only Sakazuki, Marine who had not had time to entangle Gromash. The generals is now.

In an instant, the golden light brought by the laser laser swallowed the hapless Sakazuki, and in the next second, the explosion from the sky seemed to shake the entire Naval Headquarters-next, a huge mushroom cloud Soaring into the air from where Sakazuki was, Gromash, who had already avoided a long distance with the entrapped air, closed slightly.

Closed eyes.

This was still fighting each other, and the bloody hell Shura Field was quiet. Many people couldn’t help but stop the killing in their hands and looked at the huge movement here.

Gromash covered his previously injured arm with one hand, watching the scene where a huge bottomless pit was blown out of the ground, a smile hung on the corner of his mouth, and he said softly: “Oh, Admiral of Headquarters murdered Marshal Marine. Sure enough, did Polusalino, the old salted fish, also target the position of Marshal Marine?

If Sakazuki is killed smoothly, then he will be able to become a big treasure. It’s amazing. ”

However, Gromash is just for self-entertainment. Obviously, whether it is Sakazuki or Polusalino, it is clear that this laser does not seem to be able to’restrain’ Sakazuki, and without the blessing of Armament Haki, even Pollu The power of Salino’s trick can explode the moon, and it can’t hurt Sakazuki at all, this

It is the “rule” of Devil Fruit’s ability. Of course, looking at it the other way round, Sakazuki is the same for Polusalino.

Light and magma, two elements that are not closely related, naturally cannot mention restraint.

But with this blow, even if Sakazuki wants to come out of the ground, it will take some time…

Before Gromash could put his gaze to Polusalino, he felt someone flying from behind him. Turning around and looking at it, it turned out to be a familiar figure. Drake, the kid, slammed into Gromash with a’bang!’ By the side of his feet, a personal mark was cast on the ground, but there was an extra tail on the mark.

Following the direction where Drake flew, Gromash also saw Hancock, who was fighting against Garp at this time. Now that Drake is not taking care of him, Hancock has been completely suppressed by Garp.

But fortunately, Hancock, as the former Seven Warlords of the Sea, has the name of the Pirate Empress. Conqueror’s Haki also has the ability to involve rules such as sweet fruit. Although it is at a disadvantage, it is only half of the time. After a while, it’s impossible for Garp to take her down, but the two have a good relationship.

After taking a second glance at the battle over there, Gromash put his gaze on his feet, and then saw a claw sticking out from the human-shaped pit beside his feet, and then, with the force of the edge, Drake’s figure. The gray head climbed out of this pit with a face.

“Jiehahahahahaha, I’m very embarrassed, Drake, is it okay? If it doesn’t work, just take a rest, after all, it is also Marine’s old hero, and almost killed me back then…” Gromash Da Said with a smile.

Drake patted the dirt on his body, rubbed his bruised and swollen chest, and after vomiting a puff of blood, he glanced at Gromash, and then said, “Boss Gromash, knowing that we are fortunate, you can’t hurry up. Have you solved the battle on your side to help? The key to breaking the game is on your body.”

Having said that, Drake looked at Gromash up and down again, and found that his boss also seemed to be embarrassed. Couldn’t it be one-to-three, right? Wasn’t this self-confident before the start of the war?

“Boss? Wouldn’t it be a big loss on your side? Is this hand temporarily abolished?” Drake asked with some suspicion.

Gromash grinned and said, “How can I say that it is also three Admiral level masters. This is the’highest combat power”. It’s normal for me to be suppressed? But I can’t talk about suffering. I’m just trying. , The real wrestling hasn’t started yet”

Speaking of this, Gromash paused for a while and said, “However, it has been suppressed, which makes me very unhappy. I should be a little more serious and show that my “strongest” name is not bought with money. .”

As soon as the voice fell, Gromash’s momentum surged a little, and he whispered softly: “Six Styles-Return of Life”

Then Gromash’s shoulder that was blasted by Polusalino also moved a little, and then invisible power began to flow in him.

Coupled with Gromash’s inherently strong physique, as well as the powerful resilience and vitality of the Zoan Phantasy Beast awakened, the arm that was still inconvenient for movement just now has completely recovered as it was before, and it has even reached the garden Jinpiluo. The cut wounds are completely healed.

