I Am Hellscream

Chapter 736

Chapter 736 What about the good love? What about the good storm?

The meeting with Kurozumi Orochi did not surprise Gromash. The guy really was just like Joz and Cromwell analyzed. It seems that the opponent’s strength is insufficient, plus the recent period, it seems that At the point of the “curse” twenty years ago, he was very eager to improve the strength and strength he held in his hands.


At this point, the appearance of Gromash and their “Misty Ninja Seven”, of course, made Kurozumi an unusual heartbeat, and even thought that this might be the’destiny’.

During the meeting with Kurozumi Orochi, Gromash also took off his hat very casually, revealing that “disguise”, a bit like Zhou Fangzun’s appearance.

Kurozumi Orochi originally had some thoughts of wanting to inquire about this kind of thing. Seeing Gromash so naturally took off the hat and met him frankly, he was completely sure that there was no such a master in Wanokuni in the past. It was a little settled for a little doubt in my heart.

Gromash intends to use the banner of Kurozumi Orochi to infiltrate Kaido’s base camp on the ghost island smoothly on the day of the’Fire Festival’. Naturally, I want to have a good chat with Kurozumi Orochi.

And Kurozumi Orochi also wanted to use the power of Gromash and their “Mistikage Ninja Seven”. The two also hit it off in this regard, and quickly expressed some intentions.

But this is also the initial contact. Naturally, it can’t really be clear about everything. It’s a simple cooperation, that is, the General Mansion pays to hire them, and the Seven Mist Ninjas can help Kurozumi Orochi to deal with some tricky things. .

This did not surprise Kurozumi Orochi. If he entered in-depth cooperation from the beginning, he would not believe in this group of guys who suddenly appeared, wouldn’t he?

In a courtyard of the Flower City, Gromash is enjoying Wanokuni’s food at the moment, and Nami is also sitting at the small table, adding wine to the old man from time to time, changing tea or something.

“Those two bastards went to the brothel again? There is really no ethics at all. Do you really like the oiran?” Gromash shook his head helplessly while drinking a little wine.

“Oiran is the most beautiful woman in Wanokuni. Cromwell cough cough. It is normal for Nara Shikamaru and Akamichi Dingza to be interested in her? Why? Could it be that Senju Hashirama, you also want to see it? ?” Nami asked after smiling.

“It will be the fire festival in another week. How can I have the mind to toss about these things? What’s more, I think the girl in front of me is more beautiful…” Gromash smiled, staring at Nami with his scarlet pupils and said softly .

And when Nami was said by Gromash, her face was a little blushing, but her personality was more bold, and Gromash would like to tease her like this, she had been used to it, and soon turned over Byakugan. Said, “Thank you very much, Hashirama-sama, but what you mean is that you are worried about the actions of the fire festival??

“Jiehahahahaha, it’s impossible to worry about worrying. It’s just some expectation. After killing Beasts Pirates, our Frostwolf Pirates will be invincible in New World. We can sink our hearts to deal with Marine, and that The One Piece’s throne seems to be beckoning to me too, I’m just a little excited in my heart, in the sea for more than 20 years,

It’s time for a new king to appear!” Gromash said with a big laugh.

“Don’t forget that there are still us, and Shanks’ Red Hair Pirates, don’t you? There are the Whitebeard Pirates and the bigmom Pirates, don’t you be too proud, okay?” Nami looked at Gromash so stinky, involuntarily I want to hit Gromash.

However, Gromash looked at Nami, and then he grinned, revealing an unruly smile and said, “There are strong people in this world, but there can only be one person who can be the king. That person is me, from beginning to end. , The forces you mentioned, including your Straw Hat Pirate Group, are really threatening to me~.?”

After Gromash finished speaking, he looked at Nami who seemed to be silent, then smiled and said, “Don’t be so tearful, maybe someday you will become heaven-defying gods? Jiehahahaha.”

After Nami heard Gromash’s words, the police took a look at Gromash and said, “Be careful, wait for someday this lady makes a beautifying trick and makes you capsize in the gutter, you won’t dare to look down on us so much.”

“Jiehahahahaha, am I? Then I am really looking forward to Nami’s beauty trick??” Gromash said as he blatantly looked at the different-dimensional gully on Nami’s chest, and then continued with a smile : “Why don’t it be reliable to take me into a different space…”

“What you think is pretty beautiful.” Nami said disdainfully.

Just as the two were talking and laughing, Cromwell and Joz also walked in from the courtyard door a little awkwardly. When Nami saw the two of them, he immediately asked: “How? The two bosses, did you contact Stussy for me?”

Cromwell smiled and said: “Don’t worry, we have passed on the news about you. After she knows that you are with us, she won’t worry much.”

Gromash is going to take Nami to play this “ninja game show”, but he doesn’t want to entangle the Straw Hat Pirates, and even Momosuke and the others should not meet each other, lest there be any troubles.

It’s better for everyone to play each one, and Nami also feels that since the goals are the same, then there is no problem where she is, so she chose to follow Gromash. On the one hand, the plan here is more reliable. And there are seven big masters, including the uncle Gromash, in the top combat power, it is enough to fight the Beasts Pirates.


On the other hand, it’s because I feel safe with Gromash and the others. Compared with Gromash and other “more reliable people, my friends in Wanokuni are simply too unreliable. Otherwise, it is also It won’t be what it is now, the captain has been arrested and moved bricks, can he still wander around?

“I said you guys, can you be a little more reserved? Isn’t it just an oiran? As for Tenten to sit in the brothel? Anyway, you are also the masters of our’Mist Shinobi Village’, don’t leave us Mist Shinobi Is the reputation of the Seven Knives corrupted, okay?” Gromash looked at Joz and Cromwell and said helplessly.

