I Am Hellscream

Chapter 726

Chapter 726 Gromash: Under Senju Hashirama!

Wanokuni, the Governor of Beasts Pirates at this time on an outer island called Ghost Island not far from the main island. Kaido was sitting in front of his seat, holding a big wine gourd in his hand, while drinking the wine, he asked the cadres around him what was going on.

“How did you go about what I told you last time? Quinn?” Kaido asked slightly sullenly.

And the pandemic eating grilled fish-Quinn turned his head to look at Kaido after hearing Kaido’s inquiry, and said, “Brother Kaido, it’s progressing well, but it’s not fully completed yet. The straw hat kid you like is still there. Mining, as for the hunt for the remaining members of the Straw Hat Pirates, it is also progressing well. We have caught a robot transformation man and a

A living bone frame, the others are searching, but from Peggy Wan’s report yesterday, it seems that he found another member of the Straw Hat Pirates in Jiuli, and he had already personally arrested him at this time.”

Kaido listened to this, yawned a little impatiently, and then said, “It’s not this, it’s about the Kozuki family. For some time now, there have not always been chaos with rebellious ideas on the island. The party?? How are these things that asked you to investigate??? Is there any gain? That Kurozumi snake always comes with me

These things are really daring. ”

After Quinn heard this, he turned to look at Yanban-Jin, and said to him, “You are responsible for this matter. You can explain it to Kaido boss.”

Jun Jin glanced at Quinn, then looked at Kaido and said, “Boss Kaido, in these days, there have indeed been a lot of steps. According to our investigation, it is very likely that the rumored Momosuke has returned to Wanokuni. Now it is called the “ghost of vengeance,” and the rumors and rumors from twenty years ago have begun to circulate again.

Many people say that the Kozuki’s people are starting to come back.”

Kaido’s eyes lit up after hearing these words, and he said, “Isn’t this good? If it is really the case, then go find me and find out that Momosuke. He may remember Did his father Kozuki Oden leave him something interesting?”

Just as Kaido and his senior officials were drinking and discussing this kind of thing, on the coast of Wanokuni, the seven weirdly dressed guys, Gromash, also landed in Wanokuni.

Speaking of it, Wanokuni is still not easy to come. The entire Wanokuni island is completely in the sea area with dense reefs and Uzumaki. Generally, it is completely impossible for ships to approach the coastline of Wanokuni normally. The ship was swallowed by Uzumaki and the reef and crashed.

Therefore, if a ship wants to board Wanokuni, it has to walk a “Dragon Gate” upstream waterfall. This is one of the important reasons why the World government has not been able to make achievements in Wanokuni for eight hundred years.

This is not only because Wanokuni has a strong warrior class, but the more important reason is that they have no way to board Wanokuni in clusters, and they don’t even know how to enter Wanokuni.

If you can’t even get in, it is naturally impossible to make too many other achievements.

Of course, this kind of problem is not a problem for Gromash and the others. God, they are all fine, let alone enter Wanokuni.

At this time, Gromash had already put down the gauze curtain on his hat, covering his face, and then he pretended to speak in a calm and strange tone: “Next, I must Go to complete the task assigned to us in the village, have you brought all the phone worms you contacted? Separately enter the Wanokuni operation and find related

The more clues the information…~.

Speaking of this, Gromash paused, then looked at the six friends he had brought, and then told him again-next: “Finally, let me emphasize that we are sneaking into the decapitation operation this time. Don’t do too much. Is it okay to Zhang? I’m not saying that everyone will be restrained, but I hope you can make less trouble, especially you

Shiryu, can you kill less people.”

Shiryu lowered the curtain on his hat, and said in an evil voice: “Gromash Jōnin, this Wanokuni is rich in “Slasher Demon.” Don’t worry, I will restrain myself.

Gromash shook his head helplessly when he heard Shiryu’s words. Then he didn’t care about that much. Instead, he clapped his hands and said, “Well, this is our “Wanokuni Secret Infiltration Organization-Ninja Ninja Seven”. For this action, I hope everyone can achieve their own satisfactory results, disband!’

As Gromash’s words fell, Lu Qi had already flashed an electric light, and his whole body disappeared. Shiryu turned and walked in one direction.Drake looked at the moonlight next to him after thinking about it: Moria, and asked. :” Moria, shall we act together?”

Moria shook her head and said, “For now, I still need to prepare Charlotte-Linlin’s body. Let me act alone.”

Drake nodded when he heard the words, and then stepped on his feet. The whole person disappeared into the area nearby at an extremely fast speed. At this moment, Cromwell put his arm around Joz and said, “Brother Joz, I am here. Before, I did some research. In the last few days, it is very likely to hold a Wanokuni oiran parade. The two of us will go ahead.

Take a look at the Flower City? If the oiran is really beautiful and beautiful, when you kill Kaido and leave Wanokuni, you can snatch her away and take her back!

After hearing the unscrupulous words of this guy Cromwell, Joz hurriedly said, “Isn’t that a gangster girl? Who do you think we are?”

“Huh? Aren’t we pirates?” Cromwell asked in surprise after hearing what Joz said.

This fellow Joz thought about it, it seemed like this, so he quickly said, “It makes sense, let’s go to the city of flowers!

At the same time, Gromash had already left the neighborhood. He reached out and took out a map of Wanokuni from his arms while comparing something on it. Soon, he touched his chin in the curtain of the tulle. , He whispered softly: “In other words, my current location is the coastline of Jiuli, which Kozuki Oden once held.