After doing all this, Gromash’s mouth was filled with a healing smile, and he said, “Drake, your kid is the awakening ability of the ancient Zoan species. I don’t ask you to help Hancock turn defeat into victory, just go up and carry it. You can still do it if you delay the old Garp thing, right? Hold on for a while, this uncle

Go’break the game’!”

After listening to Gromash’s words, Drake also showed a smile, and then said: “Then Captain, you have to hurry up, if I show my real skills, I might really turn defeat into victory.”

“Jiehahahahahaha, you guys really have enough ass, if you can do it, then do it!” Gromash said with a big laugh.

Immediately afterwards, Gromash didn’t continue to talk nonsense to Drake. He clenched his fists and put his chest lightly in front of his chest. He looked in the direction where Polusalino was, with a gleam in his eyes, and he whispered softly. : “Go violently on your own!”

With the fall of Gromash’s words, in an instant, the aura that was already strong enough on Gromash’s body was turned over again, and the aura surging from his body blew the gravel on the ground and rolled, and then , The bloody breath that was entwined all over his body also began to gradually become richer.

At this time on the battlefield, blood and resentment were everywhere, the justice Marine and their evil pirates, unwillingness before dying, and the curse of this world, were all cursed by Gromash, a man who was’cursed.’ Attracted.

So the tumbling resentment on Gromash was very strong.

Polusalino is also very vigilant when he is on the Gromash town. Seeing the surging pressure on Gromash’s body makes it difficult for people to breathe, Polusalino is also very clear. If it was a warm-up battle before, now, Gromash, which is called the’strongest’ by the heroes in the sea, has entered the serious

In the state!

At the same time that Porusalino and Gromash’s eyes met, Gromash slammed the ground with one foot, and Drake, who was next to him so shockingly, was amused. When Drake stood still, Gromash’s figure is gone, Drake’s cold-blooded vertical pupils shrunk a little, and there is no more pipes, and he turns to face

The place where Hancock was fighting with Garp rushed over again.

Polusalino, who had been staring here, looked at this scene, naturally understood what was going on, and endured the constant pain from the injury on his leg, and his whole body turned into golden light and disappeared very quickly. NS.

Fortunately, the movement of his light particles does not really need to use his legs, so he ran very fast.At the moment when the last golden light of Polusalino was dissipated in the air, Gromash’s figure was already It appeared here very abruptly, and the top-down punch wrapped in a powerful force and hit the place where Polusalino was just now.

There was a huge crack in the ground.

Shout, is the speed still so fast after half a leg?” Gromash whispered in a slightly uncomfortable voice. At the same time, he looked up and looked into the distance. Polusalino’s figure had once again walked out of the golden light, standing. Over there.

Then Gromash didn’t seem to want to give Polusalino extra opportunities at all. When his figure moved, a cloud of smoke broke out on the spot, and his figure disappeared again.

This time, just as Polusalino was about to turn into a golden light to escape, he noticed something was wrong, damn it, Gromash looked like he was going to tear him Polusalino, but it’s (okay) In fact, the goal this time is not on him at all. !

Sure enough, at the moment when everyone thought that Gromash was going to catch Polusalino and kill him, Gromash this guy actually killed a carbine very cunningly, and the whole person appeared at this time with Hancock at a very fast speed. Garp Vice Admiral who played against Drake.

He stomped on Garp’s chest with one hoof!

And Drake seems to have guessed it a long time ago, and the rest of the people did not react, he has not hesitated to go up and carry an iron fist of Garp, spit out a mouthful of blood, and also grabbed Garp’s. The arm gave Gromash a chance.

“Hell’s Fury-War Stomp!” Gromash yelled.

At this critical moment, Garp, as a Marine hero, didn’t accumulate decades of fighting experience casually. He instinctively raised his other arm, Armament Haki wrapped it around and blocked Gromash’s hoof.

Immediately after a muffled sound of’bang!’, Garp’s figure was like a cannonball, and was kicked upside down by Gromash at an extremely fast speed. I don’t know how many people were killed along the way.

“That bastard guy Porusalino has a serious leg injury, and his strength is less than 30%, Hancock, you and Drake will deal with him, and Garp will leave it to me!” Gromash said in a deep voice.

Hancock looked at Gromash, and didn’t object to anything, but immediately said, “I’ll leave it to my concubine!”

As early as Sabaody Archipelago, Hancock had fought against Polusalino, but he couldn’t figure it out. Now there is another chance. Hancock is also very looking forward to it.

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