I Am Hellscream

Chapter 796

Chapter 796 Gromash one pick five?

As soon as Sengoku’s voice fell, when the rest of the people hadn’t reacted, a fierce wave suddenly began to surge in the bay under the military port wall.The next moment, a powerful current burst directly into the air. The condensation changed into a huge megalodon. The megalodon opened its mouth severely and hit the wall of the military port, directly

The solid walls are all out of the blast.

Sengoku, Sakazuki, Garp, Polusalino, Gion and others standing on this wall are also very fast. The moment the megalodon condensed from the sea hits the wall, they are very fast. Evacuate from there and came to the port.

At this time, the military port wall of the guard at the outermost edge of the port had collapsed and a gap nearly twenty meters wide appeared. In the smoke and dust, a figure carrying a battle axe was walking through it with flames burning all over it.

The expression of the chief inspector, Sengoku, was also very gloomy at this time, and the rest of the people also understood the meaning of the words he said just now.

Since Gromash appeared on the Elune, it has been followed by several of their Marine bosses. If Gromash jumped directly into the sea at that time, any of them could reflect what Gromash is going to do next. , After all, his Gromash was born in The fish men island, and he has the best murloc karate skills in the world.

It’s not that no one knows,-once he directly enters the sea, it will inevitably attract the attention of them, Marine bigwigs, then the next assault he will launch and help the fleet behind to create a gap in this line of defense will be detrimental. Impacted.

They can’t watch him because of Sengoku, can Gromash show off here, can’t they?

But if his Gromash was knocked down by the Marines and entered the sea, then there is a vicious circle of logical thinking in it. People always like to think of things that are beneficial to them and subconsciously think that they are correct. When Gromash is shot down At the time, it is beneficial to Marine, so it will be subconsciously regarded as’correct’, and facing this

Few people can react quickly when they are’correct’. In fact, they have already made a’mistake’.

Even Sengoku, a first-class wise man who is considered top-notch in terms of intelligence, was a little slower, so that the first layer of defense of the military port was directly opened by his uncle Gromash with a violent blow that was nearly 20 meters wide. This is enough for the armed personnel on the fleet to have a point to break into the Marine position. This is him.

The purpose of Gromash, what kind of handsome appearance, does not exist, he flew two Marine marshals with an axe, it is handsome enough, isn’t it?

The figure in the smoke and dust gradually became clear, and Gromash also carried the Hell Destroyer who had fallen into the bay before on his shoulders at this time, laughed and said, “Jiehahahahaha, Sengoku brother, it’s been a long time. See, you are still so witty, I almost can’t hide it from you, but in the end it is my uncle and I am smarter.”Looking at Gromash’s tall and sturdy body, full of oppressive aura, Sengoku, the general inspector’s expression, didn’t know how to describe it, anyway, it looked terrible.

Gromash didn’t care why the guy Sengoku ignored him. Instead, he swept his gaze everywhere, passing all the Marine bosses in front of him, and finally stopped on Gion’s shoulders, her shoulders still on her shoulders. Hanging on the shoulder armor of the unicorn that is “matched” with the shoulder armor that I have now, but there are some traces of years on it, not as it was in the past.

It’s brand new, which makes people like Gromash feel a little bit more emotional, and look at Gion’s eyes.

Gion’s eyes staring at Gromash at this time were also full of anger and resentment, as if she wanted to take him alive, she really didn’t know how this woman’s thinking worked.

Gromash looked at Gion’s eyes full of incomparable resentment, and he also slapped his lips and said, “Smelly woman, you are really careful. For more than 20 years, you still can’t let it go. Isn’t it just a victory for you? Victory or defeat? It’s commonplace in the military family, is it guilty to hate me so much? It really has nothing to do with being beautiful..~..

After Gion heard Gromash’s words, his heart was even more angry, not to mention that we are Marine and pirates, justice and evil, and I, Marine’s Admiral candidate, should hate you, just say that. Was the matter of the year simply a matter of winning or losing? No matter how careful I am, I still haven’t reached the point of such persistence and victory, right?

It was you who stripped off my old lady’s clothes, the old lady’s innocent body was stained on your hands, and the great justice was taken away by you. Is this not enough for me to hate you?

Thinking of this, Gion didn’t bother to talk nonsense to Gromash. There was no warning, and a cold light appeared in his very abrupt hands. The famous sword, Jin Kunluo had already been out of the sheath.

The sharp knife mang showed no mercy at all. It seemed that Gion had cut off the many thoughts of Gromash in her heart, and slashed directly at Gromash’s neck, wanting to stab him at the top of the table.

Although Gromash seems to have walked out of the ruins unsuspectingly and came in front of the Marine bigwigs, how could it be possible? The five people in front of them are all first-class in the world. Top master, Gromash, no matter how arrogant, can’t be too slack.

Therefore, although Gion’s sword was abrupt, Gromash had already prepared for it. The moment the cold light came out of its sheath, the battle axe that Gromash carried on his shoulders also slanted, slid down a little, and it was very accurate. Yuan’s blade was blocked by the barb on the back of the axe, and then Gromash grinned, and his smile bloomed and said, “You

I’ll be defenseless for me.”

Before he finished his words, a wind blade suddenly flared up on the blade of Gion, and the startled Gromash slammed his head. It was enough to escape the blow, but a wound was wiped out on his cheek. Some red blood came out.

