I Am Hellscream

Chapter 724

Chapter 724 Cromwell: My sweetheart…

As the days of World Summit began to shorten, Gromash also began to carry out the final operation. This time the raid on Wanokuni, the beheading operation against Beasts Pirates, the recruited officials also began to move towards the seventh. The base camp of Water City has returned.

As for the entire Beasts Pirates, it is worthy of Gromash’s serious decapitation, and only Kaido and his three plagues. As for the rest of the cadres such as “really hitting the “Taizhu”, Gromash has no interest in it at all, even if Gromash didn’t bother to pay attention to whether it was a volley six or five.

And this time it was a beheading operation, not a root-cutting operation, so there was no need to waste too much power on these little guys who couldn’t stand up. There were only four goals for this beheading operation.

The first is Kaido, and then there are the Three Plagues. In theory, facing these four people, Gromash will bring them Luchi, Cromwell, and Joz from the Frostwolf Pirates to solve them. .

But Gromash was in a hurry this time. Besides, he went to harm Beasts Pirates, and he didn’t go to Kaido to single out. Of course, he had to bring more manpower.

At the same time, Wanokuni can be regarded as a first-class power in New World. Kaido has developed silently there for 20 years. Who knows if there are any folk masters in Wanokuni?

And now the general of Wanokuni. Kurozumi Orochi is also a capable person of Eudemons, although it seems a little unreliable, but the specific information is not very clear, what if he is also a good master?

So on the one hand, to fight Kaido and the others, on the other hand, to be able to guard against the weird Gyūki snake gods who are likely to pop out of Wanokuni, so Gromash is also called a lot of masters this time.

Except for himself, Lucky and the “Three Pillars”, Moonlight Moria guarding Gaya Island will follow them to Wanokuni, and Drake from Beehive Island will also go there.

Shiryu, who had eaten the fruit of Huan Zeng planted and turned into a vampire, is already on his way back to the City of Seven Waters, and he will also join in this crusade against Kaido.

Counting the three of Gromash and Lu Qi, a total of seven people formed a team to clean the Wanokuni copy of Kaido.

It’s not that Gromash can’t come up with any more masters. The 260 Frostwolf Pirates has a large number of masters, and it is no problem to make up ten casually, but this kind of action still cannot require too many people, in that case. It is easy to expose one’s whereabouts violently.

At the same time, the remaining masters have to guard against Naval Headquarters. In case Dorag drops the chain on Gromash for him, it will be very uncomfortable and I have to guard against it!

In the Frostwolf Pirates resident in the Capital of Seven Waters, Gromash looked at the many cadres who were getting together, chatting and farting with each other, with a smile on the corners of their mouths, and asked Robin next to him: ” Except for Shiryu who is still on the way back, have the rest of the recruited people arrived???”

Robin smiled and said, “Well, although Drake is not here, he is a guest at Weber’s house and is ready to go anytime.

Originally, I was planning to take Weber to Wanokuni this time. However, since Weber had a baby girl named Wula, the whole person has been in a state of’abandoned house’. You want him to be in the Seven Waters. It’s okay to do something nearby. If you want him to go on a business trip, run a long distance or something, it’s completely impossible.

Fortunately, there was no shortage of manpower for this operation. Since this guy didn’t want to go, Gromash didn’t force anything, and let him take care of the nursing home in the City of Seven Waters.

“Then let the deep-sea guests prepare the ships. When Shiryu arrives, we will set off in secret. You and Monet will often show up in the City of Seven Waters to create a pair of our Frostwolf Pirates that doesn’t have any actions. At the same time, let Monet use illusion techniques to create the whereabouts of some of our disappeared cadres, and relax the vigilance of Naval Headquarters.” Gromar

After thinking about it, he spoke to Robin.

And Robin said after thinking about it: “Now there are almost two months before the World Summit. Is it appropriate to go so early???”

Gromash grinned and said with a smile: “Hurry up early or not late. From here to Wanokuni, the journey time on the road alone will take almost a month. If you encounter any unexpected accidents, you may have to delay it. At the same time, , After entering Wanokuni, we also have to inquire about the situation inside, never (abeb) can be like a blind man

, Go in and make a big fuss??? You have to create a suitable time, otherwise, if Kaido runs away with someone, shall we chase or not?”

Listening to Gromash’s explanation, Robin also nodded and said with a smile: “Sure enough, you are still the captain. You are considerate. Don’t worry, our deep sea broker’s ship is already ready and ready to go.”

“Ah, by the way, have you arranged the disguise clothes and other things I asked you to prepare?” Gromash seemed to think of something, and suddenly asked.

After Robin heard this, although his expression was a little strange, he nodded and said, “Ready, but Captain, do you really want to wear that to enter Wanokuni?”

“What’s wrong? Is there anything wrong?” Gromash asked.

Looking at Gromash’s innocent pupils that day, Robin wanted to spit out that those clothes were just like’outlaws’, where is suitable for sneaking in? But after all, she still didn’t speak, after all, she was not familiar with Wanokuni, in case it was dark Is the clothing of Red Cloud at the bottom really Wanokuni’s “folk costume”?

At the same time, on a bell tower in the holy place-Mariejois, this guy Dorag was also standing here at this time, seeming to have a bird’s eye view of the entire Mariejois.

Different from the mysterious dark style that Gromash used to wear every time Gromash saw him, this time Dorag didn’t wear a green cloak, but instead wore a noble costume, a small top hat, and The brim of the hat hides the lines on the face, and the whole person stands there without a bit of ferocious feeling, on the contrary, it is more gentle.


