I Am Hellscream

Chapter 750

Chapter 750 This world is not so gentle!

Even if Kaido had fought a fierce battle with Gromash before this, there might be a huge loss of physical strength, but the surprise punch of Charlotte-Linlin’s corpse is unlikely to cause much trouble to Kaido.

After Kaido was smashed into the ground, in the next instant, he stretched out his leg from the ground and kicked Charlotte- Linlin out with one kick. Then he quickly crawled out of the ground. Watching Charlotte- Linlin’s body warily.

After letting out Observation Haki for a while, Kaido frowned.

“That guy Linlin’s breath is right, but… I always feel that I’m missing a lot.” Kaido whispered softly, then showed a dazed expression, and said in a deep voice, “So, is it a corpse?

Kaido felt that something was wrong the moment he saw Charlotte- Linlin. After all, the fact that Gromash killed Charlotte: Linlin can be said to be known in the world, and then the bigmom Pirates even had Kataku. The kid Li led the team to regroup, but it can also be said to be a slack, at least for a long time.

They can’t return to the ranks of the top pirate group, they can only honestly be a silver medal player and wait for the opportunity.

What’s more, Charlotte- Linlin’s body had been hung up in the City of Seven Waters for so long before. How can it be that she and Gromash set up such a big trap, just to cheat him Kaido? That’s too much. It’s not worth the loss!

So Kaido’s “Twenty Seven Seven” quickly reacted. This is Charlotte-Linlin’s corpse. She is indeed dead and can’t die anymore.

And the person who can keep the corpse still in action, think of the members of the Frostwolf Pirates, Kaido can only think of the once beaten up by himself, escaping from New World, and barely mixing with Seven Warlords of the Sea. Moonlight: Moria…

“Who am I, is it you trash? Moonlight-Moria” Kaido looked at a ruin not far away, where Moria’s tall figure was standing right now.

After hearing Kaido’s words, Moria also slowly took off the hat he was wearing on his head, and then said: “Kaido, for twenty years, I have been imagining today’s scene between you and me. This deep hatred has finally come to an end!!!”

“Ahahahahahaha, I can only escape from the coward of New World in embarrassment, and dare to take revenge before me? Without him, Gromash covers you, would you dare to step into New World? Do you dare to step into New World again? Wanokuni one step? It’s over? What? Moria, you trash think you can kill Laozi? Then try it out!” Guy

Duo didn’t put Moria in his eyes at all, and said with a big smile, his tone is indescribable mockery.

Moria’s complexion was also very gloomy, and then she said: “I know you can’t kill, but Kaido, immortality is sometimes a painful curse. You are constantly losing in your life, right? Losing your own captain, Losing your partner and now, we will personally make you lose everything, the pain in it, the more you live

The more immortal, the more slowly I can taste it, and this is exactly what I want!”

After hearing Moria’s words, Kaido’s expression also became gloomy. Kaido seems to have always been proud of his immortality, but if this is the case, why should he continue to commit suicide? ? And why do you always want to do something? Start the top war?

Maybe he just wanted to find his own death in this process. Maybe it’s really as Moria said, Kaido is also painful.

The immortality means that he has been losing.

However, Kaido is also a violent temper. It is impossible for Moria to lose his fighting spirit with just a few words. After a little gloomy face, Kaido seems to have walked out of this low tide again, and said with a big smile: “You Think you can understand me? Ahahahahaha, no, Moria, compared to Laozi, you are a loser

That’s it, Laozi has been losing, yes, but always gaining! Lost the captain? Yes, but Laozi is now the captain and lost his partner, yes, but Laozi personally built this powerful Beasts Pirates!!! ”

Speaking of this, Kaido first looked at Moria, then at Gromash, and finally at the dead Charlotte- Linlin, and then said softly, “As long as I grab enough and fast enough, It’s just a little bit, “I can make up for the loss of Laozi at any time!!!”

Gromash sighed softly after hearing Kaido’s words, and then said, “Is that why you want to be the One Piece? You guy looks reckless and vulgar on the surface. You drink alcohol all day long. As I live, I have to fight with someone at every turn. I used to think you were a foolish man with no ideas. Now it seems

You guy is also very entangled, in the process of seeking death, are you also surviving?”

Kaido looked at Gromash and snorted coldly, “Gromash, do you want to use this kind of nonsense to discuss the truth with me?”

“It’s not unnecessary. People who can reach our level are undoubtedly determined people. How can I expect to mess up your mind with these messy words? But Kaido, if there is a word, I still want to tell You, no matter how much you grab, no matter how fast you have lost, those that you once lost are lost, make up for, hehehe, life

If you can use plunder to make up for your losses, that would be too good, right?”

Speaking of this, Gromash’s body was imposing, and he slammed on his feet. The whole person rushed to Kaido again at a very fast speed. At the same time, he announced to Kaido loudly: “Kaido, this world is not so gentle! !!”

Gromash said that he was not prepared to use these messy words to affect Kaido’s mind, but these last two sentences did distract Kaido, and the consequence of this distraction was that Kaido could not keep up with the rhythm of Gromash. .

A punch that wrapped Armament Haki slammed into Kaido’s heart, causing Kaido to grunt involuntarily, and his feet were also lifted off the ground by this huge force. The next second, Moria controlled Charlotte- Linlin also slammed a punch from the back, and slammed Kaido, who had been brought up by Gromash with a punch, to the ground again.


