I Am Hellscream

Chapter 792

Chapter 792 Before the two armies spit each other!

Time passed quickly, and the day of the war came in the blink of an eye.Today’s Naval Headquarters is extremely busy, just like the battle on the top of Malinford. In this New World’s Naval Headquarters, the army is now neatly formed, and there are a lot of Marine elites are gathered in this new Naval Headquarters, always preparing for the war with the Frostwolf Pirates.

The Vice Admiral from all walks of life are constantly walking between the army formations, their faces are serious, looking at the sea level outside the port, there is a vague expectation in their eyes, but also a little worried.

It seems that the atmosphere before the war was too strong, and the seagulls that used to live and hover over the Naval Headquarters have disappeared. This makes the Naval Headquarters seem a bit too quiet.

Vice Admiral, standing on the wall of the port, lit a cigar, and at the same time handed a cigar to Vice Admiral of Huoshaoshan. Then he looked at the calm sea level in the distance and said, “It’s not a Frostwolf Pirate. Did the group release our pigeons? Or maybe they want to come out of the sea like the Whitebeard Pirates group back then~?”

Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral took the cigar and lit it for a while, then smiled and said, “If that Gromash let us pigeons, it would be great. Seriously, I don’t want to fight the Frostwolf Pirates like this. , As for getting out of the water, the possibility is unlikely. They don’t need to be so fancy, and we didn’t arrange it on the periphery.

What line of defense, right here waiting for him to come…-”

The Voice Mouse Vice Admiral slowly exhaled a puff of smoke, and then said, “I’m just talking about it, don’t Fujitora Admiral have sighting information on the other side? Rob Luchi’s fleet has already arrived there. The sea is over, but there is no rash attack. It seems that I am waiting for some time. According to me, it will not be long, Green Bull Admiral and Tea Dolphin Vice Admiral

It’s time to send related news over there, maybe what they are waiting for at this time is our’protagonist’ coming on stage.”

Although Naval Headquarters is calm now, it can be said that there has been chaos outside this sea area.Although Sakazuki and the others have shrunk their power, there are still many warships wandering in this gateway sea area. The fleet of the Wolf Pirates is on fire, such as Bellamy, they shine in the rest of the battlefield

It’s fever.

Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral also gently spit out a puff of smoke, and said: “It is also possible that it is not waiting for the Royal Highness Gromash, but waiting for the revolutionary army. Recently, we have put our eyes on the cream. We don’t know what happened to the Revolutionary Army on the Wolf Pirate Group.”

The voice mouse Vice Admiral grinned and said with a smile: “That kind of thing, leave it to the World government and CP-0 puppies to worry about. Now, our Naval Headquarters implements the’justice first’!”

Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral also smiled when he heard the words, and then said: “That’s right, we are now’justice first'”

As soon as his voice fell, his expression changed. Then he frowned and said to the flying squirrel Vice Admiral: “Come on, that is.”The Voice Mouse Vice Admiral also looked at the scenery on the sea level in the distance, and then said softly: “It can’t be wrong, it’s the Elune of Gromash.”

At this time, in the sight of the flying squirrel Vice Admiral and the Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral, a huge battleship with the Frostwolf collision angle hanging, and the demeanor and the flag hanging with the Frostwolf Pirates logo is slowly moving from the sea level. The side of the ship entered their line of sight. Behind and on both sides of this huge battleship, there were also a large number of fleets guarding them, and there was a desire for wind and rain.

The pressure came instantly, and the breath of war has spread throughout the sea. In the Naval Headquarters that was still waiting for the war very quietly before, a large number of elite Marine generals couldn’t help swallowing. Swallowing, a little restless.

The voice mouse Vice Admiral threw the cigar on the ground and stomped it, and then searched the herald who hadn’t recovered from behind, and said: “Go and inform Marshal Sakazuki, that the Frostwolf Pirates are here. Gromash is here!!!”

After the herald was pulled by the collar of the flying squirrel Vice Admiral and yelled, he quickly recovered and said in a panic: “Yes, Vice Admiral, flying squirrel!

After speaking, he quickly ran towards the base of the headquarters.

At the same time, the office where Sakazuki, Gion, Sengoku, and Garp are located is also very busy. The Intelligence Department and the Liaison Department can be said to be operating at a rapid rate. News from all over is moving towards this Naval Headquarters. Gathered in the hub.

“It has been confirmed that Rob Luchi, Diamond Joz, Cromwell, Shiryu no Shiryu, Pizarro, Moria, Jinbei, Urouge and some cadres of the Donquixote Family and the Djerma Kingdom Has the Vinsmoke clan already appeared in the fleet in front of the three islands?” Sakazuki said in a deep voice.

“Sure enough, Gromash didn’t show up there. It seems to be the same as we predicted. They are preparing to fight on the four fronts. I think his goal is our Naval Headquarters. They are all here. They should also Are you here?” Grand Inspector Sengoku said softly.

Sakazuki picked up his pen and put a few more eight crosses in a photo album on the desktop, and crossed the heads of the Frostwolf Pirates officers who had just appeared on the rest of the battlefield, and then spoke. : “Judging from the information just now, the helpers who are likely to appear on Gromash are Heavenly Yaksha-Donji Hede, Doflamingo, Hai

The Queen of Thieves-Boya-Hancock, Berserker, Weber, Predator-Drake??”

As soon as Sakazuki’s voice fell, Gion opened his mouth and said: “The other possibilities cannot be ruled out. This is just a cadre of the fighting faction, the blasphemer-Khobackak and the death scientist-Guyza, and the golden emperor. Tezolo also It didn’t show up, and even the bastard Gromash might have brought some other tricky people.”