At the same time, when the wind blade appeared on the blade of Gion, Sakazuki, Marine Marshal who had not been in harmony with Gion for many years, made a very tacit shot. The fist wrapped in magma power was also very swift and smashed towards Gromash. come over.

This makes Gromash too late to think about it. He raised his arm and blocked him. Although Sakazuki’s magma restrained most of the fire-type Demon fruit power, his Gromash was easily immune to the deadliest high-heat magma. .

Therefore, Sakazuki’s punch on Gromash’s arm did not appear to burn Gromash through, but Sakazuki had already understood the truth and the result. After all, he was not the first time to fight Gromash. I understand that Gromash naturally restrains his proud Logia-Lava-Lava Fruit ability.

Therefore, the power of this blow is not in the high temperature and burning, but the impact of a volcanic eruption.

“Blasting flames-black smoke erupting!” Sakazuki shouted angrily, and the fist hit Gromash’s arm slammed out a thick black smoke mixed with explosive sparks, and then Gromash felt a force like a volcanic eruption. Passed from Sakazuki’s fist, the powerful impact force smashed him back several steps.

Several deep footprints were made on the ground, which was considered to have removed this strength.

Raising his arm again and looking at it, Gromash saw the spot where Sakazuki hit him just now. There was already a slightly red and swollen fist mark.

Gromash’s gaze at Sakazuki was also a little interesting.

The corner of Gromash’s mouth grinned, and he said softly, “Sakazuki, you guy seems to have done a lot to deal with me, and you have done a lot of work. Has Lava-Lava Fruit also developed new uses?”

Sakazuki has always regarded Gromash as an enemy and regarded it as a major concern. He always suffered from a loss of ability when fighting against Gromash. For more than two decades, he has been trying his best to avoid this situation from happening again, so it is also a great concern for Lava. -The development of Lava Fruit has entered a new field.

“Why not burn the evil, why don’t you just hit it to smash it?” Sakazuki said softly, seeing that his blow did indeed achieve a little effect, and he was also somewhat satisfied. After all, it was the same as before. The ability to hit Gromash is meaningless. This effect has proved that the development ability direction he chose this time is not

Wrong, it was just a small test just now, but then it is not that simple.

Gromash wasn’t too surprised. If Marine Marshal Sakazuki suffered a loss and didn’t grow, it would surprise him. After all, that would be too stupid.

Just when Gromash was about to speak, the five Marines seemed to have a tacit understanding. Kim Pira in Gion’s hand once again brought a cold light, and the sharp slash was still directed at Gromash’s neck. Yes, Gromash frowned, the battle axe in his hand hung lightly, blocking Gion’s attack, and then Polusalino

His missed laser was about to hit Gromash’s forehead.

And Gromash didn’t panic at all, lowering his head, and directly let the laser beam rub his special corner and explode, avoiding the blow of Polusalino.

At the same time, he also raised his leg and slammed forward. Taking advantage of his height, he directly kicked Garp, the old guy, and punched him in the fist. The two Armament Haki’s confrontation also set off a powerful force. airflow.

In the next moment, Sakazuki and Sengoku, the two new and old marshals, once again shot at the same time, both from the left and the right, with powerful fluctuations in their hands, hitting the soft abdomen under the left and right ribs of Gromash, with the intention of hitting Gromash severely.

Facing the five top masters at the same time, even if Gromash is better than anyone, it is inevitable that he will end up being suppressed. His arms sank, and he slammed back, jamming Jin Kunluo in Gion’s hand and blocking the fist of the old guy Sengoku.

Qian Qian then raised his other arm and punched Sakazuki’s fist without showing any weakness.

Don’t look at Gromash taking all of this coordinated raid, but his pressure is also great. First of all, it is very difficult for him to hold the fists of Garp, Sengoku, and Sakazuki, and it is impossible to hold on for too long.

And the great swordsman Gion changed his tricks very quickly. When Jin Kunluo was pulled, his wrist was twisted, and the blade stuck on the Gromash battle axe was released, and then he stabbed Gromash in the chest again. .

This time, Gromash really has no extra way to defend. The foot that is stepping on Garp’s fist slams into force. With Garp’s strength, he kicks the (good) back, and the whole person is extremely fast. He flew out at the speed of, and then landed on the ground very neatly. He put the battle axe across his chest, and said with a serious expression on his face: “”

The five of you beat me one out, isn’t it a bit too much?

“Huh, this is war, do you bastard think we are fighting you?” Garp said unceremoniously.

As soon as Garp’s voice fell, Polusalino had already made another move, and saw him raise his hand with a laser laser to make another move first, trying to force Gromash to reveal some flaws.

However, this time, Gromash didn’t make any movement, it seemed as young as when the laser did not exist.

It was too late to say, it was fast, just when Polusalino’s laser was blasted towards Gromash’s head, a red high-heeled shoe suddenly appeared on the orbit of the laser, and then the big one of Bai Zhe The long legs stepped on the red high-heeled shoes and kicked, unexpectedly kicking the wrong laser to pieces.

That’s right, first the light was petrified and then the light was kicked to pieces, and then the long legs with red high heels were retracted again, and it was the Pirate Empress who helped Gromash block the blow- Boya-Hancock, I saw that Hancock’s expression at this time was also a little gloomy, she slapped her soft long hair casually, showing a lot of love for the country

After the charm of the city, he looked very dissatisfied with the five guys who had beaten her man Gromash just now.

And Gromash’s mouth also hung an evil smile and said, “That’s right, this is war, so in that case, I will bring a few helpers, is it okay?”,


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