One left and one right, the fists of Gromash and Charlotte- Linlin hit Kaido’s body, and the same arrogant force walked towards each other, forcibly turning Kaido’s hit in the air three hundred and sixty degrees. The circle..

After forcibly suffered two punches, Kaido’s thoughts were instantly pulled back by him, and he stopped thinking about the messy words that Gromash just said.His eyes flashed fiercely, and the moment he landed, the strong force was He stepped on the ground under his feet, and the whole person also took the momentum of a raptor crossing the river, turned and pounced in the direction where Moria was.


In an instant, Kaido was like a dragon who had escaped from the ancient mythology, crushing Moria directly with a powerful aura. Kaido will soon be hammered into a pile of meat.

“Twenty years ago, you were lucky enough to get back a dog’s life. Now you have to come and die, I will send you to meet your former companions, Moria!!!” Kaido roared and stretched out his hands. Want to grab Moria’s equally tall body and tear him apart.

There was also a trace of cruelty in Gromash’s eyes. When he stepped on his feet, he also rushed to Kaido at a very fast speed.When he saw Kaido rushing at him, the heartbeat in Moria’s chest instantly swelled as if it was about to explode. , The sense of fear once filled his brain in a moment, the shadow that Kaido brought to him was too big, and the whole group died

Guang, he was fortunate enough to escape alive. For more than 20 years, before he joined the Frostwolf Pirates, don’t look at him mixing the name of Seven Warlords of the Sea, but after all, it is day and night. They are all living in the dream demon, and the fear and hatred of Kaido continue to entangle him, making him lose a lot of courage, dare not enter the New World again, and even make him afraid to get out of the demon.

Ghost Triangle Waters

But just as Moria’s defense line was about to be overwhelmed by this fear, he seemed to recall the time when he had just gone out to sea on Logue town, and his spirited self, even if he was the One Piece. Roger, he felt like himself. Can match

Thinking of this, Moria instantly broke her fear of Kaido in her heart.At the last moment when Kaido rushed to him, a coffin appeared out of nowhere between him and Kaido. The next second, the figure in the coffin It directly smashed the coffin board, rushed out from the inside, and rushed to Kaido fiercely. The cold light in his hand flashed, and it actually blocked Kaido.

Grabbing Moria’s hand…

However, in just a moment, the figure blocking Kaido’s road was directly slapped and slapped by Kaido. However, this short pause was enough, and the figure of Gromash caught up with Kaido’s figure and slammed Pressing on Kaido’s shoulders, with brute force in his hands, he abruptly pulled Kaido back to 0.

Kaido was also unwilling to show weakness. At the moment when Gromash was dragged by Gromash, he turned around very neatly with that force, and opened his mouth as a heat full of destructive power hit Gromash’s chest.

Fortunately, Gromash was also prepared for a long time. The powerful Armament Haki and Kirin’s scales shielded his chest, but he felt the pain caused by a dull impact.At the same moment, Gromash also gave a right hook fiercely. It hit Kaido’s head, and while flying Kaido out, he was also blown out by the heat.

After hitting the ground, Kaido was just about to get up, and saw an ordinary human-sized figure already holding a katana, falling from the sky, the target was pointed directly at his own eyes.

“Kozuki Oden???” Kaido greeted the sun and saw the guy’s appearance clearly. There was no doubt that it was the body of Kozuki Oden who had been dead for a long time.

But even though he was surprised, Kaido didn’t care about that. Kozuki Oden he was alive could be hammered to death, not to mention that he was already dead, and he had been dead for twenty years.

Isn’t it a monster like Charlotte- Linlin, after he died, it was preserved by Hokkubak. Kozuki Oden’s body failed to show too much strength, and was slapped again by Kaido from the air. .

On the other side, Gromash also grabbed his slightly collapsed chest and stood up.A blood spilled from the corner of his mouth. Gromash took a deep breath and forced himself to sink a little bit, and his chest bulged again. , Then raised his hand and wiped the Bloodline at the corner of his mouth, his eyes flashed with a trace of scarlet light, and he looked at 4.1 again

The direction of Kaido.

| Kaido also looked at Gromash at this time, and then he snorted and said, “Even if Laozi doesn’t get any benefits in your hands, but you Gromash don’t want to simply take Laozi, you think you are Can a waste like Moria work together to quickly solve Laozi? Laozi can fight with you for ten days!!! I just don’t know you Groma

Is there that time!?”

At this time, Kaido has already figured it out. The reason why Gromash had to sneak to the ghost island to do things, this behavior is also obviously directed at the leadership of several of them Beasts Pirates, for what? Doubt, just to catch him and Naval Headquarters by surprise

And once I postpone the time here, Sakazuki, who has recollected it, and the rest of his Beasts Pirates who are not on the ghost island, will certainly not stand idly by.At that time, the Frostwolf Pirates will definitely fall into war. He was in the state of being in the same state, and it was still in the war of being attacked by the enemy, and at that time, it was when his Beasts Pirates came back.

It’s machine!!!

However, Gromash showed a cruel smile and said, “Jiehahahahahaha, I admit that you are a lot stronger than before. Maybe you can really fight me for ten days, but Kaido, What do you think the other people I brought with you do? After getting rid of your subordinates, you can try again, can you

Nai will fight for ten days in the hands of our “Misty Ninja Sword Seven”!”

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