I Am Hellscream

Chapter 766

Chapter 766 Master Young Master was invited by Dorag to have tea?

As soon as Gromash and his party entered the banquet hall, they saw a large group of people getting together, talking, laughing, eating, drinking, and drinking each other.

At the moment when Gromash and the others pushed in, the entire venue seemed to be quiet, and then they heard the slightly honest voice of Joz, who said: “This is not the chief of our “Mistikage Ninja Seven”. -Sir Senju Hashirama? Are you back with Wanokuni’s name as King Protector of the Kingdom?”

As soon as Joz opened his mouth, everyone else laughed. Robin first looked at Gromash and showed a gentle smile, then looked at Cromwell, the smile on the corner of his mouth changed in an instant. It’s black up.

“I heard that our big brother Cromwell caught the oiran in Wanokuni.. But the follow-up development doesn’t seem to go well,” Robin looked at Cromwell with a mocking look and said.

When Cromwell heard Robin’s words, he also showed a look of embarrassment, and then immediately retorted: “I am focusing on the overall situation. Seeing that we are about to start a fierce battle with Marine, where is it? Have time to ponder the love of these children? In my Cromwell’s heart, nothing is as important as our Frostwolf Pirates, for

I am willing to bear the sacrifices and sacrifices that should be made for this great cause!”

“You guys don’t blow it up. We have all been together for so many years. Who doesn’t know what kind of guy you are? If Miss Oiran fell in love with you, you must be a different story. Speaking of me You have all quit, and you still have this look. It’s really awful.” Joz said without giving Cromwell a face.

Before Cromwell could speak, Lu Qi also hugged his arms with a very stinky expression and said: “Back then, I said what was going on, but in the end I became like this. It’s really hahaha.”

“Lu Qi, you guy is too bad, right? Other people are qualified to say me, but you are not qualified, because if you don’t have us, you must be a single dog. If you say that, I have no conscience. Will it hurt?” Cromwell said very embarrassedly.

“I have a girlfriend, you don’t have one, so I am qualified,” Lu Qi responded calmly.

“Your girlfriend is us” Cromwell was also ready to refute immediately.

“Stop talking, I have a girlfriend, but you were dumped.” Lu Qi interrupted Cromwell’s words directly, and said again in a terrible way.

“I…” Just as Cromwell opened his mouth, Lu Qi interrupted him again.

“I have a girlfriend!!!” Lu Qi looked at Cromwell’s arrogantly and said, as if he was amazing.

Cromwell’s face also became very ugly, and then he looked at Gromash next to him and said, “Boss, won’t you say a few words for me? And Lu Qi, is this kid too bad? Wasn’t it a “single and reasonable” appearance before? This is now a betrayal of the revolution???”

Gromash looked at Cromwell with a slightly sympathetic gaze, then shook his head and said, “Cromwell, you have to understand, I also have a girlfriend.”

“Enough is enough, you guys are colluding with each other, and I will say it again. Isn’t it a celebration party today? Why do you want to say my sad thing??? Are you the devil?” Cromwell hurriedly said Interrupting Gromash’s words, he was afraid that he could not help crying when he heard Gromash’s words.

“Ahahahahahaha, our Frostwolf Pirates are the Pirates that came out of hell. It’s okay to have two demons~,!” Joz laughed and said.

“Big Brother Cromwell has become the “Broken-hearted God” in our Frostwolf Pirates, ah, there is a big brother you are here, if we are dumped in the future, at least we don’t need to be the bottom.” Drake also smiled. Said.

Robin smiled after watching this scene and said, “Let me be fair.”

“Stop it! Stop talking about Robin sauce. You mentioned it at the beginning, okay? That’s the end of this topic. Whoever mentions me Cromwell will go crazy!!” Not at all Dare to give Robin the black-bellied guy a chance to speak, Cromwell directly interrupted everyone’s topic strongly.

At the same time, Gromash clapped his hands and attracted everyone’s attention. Then he smiled and said, “Jiehahahahaha, let’s stop here, otherwise Cromwell shouldn’t want to jump. The boat committed suicide, you are really too much, someone just fell in love, you just poked him here in pain, I really like it,

Jiehahahaha, then let’s get to today’s topic!!!”

While talking, Gromash walked to Robin’s side, and then picked up a glass of wine from the table, then raised the glass and said, “Congratulations to our Frostwolf Pirates for sweeping the New World Pirates and defeating the Beasts Pirates. From now on, although there are many pirates in this sea, no one can be our adversary!!!”

“The hard work for more than two decades is not in vain. The next step is to shoot out the Naval Headquarters, which is always staring at us like a vicious dog and lying in front of our house, from New World!” Seeing that the topic of his being dumped finally came to an end, Cromwell quickly followed Gromash, picked up the wine glass from the table and raised his mouth.

“Tell those hypocritical bastards, who belongs to this New World???” Gromash asked with a laugh.

“Of course it’s the New World of our Frostwolf Pirates!!!” The rest of the cadres also raised their glasses one after another, laughing and responding to Gromash’s question.

“Yes, then to our New World of the Frostwolf Pirates, cheers!” Gromash grinned, showing a smile, and said softly, then drank the drink in his hand.

The rest are unambiguous. Even Robin and Monet took a drink. Even Lu Qi, who has always only liked milk, took a drink with his girlfriend Reiju.

After this glass of wine was consumed, the celebration banquet was completely opened. I don’t know how long it will last. Maybe three or five days are possible.

