I Am Hellscream

Chapter 739

Chapter 739 Moria: Under Orochimaru, good at Impure World Reincarnation Technique!

Moria stood at the gate of the city, her conspicuous figure and a’famous’ dress made people around him involuntarily look at him, and at the same time, he recognized him quickly. If nothing else, this guy. It should be one of the remaining four gods and mysteries that have not appeared in the flower capital, right?

However, Moria didn’t seem to intend to go in now. Instead, she stood by the city gate and waited. The guards who guarded the city gate didn’t dare to go forward and ask about it, but they hurriedly told someone to go back and report it.

It didn’t take long before Moria saw the end of the road in the distance. Three guys dressed like him were walking in company, walking towards her.

“Is it here?” Moria whispered softly.

Not long after, Lu Qi, Drake, and Shiryu all walked to Moria’s side. Lu Qi looked at Moria and said softly, “I didn’t expect you to be the fastest.”

“Because I had done something in the ruins of Goten City not far away. After receiving the contact, I came over, but you and Drake, what are you doing recently? Why there is no news at all.” Moria smiled, somewhat Asked curiously.

“What? Do I have news?” Shiryu also smiled and said.

“Ahahahaha, isn’t that of course? There is a’human killer’ among us. Why do you think it’s you?” Moria said with a smile.

Lu Qi and Drake also laughed, and then Drake said, “Walk and talk, Grohh, Senju-sama is waiting for us.”

The four walked into the flower city together, and then Lu Qi and Drake also gave a rough overview of their two experiences during this time.

It wasn’t a big deal.After Drake left the coastline that day, he went to chase Luchi. The two went with each other and wandered around Wanokuni together. During this time, they also inquired about some related information, but more I was wandering around and didn’t do anything meaningful.

After all, Lu Qi is a cadre of the fighting faction. Although Drake has relevant experience in island management, in theory, he is also a “rule person. You expect them to get some great gains in Wanokuni, but it is unlikely. , Without causing trouble, Drake has seen Lu Qi stable enough.

Not long after walking on 277th Street, they happened to ran into Gromash’s group who came out of the General’s Mansion with the Sleepy Madman and was about to return to where they left off.

After seeing Moria’s tall body, Cromwell immediately spoke to Gromash, who was still fighting with the madman, and said, “Senior Senju, Orochimaru, and Nostalgia have arrived. They are just ahead.”

Gromash looked forward along the street and saw Moria’s figure. Then he grinned and said, “Your Majesty Madness, our Seven Ninja Swordsmen have assembled in the Flower City this time. What is the use of General Orochi and Your Excellency to get us, please feel free to speak, as long as the commission is in place, what is our business?It’s all done…”

Speaking of this, Gromash also glanced at the sleepy madman with a slightly deep look, and the sleepy madman, after seeing Gromash’s weird gaze, his heart jumped twice.

Obviously, through frequent contact in the last period of time, the sleepy man has also discovered that this Senju Hashirama is an extremely smart guy, and what he said just now, it is estimated that he has also sensed from his own body that he does not seem to be superficial. I am so close to the general-Kurozumi Orochi.

However, listening to what he meant, it seemed that they didn’t care about and wanted to participate in it, but it seemed that as long as the’price’ was in place, they would not refuse the business that should exist.

Thinking of this, the sleepy madman smiled and said, “Is this the creed of the ninja?”

“Hahahaha, after all, we are not a samurai class without so much loyalty, are we?” Gromash laughed and said, then without waiting for the madman to speak, he just continued: “My subordinates are here, today There are some things that need to be discussed first, please don’t ask the Lord Kuangshilang to go back and sit down, but also ask the Lord Kuangshilang to go back.

Think carefully about whether there is anything we need to do, and I will introduce them to your acquaintance in the next day…”

Hearing that Gromash started to’catch people’, the crazy dead man didn’t have to rush to join in the fun, and he was very witty and said: “I will definitely consider it when I go back next time, so (abeb) will leave today.”

After the crazy dead man left, Gromash and Moria and his party also met. Neither of them spoke in the noisy street. They just nodded slightly, and then Gromash took them back to the ground. NS.

In the meantime, Drake also took the gold bars from Nami very intimately.Although Nami was reluctant and wanted to take them back by himself, Drake, the honest guy, did not notice this.

After waiting in the courtyard, Gromash released Observation Haki to investigate carefully, and then smiled and said to Moria: “Moria, what have you done in the past two days, hurry up and recruit us, but we are already in the capital of flowers. I have heard of it!”

When asked by Gromash, Drake and the others were also very curious. After all, they hadn’t heard of anything, and Moria was also a little confused and said, “I didn’t do anything extraordinary?”

Cromwell took off the hat, then sat on the stone bench, smiled and said: “Don’t hide it, I heard that Kozuki Oden cheated the corpse. This kind of monsters and ghosts are obvious. It’s impossible. Let’s think about it carefully. It must be you, a wicked fellow who dug the Kozuki family’s ancestral grave, right?”

After Nami heard this, he was able to react. No wonder when the sleepy madman said this, Gromash and the others always gave a subtle feeling, so they already suspected Moria. ?

Reminiscing about the conflicts and contradictions between himself and Moria, as well as the zombies that guy made on the Thriller barque, Nami instantly confirmed that the criminal of the Kozuki corpse fraud case must be Moonlight: Moria!

