I Am Hellscream

Chapter 768

Chapter 768 The answer to Gromash!

In a certain area of ​​New World, a circus-like lively ship is drifting on the sea. Mi Denko, known as the world’s largest swordsman, is leaning on the fence on the deck at this time, looking at the huge one. On the deck, a group of guys dressed as pirates are performing acrobatics.

As for the owner of this ship, it can be regarded as a famous one in New World. This ship is the flagship of Buggy, the king of clowns, one of the “former Seven Warlords of the Sea”.

Although the “Seven Warlords of the Sea Farewell” event led by Mihawk, Buggy had already left Seven Warlords of the Sea a long time ago, and at the recent Holy Land-Mariejois meeting, Buggy and Mihawk also It was officially’dumped’ by the World government.

But in New World, his name as the King of the Clown is still very golden. The old guys, and they are still in large numbers, coupled with Buggy’s “Conqueror’s Luck”, it can be regarded as mixing in New World

Like a fish in water.

In addition, Buggy has a very wide network of contacts, and he can often see people such as Mihawk, Shanks, and Gromash come and go by his side, in conjunction with his performance in the Naval Headquarters-Marinford top battle more than two years ago, now Buggy The image of is still a “legendary” pirate.

And after entering New World, their Buggy Pirate Group has already begun to get involved in the dark world business. Before, they had the care of Doflamingo and Gromash. Buggy was also very good in the dark world and made a lot of money. Shizheng can be said to be in a state of’requiring someone to have someone, a backing, a backing, and money to have money’, waiting for ordinary people to pay.

I really didn’t dare to provoke him Uncle Buggy.

Mihawk has been in the New World for more than half a year. Since Doflamingo’s Dressrosa incident, he has left his “Monkey Island” and ran to New World to wander around.

He is not a very ambitious person. It can be said that he has always been with 01. What he is pursuing is the achievements in kendo. He has made troubles in New World before. I don’t know how many swordsmen have been challenged, but later After he became recognized as the world’s number one swordsman, he disappeared a lot, and then, in recent years, he even felt a little’empty’.

Therefore, under Gromash’s suggestion, he chose the path of personally cultivating an’apprentice’ who has the potential to challenge himself in the future.

But now his baby apprentice Roronoa and Zoro have not yet become talented, and no one has come to challenge him recently. The emptiness and loneliness of staying on Monkey Island, the title of Seven Warlords of the Sea is gone, and he simply came to the New World to roam. NS.

Wandering around in New World, Mihawk was afraid that he would really not be able to withstand Gromash’s wooing to join the Frostwolf Pirates, so in the past six months, he has not visited the City of Seven Waters, but only occasionally communicates with Gromash. Phone or something, Shanks doesn’t have a home there all day, and always does some inexplicable weird things, such a cold guy like Mihawk

Naturally, I don’t want to be taken crooked. There is only Buggy. On the surface, he seems to be out of touch. But after all, he has been a friend for so many years. Mihawk still knows Buggy very well. Comparing Gromash and Shanks, the most normal person, even if he is a “clown”.

After all, if Buggy really doesn’t reconcile his brain problems, he will not develop his career to the present level in more than two years.This guy can’t stand people’s praise occasionally and is a little greedy for money. The rest is normal.

Leaning on the deck, Mihawk looked at the flag of an unknown pirate flying in the distant sea and was swiftly moving in a certain direction, he also whispered softly: “It should be Kaido that guy’s place ahead. Right? Beasts Pirates is really a tiger falling in Pingyang and being bullied by a dog. The Four Emperors-level pirates that used to be, are now reduced to this kind of sea.

Did the thief dare to go up and bite?”

While Mihawk was talking to himself here, Shanks came over from the center of the lively deck with a wine glass. I don’t know when this guy got on Buggy’s boat. I just wanted to meet him in New World. So I got up and sat down.

“After all, things are different from the previous Charlotte- Linlin and Newgate things. Gromash did it hard enough this time. It wiped out the cadre class of Beasts Pirates. I don’t know where he got Kaido. , Anyway, without the support of these people, Beasts Pirates is just a plate of loose sand.

I will sink into the sea slowly by myself,” Shanks said softly while looking at the pirate ship in the distance.

After hearing what Shanks said, Mihawk turned his head and glanced at him, and then said softly: “Now that Uncle Gromash has beaten all his competitors to the ground, New World can still be said to be capable. The only pirates who broke his wrists are you and your Red Hair Pirates. Do you think he will come to clean you up?”

Mihawk was originally just teasing Shanks. After all, the relationship between them is so strong. He didn’t think that Gromash would also treat Shanks as an enemy, because Shanks has always been in a’neutral’ state over the years. Sites, but there are very few sites, or even very scattered, most of them are in some places for Shanks

On the’interesting’ island, to the entire Frostwolf Pirate Group, it should not pose a big threat.

However, after Mihawk ridiculed these words, Shanks’s expression fell silent, and his eyes flashed with an inexplicable look, as if he was thinking about something, and the atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

This made Mihawk a little puzzled. He first looked at Shanks, then lifted the glass he was holding and took a sip, then said in a deep voice, “Shanks, you guys shouldn’t You want to provoke the bastard Gromash? You should know that if you really attack him, he won’t be polite to you, the most

See more about keeping you alive after so many years of relationships.”