Where?? It’s okay to go around.”

While talking, Gromash put away the map of Wanokuni in his hand, and after changing his hand, he took out a large wine gourd from behind, which contained a clear and fragrant wine. Gromash unplugged the wine cork and filled himself with two sips.

At the same time, in the dense forest of Nine Miles, Nami, who had fled in Wanokuni for nearly two months at this time, was resting beside a huge old tree.

She has now put on a set of ninja clothes, and it does look a little more coquettish.

“If you don’t add more physical strength, you will have no strength.” Nami leaned on the branch of the ancient tree, and took out a meat bun from his chest gully called’different dimension space.’ It’s finished.

After contacting Gromash with a phone worm, Nami has been in this state of lurking, inquiring, and wandering. The’anti-Kaido alliance’ is not really completely disbanded. Momanosuke and the others are together, but I don’t know where Sanji got the news about Oiran.

After some analysis, Momosuke felt that this Oiran Xiaozi seemed to be her long-lost sister, so Nami and Stussy both sneaked into the Flower City to inquire about the news about Oiran Xiaozi. Queen of the Pleasure District, Stussy is still lurking as a geisha in the Flower City at this time, but Nami accidentally exposed her identity

, Peggy Wan, a cadre of Beasts Pirates, was chased all the way from the Flower Capital to the nine-mile jungle.

“Both Brook and Franky were caught, and Luffy is still locked up. It’s too much trouble. I can’t leave if I want to leave. I shouldn’t have boarded the island of Wanokuni.” Nami said helplessly to himself.

Then she took a water bottle from her waist, took a sip of water, and whispered softly: “How can I see Luffy and the others?”

At this moment, a voice with a feeling of cold blood and brutality came from not far away and entered Nami’s ears.

“Ahahahahahahaha, if I get caught, can’t you see those prisoners??” A punk-style hairstyle with a very fierce look in his eyes, and the whole person is in the orc state of Zoan ability The figure walked out of the jungle not far away.

The words’PAGE1′ are engraved on the chest. There is no doubt that this is the Beasts Pirates cadre who was hunting down the Straw Hat Pirates-Peggy Wan that Quinn said before.

After seeing Peggy Wan’s figure, Nami stood up very neatly from where he was resting, and then quickly took out three weather bars from the gully in front of his chest with one hand, and stepped back two steps, very vigilant. Looking at Peggy Wan, he asked: “How did you find me in such a big jungle?”Peggy Wan’s pupils gradually turned into the vertical pupils of cold-blooded animals, and then he spoke softly: “The sense of heat and smell are common methods used by Zoan abilities. The jungle is a cruel hunting ground.

Then, without waiting for Nami to speak, Peggy Wan took out a wanted order from his pocket, looked at the image of the character on it, compared it, and said with a smile: “You can’t be wrong, you are from the Straw Hat Pirates. Navigator, right?”

Just when Nami was about to quibble, Peggy Wan’s eyes flashed a cold breath, and in the next second, the tyranny of the carnivorous Zoan ability was revealed from him, and there was no time for Nami to talk nonsense. He slammed his feet, and smashed the roots of an ancient tree exposed on the ground. In the next second, others had already appeared.

Not far in front of Nami, with the claw-like palm of a dinosaur, he hit Nami’s side.

“So fast!” Nami was shocked, and the weather stick in his hand quickly connected together and resisted in front of him. Then Peggy Wan’s claws slammed on the weather stick, powerful The strength of Nami was directly transmitted to Nami’s body through the weather stick.

Zhong’s weather stick also broke away from her hands, and after flying around in the air, it fell into the woods.

After knocking Nami into the air with one blow, Peggy Wan licked his own sharp claws and said with a wicked smile: “It seems that the combat experience is very inadequate. It is really hard to dare to parry the attack of Zoan ability. Guilty”

At this time, Nami was leaning on the torso of an ancient tree, and his hands were trembling involuntarily (the king’s) because of excessive force. Looking at Peggy Wan’s figure, his heart was filled with despair, and he was going to be Are you caught in Kaido’s cage??? Sure enough, you shouldn’t come to Wanokuni!

Peggy Wan quickly walked to Nami’s side very calmly, and then stretched out his palm towards Nami’s head, trying to lift Nami’s head and slip away.

But at this moment, a drunken voice came from the trunk behind Peggy Wan.

“This little brother, it’s not a good habit to tease other people’s cats casually. It will annoy the owner of that house.”

Peggy Wan suddenly heard this voice, his expression changed abruptly, and even someone approached him such a short distance, he didn’t even notice it??

The next second, he slammed on his feet, and he didn’t care about Nami.He pulled a distance from the place where the sound was coming from, and at the same time he looked up at the figure on the tree trunk, one dressed in a red cloud style with a black background. The guy in the clothes, wearing a hat on his head, and a thin veil covering his face, looked very strange.

Peggy Wan was very puzzled at this time, but after Nami heard the familiar voice and words, he recognized who this mysterious guy was in the first place, just watching Gromash do it so secretly. , She was smart and didn’t open her mouth to break her identity.

“Who are you???” Peggy Wan’s eyes sank, looking at Gromash’s figure and asked.

And Gromash had long been waiting for someone to ask him such things, and saw that the corners of his mouth under the tulle grinned slightly, revealing an evil smile, and said softly and pretendingly: “Here is the fog shadow Ninja. The Chief of the Seven Swordsman-Senju Hashirama is”.

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