When Gromash and the others asked about it, Moria also took off his hat, and said embarrassingly: “Is it spread to the Flower City so soon? It really surprised me, indeed, I put it Kozuki Oden’s grave house was opened…”

“You guy is really not shy about it. If you let the remnants of the Kozuki family in Wanokuni know that you did this kind of thing, you’re afraid you don’t want to get out of Wanokuni alive.” Joz looked at Moria, a little helpless. Opened his mouth and said.

“Hey, he didn’t do this kind of thing less. Didn’t it happen every time? Don’t forget, Wanokuni’s great hero-Dragon Slayer-Ryoma’s body and saber were all secretly opened by him. Yeah…” Cromwell joked with a smile.

“I think I’m evil enough, but compared to you, it’s still a bit worse.” After taking off the hat, Shiryu lit a cigar and said with a smile.

Lu Qi asked curiously: “Then where did you hide his body? I just wanted to ask, where is Charlotte-Linlin’s body?”

After hearing Lu Qi’s question, Moria raised the corner of his mouth slightly, revealing a wicked smile and said, “I’m not wasting time in my practice for more than two years, okay?

Speaking of this, Moria looked at Nami, then smiled helplessly, as if he had already let go, and then he said, “After the previous battle and defeat with the Straw Hat Pirates, I also have a deep understanding. When I got to some biased path, I also went astray in the development of ability, so I have been able to

Not only are you exercising your physical fitness and returning to the state it was 20 years ago, but also developing your Devil Fruit abilities in other areas. Since you are curious, let me demonstrate it to you.”

After speaking, Moria was ready to use his abilities, but at this moment, he stopped, and after thinking about it, he said: “Since you want to play a ninja, then use the ninja way.

When he said that he put on his hat, his whole body changed, and it seemed to become mysterious and weird.

Then he saw his hands knotted indiscriminately, and then pretended to say: “Summoning Technique- Impure World Reincarnation!”

As soon as his words fell, Gromash and the others saw some changes in the ground covered by their tall shadow in front of Moria, and a coffin that looked like a vagina slowly emerged from Moria’s shadow.

Gromash and the others know that this is not ninjutsu, but Moria’s shadow fruit ability. This coffin actually appeared from Moria’s shadow, but if outsiders don’t know it, just from the visual effect, it seems like This coffin board is “squeezed out” from the ground

“You’re a fucking genius, you make it look decent. Why? After listening to the story I told on the boat, have you started to imitate? Orochimaru?” Gromash said with a smile.

Moria also smiled and said, “Your story is really interesting. Besides, Orochimaru is my code name in Wanokuni, and it is also the character who manipulates the corpse. I can’t imitate it too much, right?”

“It’s fine if you are happy,” Gromash said with a smile.

At this time, Lu Qi was also a little surprised and said: “Unexpectedly, you can hide things in the shadows, so is Charlotte-Linlin’s body in it?”

“Well, that’s right, this is the new ability I developed. Its name is “Shadow Realm, a very good ability. Charlotte-Linlin’s body is now in my shadow.” Moria nodded and said softly.

At first glance, this ability does not seem to be of much use in battle, but when you think about it, it is indeed very powerful, and it is very suitable for Moria, maybe in some cases, give him some sufficient preparation time, Can he pull out an army of zombies alone?

“You guy has really become Orochimaru. Are you planning to join the army alone in the future?” Gromash touched his chin, looked at Moria with some emotion and said softly.

“Well, in terms of personal strength, people like me who have wasted more than 20 years of time have almost ended their achievements. If you want to be stronger, in addition to spending more time on the development of fruit abilities. You can only try the other roads, right?” Moria said with a smile.

Gromash was talking about these things to Moria, and Drake walked to the coffin board with some curiosity and said, “Here is the previous generation of Kozuki’s housekeeper, Kozuki Oden? That legend?”

Lu Qi was also very curious and leaned over. The two looked at each other, and then opened the coffin without hesitation. Then everyone saw a samurai’s corpse appearing in it, and Moria was even very considerate. Matched him with a samurai sword

“Is this Kozuki Oden?” Gromash murmured softly while looking at the corpse.

I never saw Kozuki Oden, a hero who was admired by Roger and Newgate. It was a pity for Gromash, but he never expected that he could not see it when he was alive, and he could see it dead. The corpse is still after twenty years!

Before Gromash sighed, Cromwell hurriedly stepped forward to cover the coffin, and then said with some dissatisfaction: “You have to borrow the power of Kozuki Oden. This is Moria’s freedom, maybe this His Royal Highness Oden also wants to strangle Kaido and Kurozumi by himself, I won’t say anything, but you move the corpse out.

The visit is not good, so take it back quickly.”

Lu Qi looked at Cromwell’s performance a little strangely, and asked, “No, you guys don’t seem to be such a nosy person, what’s the matter? You don’t respect Kozuki very much. Oden or something?”

And Nami smiled and said: “You take out the body of Mr. Cromwell’s old father-in-law who may become Mr. Cromwell in the future and look at it. It’s not bad that he didn’t go crazy on the spot…”

After hearing Nami’s words, Shiryu and the others who had just arrived in the flower capital all looked at Cromwell with a surprised look. Then Drake hesitated a little, and finally said, “Cromwell. Brother Er, even if you like shemales or little ghosts, I will respect you from the bottom of my heart, and go after your love with peace of mind.

We pirates are free!!!”

Cromwell almost died on the spot after hearing Drake’s words.

“Let me explain!”.

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