I Am Hellscream

Chapter 757

Chapter 757 暴 -kun Bartholemew Kuma!

After hearing what Sabo said, Ye Xiao didn’t care much, only that he was stiff mouth, but the next second, the expression under his mask suddenly changed, and he looked back in the direction of Bartholemew-Bear, as expected, I don’t know why At that time, Jewelry-Boney had already ran over there, still holding a “Bible” that he didn’t know where it came from.

“Jewelry-Boney??” Ye Xiao murmured in surprise.

And in this space when he turned his head, Sabo, who had been pressed and beaten by him, also had a successful smile on his mouth. The defense was offensive, stepped on the foot and rushed towards Ye Xiao, the captain of the CP-0 special operations team.

“Dragon’s Claw!” Sabo snorted, and suddenly grabbed Ye Xiao’s face with one claw.

Because of the distraction just now and the sudden upset of Sabo, the guy who was originally weak in Ye Xiao’s eyes, Ye Xiao failed to avoid it in the first time, and Sabo caught his mask directly. , In the next second, a powerful force burst out from Sabo’s hands, and the hard blow of the dragon’s hook claws made the CP-0 members enough to defend their hands.

The mask that was unimpeded by the gun’s close hits was smashed, and then the energy erupted along the shattering of the mask, and Ye Xiao was blown back two steps back, and his face was also scratched. Two wounds came out, and red blood flowed from the wound.

“Look, I’ve said it, I don’t have a lot of cleverness,” Sabo squeezed his dragon’s claws and looked at Ye Xiao softly-said.

At the same time, Ye Xiao also revealed his true face because of the shattering of the mask.He is a guy with a gloomy face and does not look like a good person.The hook-like nose does not look so harmonious on this face. On the whole, at first glance, it looks like some kind of’court eagle dog’, but it doesn’t insult his’CP-0′ name.

“Since when, Jewelry-Boney has also become a gang with your revolutionary army?” Ye Zhan stretched out his hand and wiped the Bloodline on his face, and asked in a deep voice.

“Ah, I’m sorry, she is not with our revolutionary army. On the contrary, she still hates us. The reason why this is the case is only because we happened to meet here just now. From the above, the person you want to arrest in this so-called “land of the gods” is not me, but she is right. Sabo is also not in this kind of

What to hide about important matters, he said casually.

“That’s the case, then you don’t need to kill her, just kill you is enough” Ye Xiao whispered softly, and then slammed his hands in an offensive posture, and said again: ” Even if you can rescue Bartholemew-Bear, it is useless, he is already an unconscious war machine, waiting for us to catch your revolutionary army

After that, I will transform all of you into his, and let you work for us members of the World government who are most hostile and hated by you. Ah, this is really a good idea. I decided not to kill you. , Thank me, you will become the killing machine in my hands from now on”There was also a flash of anger in Sabo’s eyes, and then he said: “It is to crush you guys who represent the arrogant and domineering power. I will work hard to train these dragon hooks that are designed to defeat you. Your absurdity. Thoughts, let me destroy them!”

As soon as Sabo’s voice fell, he and Ye Xiao both shot at the same time.As a rare master in CP-0, Ye Xiao also has a high level of superhuman skills such as the six styles. Faced with Sabo, he attacked him. His dragon hook claws were not afraid at all, his arms shook, and he turned his fists into claws, and hit Sabo’s claws fiercely.

Armament Haki’s hedge exploded as soon as the two of them fought each other, and the continuous transmission of the two of them also entered the other’s body along the intersecting hands. The ground under the person’s feet shattered to pieces.

“Might is truth, and my body is justice!” Ye Xiao yelled violently, and the strength in his hand sank suddenly, and he forcibly suppressed Sabo’s dragon hook again.

When Sabo heard his words, his eyes flashed with raging anger, and he said in a deep voice: “You are also worthy of the word “justice”? Dragon’s fury!’

As soon as the voice fell, Sabo’s dragon hook claws suddenly exploded with energy, and this energy forced Ye Xiao back to suppress it again.At the same time, Sabo also raised his leg and kicked towards the night. Xiao’s abdomen, and Ye Xiao also lifted his knee abruptly, blocking Sabo’s kick very accurately.

At this critical moment, Ye Xiao suddenly felt that the strength on his hands had lost its focus, and saw Sabo’s dragon hook suddenly retracted slightly, leaving a remaining gear. The next moment, Sabo’s eyes flashed with a light and violent shout: “Dragon’s breath!”

With the fall of this voice, his claws pushed forward again and hit Ye Xiao’s arms again. This time, as if an inch of energy had exploded, Ye Xiao felt a very strong The pressure made him impossible to resist. The experienced Ye Xiao knew very well that if he continued to smash with this trick, his arms would break in all likelihood.

Therefore, Ye Xiao didn’t hesitate at all. He moved quickly under his feet and shoved his steps at an extremely fast speed. He instantly removed his strength and disappeared from Sabo’s face.

And with Ye Xiao’s avoidance, Sabo’s “Dragon Breath” also slammed on the ground from top to bottom. Then, his powerful force burst out along the ground. In an instant, This huge lawn backyard was completely shattered

After the night table fell to the ground, I was involuntarily shocked when watching this scene, and whispered softly: “It’s so strong.”

In the smoke and dust, Sabo’s figure slowly stood up, smiled and said, “Do you think there will be any organization in this world that has a bad brain that will sacrifice such a powerful person as Mr. Big Bear? The answer is no. , How do you judge that we have no means to restore Mr. Big Bear’s consciousness? If this is the case, we are still here

do what?”