And Cromwell looked at Gromash with a look of’you don’t understand’ and said, “Oiran is a man’s romance, you know what a fart, not to mention that you Tenten is accompanied by a little beauty Nami, so naturally you won’t be like us. The same, what’s wrong with ninjas? Can ninjas not have feelings? We ninjas also have needs!”

After Nami heard Cromwell’s words, he almost didn’t jump up and give him a kick, as if he had satisfied some inexplicable need of Gromash.

“A full man doesn’t know that a hungry man is hungry,” Joz also spit out Gromash.

Gromash was so stunned by Joz and Cromwell, he said unceremoniously: “Now, I have reminded you two not to get together with that oiran, now what can I say’ man For excuses like romance, if one of you two accidentally “gets in” in the future, don’t blame me for not pulling you two at this time..

“Love always comes like a storm and suddenly, when you get caught, you just sigh? Wouldn’t you think that we would care about her identity as an oiran is a bit ugly? Are you kidding? Are we cautious people like you? ? Don’t look at people with a colored eye? Oiran is not a performer, let alone our pirates still care about this?”

Remwell spoke indifferently.

“Or, do you think we two will have any conflicts because of a woman? That’s definitely impossible, fair competition, no one can say more, right?” Joz also smiled and said.

Gromash looked at the two of them with an evil smile on the corners of his mouth, and said, “Really? Then I must have chosen to support you two. Since you two don’t care about anything, then go for it. Hahahahaha.”

If Gromash discourages something, Joz and Cromwell may not take it seriously. At this time, seeing Gromash smile so awkwardly and meanly, the two of them also think that maybe there is something like their own authorities in this. The missing mystery?

Thinking of this, Cromwell looked at Nami, and wanted to see if Nami, an outsider, would say something. Nami is ice and snow smart. Of course, I understand Cromwell’s meaning, but she didn’t think there was anything. The big deal, in her opinion, the second of the three pillars of the Frostwolf Pirates group is indeed worthy of everyone, even if this oiran is in Wanokuni.

Well, it won’t make Joz and Cromwell be discouraged, right? Unless Oiran has a problem.

However, Nami also feels that Gromash is a bit strange at this time.According to Gromash’s temper and temperament and character, generally speaking, he will not care about Cromwell and Joz, and even not fanning the flames next to him is regarded as his moral integrity. It’s all weird.

When this person was curious, he wanted to toss and understand everything, so Nami was also a turn of Mimi’s big eyes, and then walked to Gromash’s side with a gentle smile, and hugged Gromash’s. Arm, almost didn’t let Gromash suck into her different dimension gully, and then Nami said coquettishly: “… Now, Hashirama is big

Lord, did you find a secret that we don’t know? Or is there something weird about? Why are you trying to dissuade Joz. Ahem, the two of them?”

Gromash was enjoying Nami’s small bargain, and said with a smile on his mouth: “Love is free, but freedom also needs a price, but according to my opinion, the two of them don’t seem to care about the price behind, then I still What are you talking about? Just let them wave.”Hearing Gromash’s words, both Joz and Cromwell felt that there might be a real problem in this. They saw Cromwell sitting next to Gromash, grabbing a piece of sushi from the table and stuffing it. Entering his mouth, he chewed and asked, “I said, can’t you tell me something? That oiran is our enemy?

Later, you want to destroy the flowers? Or you are also fancy? Isn’t it? You have to grab this kind of thing from me? We have let you so many times! You should let us, too?”

“Laozi punched you to kill you, what is called letting? It’s as if any of you can compete with this uncle, and I didn’t see any oiran. Since you are so curious, then I will tell you compassionately. That Wanokuni’s oiran, Xiaozi, has an unusual identity…” Gromash cursed Cromwell first, then spoke again.

Said so.

When Cromwell heard this, he immediately said: “What are the identities of the two of us? So even if the oiran is heaven-defying, I can still make Brother Joz and I unworthy?”

Speaking of this, Cromwell, the unscrupulous guy, looked at Joz, this’honest man’, and immediately said again: “Brother Joz, forget it, I have the captain and you backed up, don’t you Forget, you promised before, even if I fell in love with Celestial Dragons (Zhao Zhao), you would lower your face and help me be a matchmaker, why? This little purple

Is it really Celestial Dragons?”

As soon as Joz heard Cromwell, he threw him directly, and almost hammered him to death here without a punch. Gromash also smiled and said: “How is it possible? Even if she is Celestial Dragons, If you really like it, we’ll go and mention it for you.”

“Then what status do I care about? Let’s listen to it?” Cromwell said with a terrible ass.

“Okay, then I will say, Oiran Xiaozi, her true identity is the daughter of Kozuki Oden, named Kozuki Hiyori. Uncle, then you two will just pretend that I didn’t say anything. When I kill Kaido, I’ll turn around and go to propose marriage to you two.

Said indifferently.

At this time, Cromwell and Joz both looked stunned, and even Nami showed an incredible expression.

Then Cromwell thought about the future that his elder brother will be a demon or something. The picture is so beautiful, it makes me shudder to think about

“Ahem, what? For the sake of brotherhood, I decided to withdraw from this competition and let Brother Joz find his own happiness first,” Cromwell said immediately after returning to his senses.

Joz also stayed on Cromwell’s shoulder and said, “Don’t worry, I’ve decided to become a monk like Urouge, so you can boldly pursue happiness, don’t care about me, Han”

Nami couldn’t help covering his head when they saw the two people changing their faces instantly. Sure enough, the Frostwolf Pirates are a group of unscrupulous guys. What about love? What about storm?.

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