After listening to Gion’s words, Sakazuki looked at the other photos on hand, which are Red Hair-Shanks, Pluton-Hilbarz-Rayleigh, World’s No. 1 Swordsman-Dracule- Mihawk, Qianliangdaohua King of Joker-Buggy.

But he quickly shook his head and said: “This shouldn’t happen, that Gromash is very proud.”

As soon as they finished speaking, the Colonel Marine who had been called by Vice Admiral to pass the order immediately ran into this office in a panic, and said to Sakazuki and the others: “Marshal, here comes the Frostwolf Pirate. The regiment’s large fleet is here, headed by Hellscream. Proudmoore-Gromash’s flagship, the Elune!!!”

After hearing what the colonel said, Garp Vice Admiral, who hadn’t said a word, also sank, and said, “Sure enough, he chose this place. Don’t guess these boring questions here. What did the bastard Gromash bring? Who came from, and whether there are any allies or something, if we go out and take a look, don’t we all understand?”

After speaking, Garp stood up, shakes the cloak of justice behind him, and then walked out of the office firmly at his own pace, heading for the direction of the battlefield.

Looking at the back of Garp, Gion smiled and said, “Little Garp is still so active. How about retirement?”

The Superintendent Sengoku also stood up and said with a smile, “Is it a veteran who is still active on the front line after retirement? It’s pretty good, isn’t it? That guy Garp is right. Guessing these things here, there is not much. It makes sense, because Gromash has already come, let’s take a look, what gift that bastard brought us.”

Sakazuki also burned the photo album in his hand to ashes, and then a firm look flashed in his eyes, and he said, “The war has begun.

When Sakazuki and the Marine executives who stayed at the Naval Headquarters arrived on the wall of the port, Sakazuki, standing on the edge of a fort, saw the large fleet of the Frostwolf Pirates.

At this time, Gromash’s Elune could already be said to have approached the Naval Headquarters defensive turret near the line of fire, and Gromash did not have a head iron, and went directly in. Instead, it slowly stopped the Elune, and The subsequent fleet also stopped outside the line of fire of this Naval Headquarters.

Just when Sakazuki felt that Gromash should come out and talk to him a few ruthless words, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he saw that Elune’s Frostwolf collision seemed to have changed. The closed mouth suddenly opened, and then a very large cannon muzzle came out of the wolf’s mouth.

0-Seeking flowers…

“What is that bastard doing?” Sakazuki frowned and whispered softly. Gromash doesn’t always want to put a salute to celebrate before going out, right?

With so many masters standing here, even if he shoots live ammunition, it is of no use, isn’t it???

Just when Sakazuki and the rest of the Marine generals were a little confused, the larger-caliber artillery roared violently, and then a long black cannonball came out of the muzzle.

When Marine was still a little bit confused, Gion, the great swordsman with extremely sharp eyes, suddenly noticed something was wrong, the shell was painted with a skull symbol, and Gion changed his expression and spoke. Said: “That bastard uses gas bombs!!!”

Sakazuki’s expression was also shocked when he heard this, but fortunately, they didn’t think that Gromash would be nasty. They would use this method, and immediately took the radio phone worm and said, “Everyone, wear a gas mask and inject serum. Antidote!”

As soon as the voice fell, the elite Marine generals quickly launched their actions, and in order to prevent the poisonous bombs from actually hitting in, Gion also put his hands on Jin Kunluo, and in the next second, a cold light came out of her sheath. A slash that broke through the air immediately flew from Gion’s hand to the cannonball in the sky with great power.

As an Admiral-level master of Naval Headquarters, Gion shot a cannonball. Naturally, he would not miss. The slash hit the cannonball without any suspense, but a scene that made everyone feel a little embarrassed.

After the shell was destroyed, it did not explode any poisonous gas. Instead, a splendid firework was released and a little kid making faces appeared.

This makes the Marine elites who have put on a gas mask and injected a serum antidote just now, and are still very nervous, want to scold mom for selling criticism.

Even Sakazuki’s expression was very embarrassing, and at this time, Gromash’s figure also appeared on the bow of the Elune deck, holding a radio phone worm in his hand, laughing and saying, “Jie Hahahahahaha, long time no see, Sakazuki, don’t be so nervous, before the war, I just set off a firework to celebrate

, You guys don’t really think that Gromash is so despicable and will use that inhumane weapon, do you?

Hearing Gromash’s words, Sakazuki’s expression is also more gloomy. This is not a good answer. First of all, they do think that Gromash is such a shameless guy, but now they are speaking uprightly, if they are true If he admits it, it seems that he, Marshal Marine, is a little bit narrow, so Douren

Feel like it.

Sakazuki is a bit stupid. At this time, it is strange for him to be able to say that Gromash is a cheeky guy. Therefore, at this awkward moment of Sakazuki, Superintendent Sengoku picked up the radio phone worm in his hand and said, ” Gromash, stop doing these little tricks, what kind of guy you are, you know in your heart,

Still use us to tell you?”

“Jiehahahahahaha, Sengoku man, are you still struggling to be on the Marine front line after this order? Don’t you feel tired? Retire, okay?” Gromash grinned, showing a smile, holding the phone Worm looked at Sengoku and said.

“Assholes like you are still alive, how can I truly retire?” Sengoku also said without showing any weakness.

“That’s really sorry, if you hold this idea, I’m afraid you won’t be able to retire in this life.” Gromash is still talking with Sengoku here.

“Hmph, don’t worry about it, after today, the old man can really retire.” Sengoku also said again.

Just when Gromash was about to continue to entangle with Sengoku, curse and greet each other’s relatives, Monet, the little secretary, really couldn’t stand these two big men who were trembling in the world of stepping on their feet. In front of the formation, it was like a scene of slobbers spitting at each other, and I quickly twisted the soft flesh on Gromash’s waist to make

Stop Gromash’s naive behavior. Mountain,

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