Ye Xiao frowned upon hearing this, and said, “Impossible, Bartholemew-bear was personally modified by Dr. Vegapunk. If your revolutionary army can reverse the results of the doctor, eh???”

As the night table talked, his expression became hideous, and Sabo looked at his expression, smiled and said: “It seems you guessed it, you think our revolutionary army let Mr. Big Bear enter your World government. What is the purpose of the system? Of course, it’s for Dr. Vegapunk. Thanks to Mr. Big Bear’s hard work, I can talk to Vegapunk.

Doctor, a genius who has been persecuted by you for so many years, got on the line. This is where the’victory opportunity’ lies.”

After Ye Xiao heard what Sabo said, his expression was ugly and ugly. The things that Dr. Vegapunk has produced over the years may have great hidden dangers. The simplest example is the PX-Pacifist.

Now, the World government has begun mass production of this kind of stuff, and if Dr. Vegapunk has long been collaborating with the Revolutionary Army, PX-Pacifists are probably not a weapon in the hands of their World government. Once they start some program , These war machines are very likely to be transformed into the armed forces of the revolutionary army in an instant

All this is likely to be a huge conspiracy of the revolutionary army, and it is also the reason why an extremely powerful guy like Bartholemew-bear is undercover in their World government…

“It’s not good to borrow chickens and lay eggs. If this kind of thing really exists, the consequences will be disastrous. You must report the information to Lord Five Elders. This is not the time to entangle with them.” Ye Xiao is a top member of CP-0. One, only with these few words of Sabo, a very likely big threat was quickly conceived, and the quality can be said

It is very high, and at the same time, he immediately decided to abandon the task here.The most urgent thing is to report this news that is likely to threaten the rule of the entire World government to Five Elders!

0-Seeking flowers…

But when he was just about to take action, a tall figure appeared behind him, and the shadow enveloped him. This time, Ye Xiao felt an extremely powerful pressure…

Under this pressure, Ye Xiao slowly turned his head, and looked at the figure behind him. That figure was the only one who was still honestly tied to the stable just now.’Current Seven Warlords of the Sea’ ‘Now, unlike the situation where Ye Xiao saw him in Mariejois in the past, this time, this Bartholemew-bear held a Bible tightly in his hands,

Although his expression was still indifferent to no change, Ye Xiao could feel the mood swings in it.

“Damn it” Ye Xiao had only time to say such a word, Bartholemew-Bear, the big bear paw of the guy had already covered Ye Xiao’s head.

The speed is so fast that Ye Xiao has no time to dodge anything.The moment he raised his arm to resist, he was hit by the palm of Bartholemew-bear, and the extremely strong pressure instantly appeared in his body, his eyes Suddenly, Qiqiao flowed out of the Bloodline, and in an instant, Ye Xiao was caught in the palm of Bartholemew-bear.

Into the ground.

When Bartholemew-Bear removed his big bear paw, he saw Ye Xiao sinking into the ground with a very miserable appearance, convulsing all over his body, it was obvious that he was seriously injured.

One of the CP-0’s master-level members, under the control of Sabo, was attacked by the violent-kun of Bartholemew-bear, and was directly scrapped. It can be said to be quite aggrieved.

It seems that because it hasn’t spoken for a long time, Bartholemew-Bear watched Sabo’s mouth move, and said with a little difficulty: “Sabo”

“Mr. Big Bear, have you regained your consciousness? It’s great, it’s incredible. To be honest, when I got the Bible, I thought that this kind of thing should not be possible, and even done it well. Psychologically prepared for failure” Sabo said excitedly after hearing the voice of Bartholemew-bear.

As he said, he seemed to be aware that he seemed to have said something that shouldn’t be said, a bit like he was cursing Bartholemew-Bear to die.

But Bartholemew-Bear didn’t care much, he just smiled softly, then looked at Jewelry-Boney, who was crying next to him, and said softly: “Boney, are you still here after all? ”

“Father,” Bonnie wiped his tears and said with excitement as he watched Bartholemew-Bear.

“Thanks to the two of you this time, although my consciousness has been restored, I always feel a little inflexible. What happened in the past two years? How did you get into Mariejois? It seems like a chaotic situation outside. What happened? Did we officially start the war with the World government?” Bartholemew-Xiong said in confusion


Sabo cleared up his emotions and said, “This is not a place to talk. I will explain to you Mr. Big Bear later.”

Then Sabo walked to the beaten half-dead Ye Xiao, a cold flash in his eyes, reached out and grabbed Ye Xiao’s neck, and said, “Since you already know these things you shouldn’t know, Then I can only ask you to shut up forever”

Ye Xiao looked at Sabo with his resentful gaze, and then intermittently said with difficulty: “Your revolutionary army is still too soft-hearted. When you rescued Bartholemew Bear, your conspiracy has already been flawed, five adults. I will definitely see you through”

The corner of Sabo’s mouth curled slightly and said, “Perhaps what you imagined didn’t happen? If the World government completely destroyed PX-pacifists and the like, it would be a complete thing for our revolutionary army. Isn’t it a good thing?

After speaking, he didn’t give Ye Xiao a chance to continue talking nonsense. Sabo’s hand sank and broke the CP-0 special operations team captain’s neck directly, making the hapless guy completely suffocated. Mountain,

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