This is already the third day that Dorag has entered Mariejois. At the same time, he has also contacted some of the cadres lurking in Mariejois. Combining his own three-day harvest, he can roughly figure out the specifics of Mariejois. Situation.

Standing on the clock tower, Dorag retracted his gaze from a bird’s eye view of Mariejois, then took out a phone worm from his pocket, fiddled with it a few times, and started to wait.

It didn’t take long for Gromash’s iconic laughter to be heard from the phone worm.

“Jiehahahahahaha, isn’t this my good brother Dorag??? What? Is there anything I want to cooperate with?” Gromash asked with a laugh.

When Dorag heard Gromash’s ridiculous words, he also smiled, and then said: “There are things I have to tell you. There are indeed many people in Mariejois, Gromash, Marine, but Sakazuki, the marshal and Polusa. Lino, the veteran Admiral, has never appeared here. We only saw Fujitora and

The two Green Bulls, and some powerful Vice Admiral. ”

Gromash was silent for a while after hearing what Dorag had said, and then he said, “This is no way. Even if World Summit is important, New World’s Naval Headquarters also needs to leave one or two monsters. Sitting in town, it’s normal, but I don’t need to worry too much about it.

Isn’t it an empty base camp? As long as you, Dorag, help me get the Marine on Mariejois involved, the rest will be handled by the Frostwolf Pirates themselves.”

“Hahaha, I think so too, but listening to what you mean, are you ready to act??” Dorag asked softly.

“Yes, although it looks like there is still a period of time, but this demeanor can pass. I can’t wait for you to start messing up, I’m going to go??? And I want to go to Wanokuni to explore the way first Isn’t it?” Gromash didn’t hide anything from Dorag, so he said frankly.

“That’s right, I also want to explore the way in Mariejois first,” Dorage narrowed his eyes slightly and said softly.

Although their revolutionary army has been lurking in for some time, there is news about Bartholemew-bears and specific circumstances. So far, they have not been able to get anything useful.

Mariejois is divided into several areas, such as the administrative area of ​​the World government office, various entertainment areas, and places such as embassies of various countries, but the most mysterious area is called the “land of the gods”. There is a place that only Celestial Dragons and their slaves can enter.

When you are invited, you can’t step into it even one step.

Dorag and the others have been in this Mariejois for so long, and finally they can be sure that their partner-Bartholemew-bears, if nothing else, they are slaves in this land of the gods.

Therefore, Dorag needs a certain amount of time to formulate relevant plans, cleverly invade this so-called “land of the gods” and rescue Bartholemew, the bear can do it.”Then I wish you Mr. Dorag a smooth operation. Before you start, please be sure to let me know, so I can cooperate with you here!” Gromash said with a smile.

And Dorag said with a smile, “Don’t worry, I wish you all the best.”

After saying these things, the two big guys didn’t have any politeness, and directly hung up the phone worm. With a breeze blowing from the tower bell tower of Mariejois, Dorag, who was still standing here, was still standing here. His figure disappeared, as expected, he was called a “man like the wind” by Gromash.

Two days later, when Shiryu came to the City of Seven Waters, some late night, in the port of the Frostwolf Pirates of the City of Seven Waters, a group of people were mooring towards the port while taking advantage of the darkness. The ship in there rushed.

This group of people is Gromash and the group of seven who are going to secretly leave the City of Seven Waters and go to Wanokuni to engage in affairs.

This group of people walked quietly in this harbor, no one spoke, and the atmosphere was also abnormally weird, but at this moment, it seemed that some people couldn’t stand it, and saw Cromwell holding it in his hand. The lights were lit, illuminating the weird atmosphere of the dark night, and then complained: “What are you doing??? Although I know that this action is more

It’s secret, but this is our own harbor? Sick, right? Why do we have to make it so mysterious? Can’t we leave it freely?

Gromash, who was walking in the forefront, quickly turned his head and said, “Cromwell Jōnin, can you be a bit ninja-conscious?? We are going to perform the important task assigned by the village.”

Before Gromash had finished speaking, Cromwell was already intolerable. Cromwell was very humiliated and said: “I am not a Jōnin, let alone a ninja in the village. I am offering a bounty. The gem hunter of 1.730 million Bailey. Why would Master Cromwell play any ninja game with you in the middle of the night?

At this moment, a ray of thunder pierced the darkness of the night, and then the piercing sound of electric current passed into Cromwell’s ears, because it was originally one of the base camps of the Frostwolf Pirates, plus the surrounding They are all trustworthy people, and they are all masters of masters. Of course, Cromwell is in a state of defenseless and even very relaxed.

When he came back to his senses, he saw a palm mixed with thunder light hit his neck from the side of his head severely.

In the next second, Cromwell felt dark in front of his eyes, and his consciousness gradually dissipated, and at the last moment when he fainted, he seemed to hear Lu Qi pretending to say: “Ninfa-Lightning Style- Shock!”

“My sweet girl,” Cromwell murmured at last and fainted completely.

“Report Gromash Jōnin, Cromwell Jōnin is just because of too much pressure recently, so mentally a little confused, let him rest for one night” Lu Qi also seems to like the atmosphere full of S. 2 After knocking out Cromwell with a sneak attack, he quickly spoke to Gromash.

Gromash nodded with satisfaction and said, “Very well, Lu Qi Jōnin, let’s continue our mission and set off!”

At the same time, the other big guys all looked at Gromash and Lu Qi with mentally retarded eyes, and finally looked at the unfortunate Cromwell. After all, they still didn’t dare to say anything.

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