“Hehehe, you guys really can’t speak, will I definitely lose when I meet Uncle Gromash?” Shanks suddenly laughed after hearing Mihawk’s words, and said jokingly.

Mihawk glanced at Shanks, then continued: “Will you lose? You should understand in your heart?”

Although Shanks is also very clear in his heart, with their Red Hair Pirates’ strength, although they can pose a threat to the Frostwolf Pirates, they are only a threat. If he really did a game with Gromash, they would definitely lose. Red Hair Pirates.

However, Shanks said with a smile on his mouth: “How can we look at things like victory or defeat from the surface? Back then, at the Ed Wall naval battle, everyone thought that the unfortunate thing was our Roger Pirates. But in the end, it was the complete decline of the Flying Pirates of Golden Lion, Shiki, so on the surface, Grandpa Gromash is invincible.

Yes, but who can dare to assert the true victory or defeat?”

Hearing Shanks’ words, Mihawk’s expression gradually became heavier, and then he said in a deep voice, “Shanks, are you really going to provoke Gromash? Why?”

Shanks shook his head when he heard this, and said, “I didn’t plan to do this. I just have a hurdle to go over. But now, I haven’t figured out which leg should be taken first.. If this is a wrong leg, But it’s very likely that you will have to have a fight with Uncle Gromash. It’s really troublesome.”

Hearing Shanks’s words, Mihawk was a little confused, but before he could speak, Buggy came here with his big red nose, and then he glanced at Shanks and said, “You want me to say, Don’t worry about your business anymore, Shanks, don’t you see the situation clearly? Do you really think everything will work as you want?”

Mihawk was really confused at this time. He looked at Buggy and Shanks very suspiciously, and then asked: “What the hell is it? How can it be mysterious? Can’t I know it? ”

The guy Buggy glanced at Mihawk, and then said: “It’s not a mysterious thing, it doesn’t hurt to tell you, Shanks this bastard has the fourth piece in his hand, which is the only one in the hands of Uncle Gromash that hasn’t been taken. A piece of the whereabouts of the historical text of the road sign, and to find Raftel, the historical text of this road sign is indispensable

of. ”

When Mihawk heard the news, he was taken aback for a while, then he scratched his head and looked at Shanks and said, “This kind of thing shouldn’t be confusing, right? You guy doesn’t want to be One Piece or something, Raftel. You two have also been up there, and you should all know the secrets inside, then you want this thing to do

What? When Uncle Gromash finds it, will it be over if you give him the news? Maybe he still wants to thank you, please go to the Golden City for a good drink, you pauper.”

What Mihawk said is quite reasonable. The historical text of this road sign is really useless for Shanks in this sense, but Buggy shook his head and said, “I think so too, but Shanks is an idiot. Brains, always thinking of letting that “straw hat kid” inherit the will of our captain and become the One Piece or something

Isn’t this sick?”

After hearing what Buggy said, Mihawk glanced at Shanks in amazement, and said, “Hey, don’t you really have such a hard-headed mind? Didn’t I fight you against the Straw Hat Pirates and become the Pirate King? This kind of thing? It’s impossible to think about it? Maybe if you give them another twenty years, there can be such a possibility, but it is also a possibility.

Do you think the bastard Gromash will continue to delay this kind of thing for another twenty years? If he had this idea, he wouldn’t be so anxious to level out all his opponents in New World.”

Shanks was said by Mihawk and Buggy, one 293 left and right, and he was very annoyed and drank the wine in the glass, and then said: “So I am also worrying about where I want to go. Legs!!! Buggy, you know, with the character and thinking of that bastard Gromash, it is impossible for him to do what the captain expects

In fact, we have been waiting for more than 20 years, and the captain’s sacrifices in those years were all in vain? This is where I am unwilling.”

When Buggy heard what Shanks said, he didn’t say anything rare. Instead, he touched his big red nose, looked at the calm sea, and whispered softly: “Shanks, this life is alive, how can it be anything? Is everything as expected? With the long bearing of Ship Roger, he is just’betting’ on this possibility. He is not that kind of obsessive

People of this kind of thing should come, they will always come, otherwise there will be no organization like the revolutionary army, right? Remember the last words of the captain? If you want my treasure, go find it, I will take everything It’s not just for an individual person, but for the whole sea. Now that guy in Gromash, he relies on his own

When his wisdom and strength have reached this point, what qualifications do you have to use this kind of’not what we want’, such a despicable reason to hinder his progress?”

When Shanks heard this, there were some fluctuations in his eyes. His relationship with Gromash was so good. To be honest, he didn’t want to be a hindrance to Gromash, but he was still unwilling.

After a long time, Shanks opened his mouth and said softly: “Let me think about Gromash, isn’t this already giving me time?”

Buggy was stunned when he heard what Shanks said, and Shanks looked at Buggy and said: “You didn’t leave the City of Seven Waters with us, I know what you are going to do, and Gromash hasn’t been there for so long. I mentioned this to me, isn’t it just giving me time to think carefully? Many people on the ocean think

Maybe his next goal to clean up is either me or Naval Headquarters, but in my opinion, he will only do something with Marine, because I haven’t given him the “answer” yet.

Buggy sighed when he heard the words, and then said helplessly: “I advise you to think about it as soon as possible. Gromash doesn’t have much time left for you. After he is ready, if you haven’t given an answer yet, He will come personally to ask for your “answer”.”

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