I Am Hellscream

Chapter 785

Chapter 785 The horn of war!

Not to mention that Rayleigh is happily with Shanks, Dorag, the leader of the revolutionary army, is also talking about cooperation with Morgans and Stussy. At the top of the building of the Frostwolf Pirates in the Golden City, Tezolo is at this time I am also playing with this golden ball.

Baccarat was sitting next to Tezolo at this time, and the two were obviously talking about something.

“That alchemist needs to protect it. This is the most important thing. Whether he can make’pure gold’ in the future depends on whether he listens.” Tezolo fiddled with the golden bead in his hand a few times. , Said as he spoke.

The matter of pure gold has passed for a while, and Tezolo is still very reliable. After all, he got the treasure as he wished, and confirmed the utility of pure gold, which can indeed greatly extend the life of a person.

The golden ball he was playing with was the’pure gold’ that was found, and it was also the wedding gift he was going to give Gromash after everything was over.

“As long as the materials can be found, the alchemist has already said that he can make new pure gold. His daughter is in our hands, so he will be obedient.” Bacara smiled and said.

Pure gold is indeed enough to confuse people.Baccarat has been shaken by this, but after all, reason has defeated greed, so that she did not do anything bad, and she learned that pure gold can be. After re-manufacturing, she more completely extinguished the unrealistic thoughts in her mind.If there is only one thing, it is of course very difficult.

The attractive “three one zero”, but if it is plural, it is no longer so desperate. With her status as Baccarat, if nothing unexpected,-once this pure gold can be remade, She must be able to enjoy the benefits in this regard, after all, Gromash is very generous to her own people.

“Although the materials are not easy to find, but with our financial resources and channels, it is not too difficult to find all of them. It just so happens that the tax that should have been handed over to the World government is allocated for acquisition and search for refining. The cost of pure gold materials!” Tezolo said softly after thinking about it.

Seeing that their Frostwolf Pirates are going to make a complete turn with the World government, and at the same time they have to clean up Marine. The neutral status of this golden city, I am afraid that it will not be able to keep it, and the World government is not a fool. In the recent period, They have already withdrawn their power from the Golden City, and some funds have been taken away, but these are irrelevant.

Now that he is going to be an enemy of the World government, it is naturally impossible for Tezolo to pay taxes to the World government. This huge surplus of wealth is just right to be allocated to them as funds for collecting pure gold materials.

As for the neutral status of the Golden City, Tezolo has unparalleled confidence in Gromash. He has no doubt that Gromash will win this war. The answer is yes in Tezolo’s heart, and the Frostwolf Pirates will win. of.

Once this war is over, the world’s structure will inevitably be rewritten. Without Marine’s strong deterrence and strength, the World government estimates that even if there are more sites, it will not be able to jump for a few years. Of course, these things are all. It’s time for the revolutionary army to worry about it. They can just hit the side ball with the Frostwolf Pirates.

Once the World government is over, their Golden City will soon be restored to the camp in the neutral zone again, and now, all they have to do is stay in New World, don’t run around, and carry it through. Time will be fine.

Although this approach will affect some of the income of the Golden City, the accumulation of the Frostwolf Pirates over the years is enough to be able to hold it!

“Recently, there have been a lot of distinguished guests from our golden city, Bacara, you have to take care of them, and the mice of the World government, also watch them, don’t let them cause any trouble.” Zolo thought for a while and said.

“Leave it to me.” Baccarat said with a smile.

Tezolo scratched his head, and then he said: “The Straw Hat Pirates are going to be watching. They are a group of troublemakers, especially the captain. Go ahead and don’t let them do things in the Golden City, otherwise. But it will not end well. If he is not obedient, he will ask Dorag to be his father and teach his son. It is justified, but there is

One thing to pay attention to, that little thief cat-Nami, she has a special identity. If there is anything, as long as it is not too excessive, give priority to her.”

Bacara nodded in response, and then asked very curiously: “What is so special about that Miss Nami, is there any backing? Even if there is, it can be bigger than our Frostwolf Pirates?”

Tezolo smiled suddenly when he heard the words, and said, “That’s really big enough. Miss Nami is a pet raised by His Royal Highness Gromash. Do you think we should take care of it?”

Hearing Tezolo’s words, Baccarat was stunned for a moment, and then he said: “His Royal Highness, he is really unruly, is he not afraid of fire at home? No wonder the boss you want to give that Miss Nami a special gold card, Since it’s your Highness’s person, you really need to take care of it.”

After chatting a little bit about this topic, Tezolo said again: “Nowadays, some cadres of the armed faction and our combat troops have begun to approach the sea area of ​​the New World portal. The previous live broadcast In the middle, Monet also conveyed our expectations for the war without any concealment. There is still a month and a half before we will

The war with Naval Headquarters is in the New World. We also have to prepare for logistics here. What is the war? Isn’t it Bailey? As long as we are not chaotic, the front line will not be too out of control.”

“Although I don’t know much about these wars, I can see that His Royal Highness is going to be on Marine’s territory and did a battle with Marine, right? The intelligence of the past few days shows that Naval Headquarters is also New. The defense construction has been strengthened in the Marine Bases near the World portal sea area, especially the new Naval Headquarters, and from the live broadcast of the City of Seven Waters that day

After the end, according to the news given by our spies in Mariejois, there have been a large number of elite Marine officers entering the New World from all over the world in batches. This seems to be no less than two years. The battle for the top of the former Malinford,” Baccarat said softly.