Gromash watched everyone start blowing cow hides, pulling calves, clinking glasses and drinking together, and there was a smile of relief on the corners of his mouth. After all, this was what he wanted.

Sitting on the seat next to Robin, Gromash stretched out his hand and rubbed Robin’s soft hair and said, “It’s been a hard time during this time.

After Gromash and Joz went to Wanokuni together, Robin and Monet were the only ones who could shoulder the operation of the Frostwolf Pirates, but the pressure behind it must be quite large, especially when the situation is so tense. when.

When Robin heard Gromash’s words, he smiled and said softly: “I am the queen of the dark world. Isn’t this kind of trivial matter easy to catch?”

“That’s really amazing,” Gromash said with a smile, and then continued to ask: “What about Young Master? Why didn’t you see him?”

“I was invited to have tea by the revolutionary army. Ivankov personally came to the City of Seven Waters and picked up the young master. It seemed that he was going to the mysterious headquarters of the revolutionary army-the island of white soil-Barudigo and Do. Originally they wanted to invite me to go with Mr. Lager, but I was busy at the time, so they refused the invitation.” Robin said softly.


As previously estimated and anticipated, after the Revolutionary Army had a riot in the Holy Land-Mariejois, it delayed for seven or eight days, and all of them evacuated the Red Line, and the people in Naval Headquarters did not dare to go deep into the New World to hunt them down. , Sakazuki also stood still, and did not show the appearance of starting a war, but the World government is considered to be

I lost my face. Fortunately, their Master was on the fishing reel, and Morgans only showed it to the Frostwolf Pirates not long ago. When the World government could use him, he naturally wanted to repair the relationship between them. Therefore, the newspaper’s final conclusion on Mariejois’s chaotic incident is that the anti-government forces-the sacred land where the revolutionary army gathers in the royal families of various countries

Li Qiaoya launched a terrorist attack with the intention of sabotaging the progress of the World Summit and killing the royal families of several countries. However, the conspiracy was stopped by the Naval Headquarters and CP machine, and all members of the revolutionary army were cleared out of the Holy Land- Mariejois.

There were also many photos in the newspapers that were hanged. It was said that those members of the Revolutionary Army who were caught in the Holy Land-Mariejois, all executed the death penalty.

But Gromash and they all know that the revolutionary army is a small group of elites in action this time, and there are not so many members who have entered Mariejois. Among those photos, one of them counts as one, all of them were captured during the Mariejois riot In order to save some face, the World government will make false news to cover up him.

Our failure.All in all, within a few days before Gromash returned to the City of Seven Waters, the entire Mariejois incident was completely over. Thanks to Dorag, the major royal families who met in Mariejois once again realized the revolution. The strength of the army, now their revolutionary army, even the center of the World government,’Mariejois’, dare to come up and create chaos, enough to see

It shows how much they have. If the kings on the scene deal with the revolutionary army alone, they really can’t play it. Maybe except for the king of the Neptune royal family in The fish men island, the rest of them dare not dare. Said that he was confident that he could deal with Dorag.

Therefore, after the Seven Warlords of the Sea abolition proposal was basically passed in a low-key manner, the royal families of various countries discussed how to deal with the revolutionary army. As expected by Sakazuki, the wind direction above changed again.

“. Master Young Master was invited by Dorag to drink tea? It seems that Dorag is also a little anxious, watching us kill Beasts Pirates, and thinking about letting us fulfill the agreement in the cooperation?” Gromash He whispered softly.

“After all, at this time, if you turn your face and don’t admit the account, Mr. Dorag can say that there is nothing to do with you, right? So, let’s calculate how much you can get first, the relevant information in the hands of the young master, he But I really want it.” Robin smiled and said to Min.

Gromash thought for a while, then grinned, and said with a smile: “Dollag thinks that I am in Wanokuni just for the Frostwolf Pirates themselves? I’m also fighting for him. , Speaking of it, I got some unexpected gains this time, maybe our Mr. Dorag would be interested in some news in my hands…”

“Captain, it seems that you are going to continue to cooperate with those in the Revolutionary Army? Didn’t you not have this idea before? How can you change this?” (No good) Monet, after hearing Gromash’s words, also Asked very curiously from behind.

Gromash smiled and said: “Because I found out that maybe our Frostwolf Pirates were also targeted by the World government. I have never been a person who likes to be beaten passively. Of course, I have to take the initiative to attack, but the situation is still It’s not too clear, so we don’t need to make any big moves. On these corners, we should support the revolution.

The army will do it. With them carrying it in front, our side will also reduce a lot of risks, right?”

After smiling, Gromash said, “In the evening, I will go and contact this revolutionary who is going to stir the world.”

“Are you in such a hurry?” Robin frowned and said softly.

“Well, the guy Sakazuki hasn’t moved at all, it doesn’t look like his style at all, so there must be something wrong in it, maybe he is also looking for countermeasures, although I think we have very few flaws in our body, or even say no, but Who knows if there are any criticisms that we can’t see? So if you can, with Marine’s

War I am ready to take the initiative!” There was a glimmer of light in Gromash’s eyes, and he said softly.

There is no movement on Sakazuki’s side. It does not fit his personality. Obviously, Marine is doing some preparations. Naturally, Gromash can’t be foolishly waiting for Sakazuki to line up there, so if Dora If there is no problem with Ge, he is going to do it to Marine as soon as possible, otherwise Sakazuki is really lucky

If he came up with a great countermeasure, then he would suffer a lot from Grandpa Gromash. .

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