Tezolo nodded, took out a nautical chart from the drawer, spread it on the table and said, “It’s exactly as you said. Actively attacking Marine’s territory. Unlike the battle on the top, this war is not limited to the war within the’Island’, but in the entire sea area.

The war within it is in full bloom!”

While talking, Tezolo clicked a few large islands in the sea area of ​​the New World portal that are located around the new Naval Headquarters. Those are all large Marine bases, which can be called the two of them in New World. The result of more than years.

“These three islands are guarded in a triangular shape around the new Naval Headquarters, and they are also the islands that His Royal Highness has named to take all. It is impossible to think of this, so apart from the new Naval Headquarters, these three islands are probably the most important in this maritime war.

There are three battlefields in the world. I guess each island will have an Admiral from Naval Headquarters, right?” Tezolo said in a deep voice.

After a pause, Tezolo said with a smile: “As for you just now Marine is strengthening the defense of the island. This is probably also Sakazuki’s helpless move. If there is a chance, he must not want to be there. We are fighting on our own territory. Originally, our second battle plan was to guard against being raided by the Marines, but now we look at it.

Come, the Marines whose necks are stuck by us can only stand on their feet. At least until they have solved the arms problem, they can only rely on fortifications to slow down the demand for the use of arms.”

Now this golden city looks okay, it feels like singing and dancing, but in fact, the outside world is already nervous to death, especially in the entire sea area of ​​New World, where the Frostwolf Pirates will fight against Marine. No matter who wins or loses, this New World is going to suffer. I don’t know how many people will die.

As for the rest of the sea, most of them are holding their breath, waiting for the consequences of this big battle. Once Naval Headquarters is hit by the Frostwolf Pirates in New World, they are driven out by the Frostwolf Pirates. In the case of New World, then the world will become more chaotic, the power of justice will be defeated, and evil will naturally show up, no

Do you know how many people will devote themselves to the promising industry of Pirates again?

Once the power of Naval Headquarters is defeated and the number of pirates around the world continues to erupt for a period of time, the subsequent battle between the revolutionary army and the world government will become more intense, and the entire world will fall into this war. Those who go into the brief darkness will also usher in the cruelest period of time in recent decades.

But these are all necessary sacrifices brought about by changes. How can there be changes that do not bleed? After this last period of pain passes, the world will usher in a new order.Not to mention that in the Golden City, the two wars of Tezolo and Baccarat are studying and pondering Gromash’s strategic ideas. In the City of Seven Waters, Gromash is indeed arranging things with those cadres under his own staff at this time. Woolen cloth.

“The entire sea area will be turned into our battlefield by then, but the priorities must be clearly distinguished. The side battlefield, naval battles and other things, will be handed over to the Kingdom of Djerma and the murloc troops. Cadres such as Tolomio, Hordy, Jones, Bellamy, etc. cooperated with Germa and Amazon-Lily on these side battlefields to be responsible for the defeat.

Marine’s commander and Marine’s fleet, and the real frontal battlefield requires us to gather high-end combat power and lead elite forces to break through. The most important thing is the new Naval Headquarters where Sakazuki is located. Give him a heavy blow, those Marines will not quit the New World, and at the same time, the bastard Sakazuki will definitely sit here.

, It’s time to settle the grievances between me and him over the past twenty years. Since he likes to come to New World, it’s better to live here forever. I’m in’Valhalla-Valhalla’ but I customized it for that bastard. It’s a super luxurious grave!” Gromash said softly with an evil smile on the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, these people are having a meeting in the combat conference room. It is not long or short before the start of the war. One and a half months passed in the blink of an eye. Of course, at this juncture, Gromash also has to arrange things that should be arranged. Dropped.

“Killing Marshal Marine in the New World is indeed able to effectively defeat the morale of the entire Marine. However, the new Naval Headquarters is not that easy to break. The masters in Marine are like clouds, although only 4.1 three Admiral are called on the card. It is’the highest combat power, but there are not many people with Admiral strength at all. Captain, how are you going to break this new Marine?

Headquarters? Does it rely on our air power? It’s difficult if Fujitora Admiral is there.” Joz looked at the chart on the projector behind Gromash, and said softly.

“Air power…I’m afraid we won’t be able to use it anymore. Originally, because of Fujitora’s smile, we didn’t continue to invest in construction in this regard. It is almost the same as a mobile aerial fortress. The offensiveness is not high. Starting on the road, the three large Marine Bases surrounding the new Naval Headquarters must also be pulled out. I guess after the war,

The island will inevitably sit on Admiral-level masters, so Joz, Lucky, and Cromwell. If it is destroyed, it will quickly go to support the next island, and finally meet at the new Naval Headquarters” Gromash touched his chin and said.

“What about you, boss?” Cromwell asked curiously.

A wicked smile flashed in Gromash’s eyes, and then he said, “Of course, I want to bravely break into the new Naval Headquarters, and buy some time for you guys who are not good enough.”

After hearing Gromash’s words, Lu Qi asked in surprise: “Will you go alone?’

Hearing Lu Qi’s words, Gromash flipped through Byakugan and said, “I’m not going to find death. Naturally, I can’t do this. I have to bring some expert escorts, right?”.

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